Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [Japanese] / [English]
Observation of arc discharges occurring between commutator and brush Simulating a DC motor by means of a high-speed camera
○Ryosuke Sano・Junya Sekikawa(Shizuoka Univ.)
pp. 1 - 6
Dependence of arc duration and contact gap at arc extinction of break arcs occurring in a 48VDC/10A-300A resistive circuit on contact opening speed
○Haruko Yazaki・Junya Sekikawa(Shizuoka Univ.)
pp. 7 - 12
An Extraordinary Long Lifetime Case of AgPd Brush and Au-plated Slip-ring System with Lubricant
○Koichiro Sawa・Yositada Watanabe・Takahiro Ueno(NIT)・Hiroyasu Masubuchi(NIDEC SERVO)
pp. 13 - 18
Sliding energization characteristics of copper contacts by molybdenum disulfide shot treatment
○Tatsuro Iizuka・Yoshitada Watanabe・Koichiro Sawa・Takahiro Ueno(NIT)
pp. 19 - 23
Sliding Current Characteristics brought about by Changes in the Silver Content of Silver Graphite Brushes.
○Naoki Fukuda・Ryosuke Kudo・Yuki Saito・Yuki Kawashima・Yusuke Takada・Koichiro Sawa・Takahiro Ueno(NIT)
pp. 24 - 29
Analysis of HDMI Mated Connector Electrical Performance Impacts on a Signal Integrity of the High-speed Digital System
○Kim Youngwoo(NAIST)
pp. 30 - 33
Fundamental Evaluation of Impedance Variations in the Connector Caused by High-Frequency Noise Propagation
○Hiroyuki Ueda・Shugo Kaji・Youngwoo Kim・Daisuke Fujimoto(NAIST)・Taiki Kitazawa・Takashi Kasuga(NIT,Nagano College))・Yuichi Hayashi(NAIST)
pp. 34 - 38
注: 本技術報告は査読を経ていない技術報告であり,推敲を加えられていずれかの場に発表されることがあります.