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Technical Committee on Silicon Device and Materials (SDM) [schedule] [select]
Chair Shunichiro Ohmi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Vice Chair Tatsuya Usami (ASM Japan)
Secretary Tomoyuki Suwa (Tohoku Univ.), Taiji Noda (Panasonic)
Assistant Takuji Hosoi (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Takuya Futase (SanDisk)

Technical Committee on Organic Molecular Electronics (OME) [schedule] [select]
Chair Toshiki Yamada (NICT)
Vice Chair Eiji Itoh (Shinshu Univ.)
Secretary Hirotake Kajii (Osaka Univ.), Toshihiko Kaji (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.)
Assistant Yoshiyuki Seike (Aichi Inst. of Tech.), Akira Baba (Niigata Univ.)

Conference Date Fri, Apr 21, 2023 13:40 - 16:45
Sat, Apr 22, 2023 09:40 - 16:35
Topics Thin film devices (Si, compound, organic, flexible), Biotechnology, Materials, Characterization, etc. 
Conference Place Okinawaken Seinen Kaikan 
Address 2-15-23 Kume, Naha, Okinawa, 900-0033 Japan
Transportation Guide
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on SDM, OME.

Fri, Apr 21 PM 
13:40 - 16:45
(1) 13:40-14:15 [Invited Talk]
Visualization of RGD sites for call adhesion at a molecular resolution SDM2023-1 OME2023-1
Tomohiro Hayashi, Hiroyuki Tahara (Tokyo TECH)
(2) 14:15-14:50 [Invited Talk]
Development of Organic Photovoltaic Cells Using Magnesium Oxide Formed by a Reaction of Molybdenum Oxide with Magnesium as a Cathode Interlayer Material SDM2023-2 OME2023-2
Hiroshi Kageyama (Univ. Ryukyus)
(3) 14:50-15:15 Time resolved measurement of transient impedance in thin film devices by extended and light synchronized time domain reflectometry SDM2023-3 OME2023-3 Masatoshi Sakai, Tomoaki Mashiko, Koki Takano, Akira Kaino, Sou Kuromasa, Shintaro Fujii, Tatsuya Omori, Kazuhiro Kudo, Hirofumi Mino (Chiba Univ.)
  15:15-15:30 Break ( 15 min. )
(4) 15:30-15:55 Device photophysics of strongly-coupled BODIPY dyes specifically designed for excito-polaritonic lasing SDM2023-4 OME2023-4 Sota Sumiya (UTokyo), Natsuki Tanaka, Masatoshi Ishida, Ken-ichi Sugiura (Metropolitan Univ.), Hiroyuki Furuta (Rits. Univ.), Hirotaka Okabe, Naoki Matsuda (AIST), Riena Jinno, Susumu Fukatsu (UTokyo)
(5) 15:55-16:20 DCM measurement of P(VDF-TrFE) spin-coated films for triboelectric power generators SDM2023-5 OME2023-5 Wu Qinyang, Taguchi Dai, Manaka Takaaki (Titech)
(6) 16:20-16:45 Preparation Method of Au Nano-Particles Dispersed Water Solutions by Solution Plasma Process and their application for spectroscopy SDM2023-6 OME2023-6 Naoki Matsuda, Hirotaka Okabe (AIST)
Sat, Apr 22 AM 
09:40 - 11:45
(7) 09:40-10:05 Solid-phase crystallization of Sn-doped Ge films on insulator and its application to TFT SDM2023-7 OME2023-7 Taishiro Koga, Takaya Nagano, Kenta Moto, Keisuke Yamamoto, Taizoh Sadoh (Kyushu Univ.)
(8) 10:05-10:30 Crystallization by Rapid Thermal Annealing of Sputtered InSb Films Deposited on Glass Using Ne SDM2023-8 OME2023-8 Tatsuya Okada, C. J. Koswaththage (Univ. Ryukyus), Takashi Kajiwar, Taizoh Sadoh (Kyushu Univ), Takashi Noguchi (Univ. Ryukyus)
(9) 10:30-10:55 Crystallization of InSb Films on Glass by RTA SDM2023-9 OME2023-9 Takashi Kajiwara (Kyushu Univ.), Tatsuya Okada, Charith Jayanada Koswaththage, Takashi Noguchi (Univ. of the Ryukyus), Taizoh Sadoh (Kyushu Univ.)
(10) 10:55-11:20 Polycrystalline indium oxide thin-film transistors SDM2023-10 OME2023-10 Mamoru Furuta, Xiaoqian Wang (Kochi Univ. of Tech.)
(11) 11:20-11:45 Optimal Tantalum Nitride Composition Investigation for Source/Drain Electrodes in c-Axis Aligned Crystalline In-Ga-Zn Oxide FET SDM2023-11 OME2023-11 Jesper Berglund Eklind (UU), Shun Ohta, Rena Wakasa, Satoru Saito, Naoki Okuno, Kenta Takatsu, Yuichi Sato, Tomoya Takeshita, Hiroki Komagata, Yumiko Noda, Toshihiko Takeuchi, Tatsuya Onuki, Hitoshi Kunitake, Shunpei Yamazaki (SEL)
Sat, Apr 22 PM 
13:00 - 16:35
(12) 13:00-13:35 [Invited Talk]
Research trends in high efficiency and long lifetime crystalline silicon solar cells and modules SDM2023-12 OME2023-12
Atsushi Masuda (Niigata Univ.)
(13) 13:35-14:10 [Invited Talk]
Crystallization technology of Si thin film by excimer laser annealing
-- Hoping to become some lesson from the past --
SDM2023-13 OME2023-13
Hiroyuki Kuriyama (TTE)
(14) 14:10-14:45 [Invited Talk]
Low Coefficient of thermal expansion PI film and it's Application to Flexible Device SDM2023-14 OME2023-14
Tetsuo Okuyama (Toyobo)
  14:45-15:00 Break ( 15 min. )
(15) 15:00-15:35 [Invited Talk]
Metal induced lateral crystallization of amorphous Ge on insulating substrate SDM2023-15 OME2023-15
Isao Tsunoda, Kenichiro Takakura (NIT, Kumamoto College)
(16) 15:35-16:10 [Invited Talk]
Double-gate thin-film transistors on glass substrates SDM2023-16 OME2023-16
Akito Hara, Kaisei Nomura, Akihisa Nagayoshi, Masahide Nitta, Syo Suzuki, Yuto Ito (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.)
(17) 16:10-16:35 Development of wafer temperature measurement system for non-contact temperature measurement during plasma process SDM2023-17 OME2023-17 Ryunosuke Goto, Kenshiro Horiuchi, Jiawen Yu, Hiroaki Hanafusa, Seiichiro Higashi (Hiroshima Univ.)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 15 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 25 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
SDM Technical Committee on Silicon Device and Materials (SDM)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address ※各研究会幹事もしくは担当者の連絡先を記載してください。 
OME Technical Committee on Organic Molecular Electronics (OME)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  

Last modified: 2023-02-15 22:27:38

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