Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [Japanese] / [English]
[Invited Talk]
Saya; Steps towards Social Implementation
TelYuka (GarateaCircus)
p. 1
Attractiveness and impressions of attractive gestures and postures
Saika Yoshida, Nobuyuki Watanabe (KIT)
pp. 2 - 5
How can we do dance faces?
-- The face dance is aiming to be universal dancing. --
Rie Kojima (Kobe-W Univ.), Kyoko Ito (Osaka Univ.)
pp. 6 - 11
The effects of adding Emoji to text message on emotional impressions and memory of text
Momoka Suzuki, Yuna Sakakibara (Chukyo Univ.), Yuta Ujiie (JSPS), Kohske Takahashi (Chukyo Univ.)
pp. 12 - 17
Extroversion as a predictor of happiness on a posed smile
-- A laboratory study --
Ken Fujiwara (Osaka Univ. Econ.)
pp. 18 - 21
The effects of spatial location of visual primes for perceptual clarity of degraded speech
Kotomi Nishikawa (Chukyo Univ.), Yuta Ujiie (JSPS), Kohske Takahashi (Chukyo Univ.)
pp. 22 - 25
Psychophysiological reactions to live performance of J-pop music
-- Entrainment to the tempo and communication of the performer's affective interpretation --
Haruka Shoda (Kobe Univ.), Fuka Zenno, Mamiko Sakata (Doshisha Univ.)
pp. 26 - 31
Influences of types of lessons on children's music ensembles
Satoshi Kawase (YMF/Kobe Gakuin Univ.), Masahiro Okano (JSPS/Ritsumeikan Univ.), Yoshitaka Kumasaka (YMF), Chika Nagisa (YMF/Tokyo Coll. of Mus.)
pp. 32 - 35
Prototype report of interactive illusion experience systems
Yoichi Nagashima (SUAC)
pp. 36 - 39
Zhen He, Xinwei Dai (Univ. of Tsukuba), Toshihiko Yamakami (ACCESS), Sho Kubota, Tomoo Inoue (Univ. of Tsukuba)
pp. 40 - 45
Trends in Use of Tools about Communication with Families in ECEC Settings Ⅲ
-- The relationship between the use of ICT tools and self-reported burdens of the workers --
Midori Takahashi, Yumi Yodogawa, Sachiko Nozawa (The Univ. Tokyo), Tomohiro Seki (Pref. Univ. Kumamoto), Yusuke Murakami, Toshihiko Endo, Kiyomi Akita (The Univ. Tokyo)
pp. 46 - 51
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.