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Technical Committee on Well-being Information Technology (WIT) [schedule] [select]
Chair Tetsuya Watanabe (Niigata Univ.)
Vice Chair Takuya Nishimoto (Univ. of Tokyo), Noriko Okura (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary Atsushi Imai (NHK-ES), Kouichi Takeuchi (OKI)
Assistant Daisuke Wakatsuki (Tsukuba Univ. of Tech.), Masahiko Nawate (Shimane Univ.), Hiromi Watanabe (Univ. of Yamanashi)

Conference Date Fri, May 20, 2011 10:15 - 16:45
Sat, May 21, 2011 09:00 - 16:45
Conference Place Satellite Campus, Univ. of Niigata 
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Fri, May 20 AM  Visually Impaired and Blind (1)
10:15 - 11:45
(1) 10:15-10:45 Development of compositions of Kanji characters for recalling their shapes WIT2011-1 Tatsuro Arata, Kazuki Kishi, Toshimitsu Yamaguchi, Tetsuya Watanabe (Niigata Univ.)
(2) 10:45-11:15 Study on Navigation Messages for Blind People WIT2011-2 Kazuo Kamata, Tomoya Yamashita (Utsunomiya Univ.), Manami Okuhara, Tatsufumi Imai (Japan Signal)
(3) 11:15-11:45 Perception Characteristics for Visually Impaired and Blind People for Text-reading Voice WIT2011-3 Kazuo Kamata, Yoshiteru Matsumoto (Utsunomiya Univ.), Teruyoshi Fujinuma (ISTAL), Shunichi Yonemura (NTT)
  11:45-13:00 Lunch Break ( 75 min. )
Fri, May 20 PM  Hard of Hearing and Deaf (1)
13:00 - 14:30
(4) 13:00-13:30 A Basic Study on Learning Support System Applying Micro-Projector for Hearing Impaired WIT2011-4 Daisuke Wakatsuki, Ichiro Naito, Taichi Miyake (NTUT), Yohei Motonishi (Toshiba)
(5) 13:30-14:00 Information Assurance System for the Hearing Disabled People Using Mobile Device: Construction and Evaluation WIT2011-5 Sayuri Takahashi, Tsutomu Kimura (Toyota CT), Kazuyuki Kanda (Chukyo Univ.), Kazunari Morimoto (KIT)
(6) 14:00-14:30 Developing A Supporting System for Nursing Care Using Information Terminals WIT2011-6 Yukiko Sawada, Hiroetsu Sakai, Tsutomu Kimura (Toyota CT), Kazuyuki Kanda (Chukyo Univ.), Kazunari Morimoto (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)
  14:30-14:45 Break ( 15 min. )
Fri, May 20 PM  Hard of Hearing and Deaf (2) and Others
14:45 - 16:45
(7) 14:45-15:15 Differences of visual attention between deaf and hearing people WIT2011-7 Kanji Tanaka (RCAST/JSPS), Miki Namatame (NTUT), Fuminori Ono, Katsumi Watanabe (RCAST)
(8) 15:15-15:45 Improvement of HMM-based Sign Language Recognition using Phonemic Structure of Japanese Sign Language WIT2011-8 Shinji Sako, Koki Ariga, Tadashi Kitamura (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
(9) 15:45-16:15 Development of an interactive wearable tactile device for communication support WIT2011-9 Yasushi Kaibai, Hironobu Yao (FE), Kazutaka Ueda (RCAST), Tohru Ifukube (IOG)
(10) 16:15-16:45 Development of interactive system to assist rehabilitation of upper extremity WIT2011-10 Tomohiko Miki, Ryuichi Sugimoto, Shuto Murai (Shibaura Institute of Technology), Fumihito Kasai (Showa University), Michiko Ohkura (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
Sat, May 21 AM  Agent Simulation
09:00 - 10:00
(11) 09:00-09:30 The study on the spatial simulation about the basic property of the social dilemma WIT2011-11 Kentaro Tani, Yoshinobu Maeda, Toyohiko Hayashi (Niigata Univ.)
(12) 09:30-10:00 An artificial class model and a feature on the ``flat'' communication WIT2011-12 Yoshinobu Maeda, Nao Ito, Kentaro Tani, Terutaka Sato (Niigata Univ.), Kosuke Kato (HIT)
  10:00-10:15 Break ( 15 min. )
Sat, May 21 AM  Developmental Disorders
10:15 - 11:45
(13) 10:15-10:45 Mental Rotation of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders WIT2011-13 Keita Tomonaga, Masahiko Nawate (Shimane Univ.)
(14) 10:45-11:15 PC based training for children with difficulty of numerical concept comprehension WIT2011-14 Naoki Tsurukawa, Masahiko Nawate (Shimane Univ.)
(15) 11:15-11:45 Development of convenient oral reading and phoneme test "Easy Literacy Check (ELC)" for early detection of difficulty in reading of elementally school children WIT2011-15 Toshihide Kawaguchi, Masahiko Nawate (Shimane Univ.), Keiko Hara (Sophia Univ.), Hisako Ando (Ochanomizu Univ.), Junko Kato (Clinic Kato)
  11:45-13:00 Lunch Break ( 75 min. )
Sat, May 21 PM  Visually Impaired and Blind (2)
13:00 - 15:00
(16) 13:00-14:00 [Special Talk]
Transition of Assistive Technologies for Mobility of Blind People WIT2011-16
Yoshikazu Seki (AIST)
(17) 14:00-14:30 Visual Presentation of Traffic Signs for Vulnerable Road Users WIT2011-17 Ryota Kosa, Yasushi Kanazawa (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
(18) 14:30-15:00 Development of a Route Guidance System for Blind Pedestrians WIT2011-18 George Akiyama, Tetsuya Watanabe, Ken Watanabe, Toshimitsu Yamaguchi (Niigata Univ.), Kazunori Minatani (DNC), Manabi Miyagi (Tsukuba Univ. Tech.), Susumu Oouchi (NISE)
  15:00-15:15 Break ( 15 min. )
Sat, May 21 PM  Visually Impaired and Blind (3)
15:15 - 16:45
(19) 15:15-15:45 Evaluation of Findability and Discriminability of Tactile Symbols in Tactile Maps WIT2011-19 Ken Watanabe, Toshimitsu Yamaguchi, Tetsuya Watanabe, George Akiyama (Niigata Univ.), Kazunori Minatani (National Center for Univ. Entrance Exam.), Manabi Miyagi (Tsukuba Univ. of Tech.), Susumu Oouchi (NISE)
(20) 15:45-16:15 Study of recognizable graphic marks for the partially sighted. WIT2011-20 Tsuyoshi Oda, Aki Sugano, Kenji Miura, Yusuke Murai, Mika Ohta, Mineko Ikegami, Eiichi Maeda, Yutaka Takaoka (Kobe Univ. Hosp.)
(21) 16:15-16:45 Support programs and social support for the disabled persons in UK WIT2011-21 Aki Sugano, Mika Ohta (Kobe Univ.), Tetsuya Watanabe (Univ. of Niigata), Shinichi Kita (Kobe Univ.), Eiichi Maeda, Yutaka Takaoka (Kobe Univ. Hosp.)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
WIT Technical Committee on Well-being Information Technology (WIT)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Hiromi Watanabe (Uinv. of Yamanashi) email: hbe 

Last modified: 2011-05-04 12:26:13

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