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Special Interest Group on Audio Visual and Multimedia Information Processing (IPSJ-AVM)  (Searched in: 2006)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2006-12-14 to:2006-12-14'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 22  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Invasion Detection under Varing Illmination based on High Trust Motion Estimaion and Background Subtraction
Yuji Ino, Masashi Nobe, Kyota Aoki (Utsunomiya Univ) CS2006-48 IE2006-116
 [more] CS2006-48 IE2006-116
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Pixel-wise Motion Estimation Based on Mulpiple Motion Estimations in Consideration of Smooth Regions
Masashi Nobe, Yuji Ino, Kyota Aoki (Utsunomiya Univ.) CS2006-49 IE2006-117
This paper propose a pixel-wise motion estimation method that performs motion estimation in smooth regions where conven... [more] CS2006-49 IE2006-117
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Adaptive Pre-Filter for Image Quality Fluctuation of Intra-Frame and Inter-Frame
Tokinobu Mitasaki, Naoki Ono, Kazuto Kamikura, Yoshiyuki Yashima (NTT) CS2006-50 IE2006-118
In video coding processing, a pre-filter is often used for a high efficiency coding and a noise rejection as a pre-proce... [more] CS2006-50 IE2006-118
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Multiple-Image Rectification using Feature Points
Kentaro Matsumoto, Tomohiro Yendo, Toshiaki Fujii, Masayuki Tanimoto (Nagoya Univ.) CS2006-51 IE2006-119
This paper discusses multiple-image correction captured by linearly arranged cameras. Image rectification, which is the ... [more] CS2006-51 IE2006-119
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Super-resolution reconstruction using randomly subpixel shifted image sequence by iterative back-projection
Hiroyuki Misaizu (TEPCO), Minoru Inamura (Gunma Univ.) CS2006-52 IE2006-120
Super-resolution(SR) reconstruction is the method of restoring one high resolution image from two or more low resolution... [more] CS2006-52 IE2006-120
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. A Study of Expansion, Translation and Rotation-Invariant Object Feature Using Log Autocorrelation on Radon Transform Domain
Makoto Hasegawa (Kinki Univ.) CS2006-53 IE2006-121
Logarithm converted autocorrelation on Radon transform domain (LACR) is considered. When objects are translated in a pic... [more] CS2006-53 IE2006-121
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Geometrically Invariant Object-based Watermarking Using SIFT Features
Pham Viet Quoc, Takashi Miyaki, Toshihiko Yamasaki, Kiyoharu Aizawa (Univ. of Tokyo) CS2006-54 IE2006-122
Owing to the development of the Internet, digital content has become easier to access. In order to stop illegal content ... [more] CS2006-54 IE2006-122
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. A Scheme of Digital Ghost-Watermarking for Color Images
Hiromu Koda, Hiroki Iesaka, Shojiro Sakata (UEC) CS2006-55 IE2006-123
This paper proposes a scheme of digital ghost-watermarking for color images.
First we describe the basic algorithm of ... [more]
CS2006-55 IE2006-123
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Identification of fish kind using digital image
Yukinobu Nakamatsu, Kang Dongshik, Hayao Miyagi (Ryukyu Univ.) CS2006-56 IE2006-124
When you are fishing, you want to know the kind of fish which you caught on the spot. In recent years, researches are pe... [more] CS2006-56 IE2006-124
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-14
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Facial Feature Land-marking with Optimized Gabor Parameters based on Maximization of Separation between Features
Fan Chen, Kazunori Kotani (JAIST) CS2006-57 IE2006-125
Elastic Bunch Graph Matching(EBGM) is a popular method in automatic localization of facial feature points, where the sel... [more] CS2006-57 IE2006-125
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Proposal of a new distributing algorithm for Load Balanced Linear Switch
Nishizaki Hideki, Kenshin Yamada (NEC) CS2006-58 IE2006-126
To accommodate increasing traffic of access and backbone networks year by year, communications equipment such as routers... [more] CS2006-58 IE2006-126
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Burst Grooming Scheme on $\lambda$-Planes in Optically Burst Switched WDM Networks
Kouji Hirata, Takahiro Matsuda, Tetsuya Takine (Osaka Univ.) CS2006-59 IE2006-127
In recent years, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is emerging as a promising solution for high-speed transfer of bursty tra... [more] CS2006-59 IE2006-127
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Ray Data Acquisition Using Parabolic Mirror
Toshitaka Ichiyanagi, Tomohiro Yendo, Toshiaki Fujii, Masayuki Tanimoto (Nagoya Univ.) CS2006-60 IE2006-128
In this paper, we analyzed the distortion of the image acquired with a Ray-Space acquisition system.
The Ray-Space acqu... [more]
CS2006-60 IE2006-128
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Discriminating Network Applications by using Changes in the Compositon of Communication Data
Yuji Waizumi, Yoshiaki Nemoto (Tohoku Univ.) CS2006-61 IE2006-129
A person-to-person imformation sharing is easily realized
by P2P networks that serves are unnecessary to do so.
Leakag... [more]
CS2006-61 IE2006-129
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Reducing False Positive and Observation Cost in Bandwidth Usage-based Pulsing DoS Detection Schemes
Kenjiro Arai, Hiroshi Tsunoda, Yuji Waizumi, Yoshiaki Nemoto (Tohoku Univ.) CS2006-62 IE2006-130
Pulsing Denial-of-Service (PDoS) attacks seriously degrade the
throughput of TCP flow and consequently pose a grave con... [more]
CS2006-62 IE2006-130
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Multi-channel digital broadcasts over FTTH using frame structure for synchronous multiplexing of MPEG-2 TS streams
Takeshi Kusakabe, Takuya Kurakake, Kimiyuki Oyamada (Science & Technical Research Laboratories, NHK) CS2006-63 IE2006-131
For re-transmission of digital broadcasts over FTTH, we propose a synchronous time-division multiplexing system to trans... [more] CS2006-63 IE2006-131
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. A Prototype Development of Transmission Control System using One-Segment Broadcasting Terminals for Communication-Broadcasting Integrated Services
Hideyuki Koto (KDDI R&D Labs), Haruo Hoshino (NHK), Keigo Takehara, Izumi Okamoto, Tatsuo Shibata (KDDI), Hiroki Furuya, Hajime Nakamura (KDDI R&D Labs) CS2006-64 IE2006-132
This paper presents a prototype development of transmission control system using one-segment broadcasting terminals for ... [more] CS2006-64 IE2006-132
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Contents List Transmission Method for Push VOD Systems
Masaki Chibana, Daisuke Owa, Daisuke Ikegami, Shin'ichi Takagi, Hideyoshi Tominaga (Waseda Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CS2006-65 IE2006-133
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. A Study on Multiple Description Coding with Directional Filter Banks
Takaaki Ishikawa, Hiroshi Watanabe (Waseda Univ.)
Multiple Description Coding (MDC) has attracted a lot of attention to realize robust image and video delivery. MDC encod... [more] CS2006-66 IE2006-134
CS, IE, ITE-BCT, IPSJ-AVM 2006-12-15
Aichi Nagoya Univ. A Study on Quality of Recieved FGS Video
Yusuke Akima, Hiroshi Watanabe, Hideyoshi Tominaga (Waseda Univ.)
 [more] CS2006-67 IE2006-135
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