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 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SANE 2022-05-24
Kanagawa Information Technology R & D Center, MITSUBISHI Electric Corp.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Radar system using different modulations
Fuyuki Fukushima, Satoshi Kageme, Kei Suwa (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) SANE2022-3
Development of mutually enhanced radar is underway. The radar enhances the capabilities of each other by utilizing the t... [more] SANE2022-3
SANE 2021-06-25
Online Online CFAR method in a K-distributed clutter environment
Fuyuki Fukushima, Ryuhei Takahashi, Kei Suwa, Wakayama Toshio (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) SANE2021-10
In this paper, a method to calculate the threshold factor of constant false alarm rate (CFAR) is proposed. In this metho... [more] SANE2021-10
CAS, SIP, MSS, VLD, SIS [detail] 2014-07-11
Hokkaido Hokkaido University A method of CFAR detection in the correlated clutter
Fuyuki Fukushima, Ryuhei Takahashi, Kazufumi Hirata (Mitsbishi Electric) CAS2014-36 VLD2014-45 SIP2014-57 MSS2014-36 SIS2014-36
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CAS2014-36 VLD2014-45 SIP2014-57 MSS2014-36 SIS2014-36
SANE 2010-01-29
Nagasaki Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum Ranging Estimation Experiment of Stepped Multiple Frequency Interrupted CW Radar
Fuyuki Fukushima, Teruyuki Hara (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Takayuki Inaba (Univ. of Electro-Comm.) SANE2009-155
In this paper, we show the ranging estimation results of the stepped
multiple frequency interrupted continuous wave (IC... [more]
SANE 2009-07-31
Tokyo Electric Navigation Research Institute Doppler compensation for stepped multiple frequency interrupted CW radar that can detect high speed targets
Fuyuki Fukushima, Yasuhiro Harasawa, Teruyuki Hara (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Takayuki Inaba (The University of Electro-Communications) SANE2009-48
 [more] SANE2009-48
SANE 2008-01-24
Nagasaki Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum Performance Estimation of Super-Resolution Estimation Method of Arrival Time of Multiple Coherent Signals with sliding gate by using Cramer-Rao Bound
Fuyuki Fukushima, Takayuki Inaba (Mitsubishi electric cooporation) SANE2007-108
We have already proposed a super resolution method for estimating the times of arrival of multiple coherent signals rece... [more] SANE2007-108
SANE 2008-01-25
Nagasaki Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum Evaluation of range/Angle estimation using Multiple Stepped frequency Interrupted CW Radar
Takayuki Inaba, Fuyuki Fukushima (MELCO) SANE2007-122
 [more] SANE2007-122
AP 2007-10-19
Aomori Hirosaki Univ. A study on super resolution range/angle estimation for stepped multiple frequency interrupted CW radar
Takayuki Inaba, Fuyuki Fukushima (MELCO) AP2007-98
 [more] AP2007-98
ITS, IPSJ-ITS, IEE-ITS 2007-09-18
Tokyo Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo Super Resolution Arrival Time Estimation Method with sliding time gate for Multiple Coherent Signals
Fuyuki Fukushima, Takayuki Inaba (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
 [more] ITS2007-23
SANE 2007-02-23
Saitama Nippon Institute of Technology Performance Estimation of Super Resolution Arrival Time Estimation Method Using MRC for Multiple Coherent Signals
Fuyuki Fukushima, Takayuki Inaba (Mitsubishi electric corp.) SANE2006-138
We have already proposed the time-of-arrival estimation method of multiple coherent signals using super resolution techn... [more] SANE2006-138
SANE 2006-10-27
Niigata Univ. of Niigata Super Resolution Arrival Time Estimation Method based on Time Gate for Multiple Coherent Signals
Fuyuki Fukushima, Takayuki Inaba (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) SANE2006-99
In this paper, we propose a super resolution method ,which estimates the times of arrival of multiple coherent signals r... [more] SANE2006-99
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
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