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 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IE, CS, IPSJ-AVM, ITE-BCT [detail] 2016-12-09
Ishikawa   Trial manufacture experiment report of the information terminal bus stop in the community bus "Notty" -- Citizen support station --
Roma Aburano, Kazuma Kogami, Kazuki Yoshikawa, Yousuke Miyanishi, Mikko Sode Tanaka (KIT) CS2016-60 IE2016-96
We have proposed information terminal bus stop. The bus stop has 4 functions which are Timetable and transfer system, ch... [more] CS2016-60 IE2016-96
BioX, ITE-ME, ITE-IST [detail] 2016-06-20
Ishikawa Ishikawa-Shiko-Kinen-Bunka-Koryukan Proposal for information terminal bus stops for the "Notty" community bus -- Citizen support station --
Ryoma Aburano, Kazuki Yoshikawa, Toshihisa Tomatsu, Tomoki Kitaguchi, Shoichi Oda, Tsubasa Takeda, mikiko sode tanaka (Kanazawa insititute Technology) BioX2016-2
In recent years, social issues including natural disasters and missing persons have become obvious. To solve these issue... [more] BioX2016-2
MVE, ITE-HI, HI-SIG-VR 2014-07-02
Tokyo   Effect on the Visual Function when Using the EYERESH
Kazuki Yoshikawa, Takumi Ohashi (Nagoya Univ.), Hiroshi Tahara (REMEDIA), Takehito Kojima (Chubu Gakuin Univ.), Yuma Honda, Masaru Miyao (Nagoya Univ.) MVE2014-30
Computer work time is increasing information has progressed. Further, the fatigue of the eyes by prolonged use of the mo... [more] MVE2014-30
HIP 2013-09-13
Kyoto NICT Keihanna building Accommodation and Convergence Simultaneous Measurement in Viewing a Long Stereoscopic Film
Kazuki Yoshikawa, Takehito Kojima (Nagoya Univ.), Hiroki Takada (Univ. of Fukui), Masaru Miyao (Nagoya Univ.)
Aichi Toyohashi University of Technology Effect of Viewing a Stereoscopic Film on the body sway
Kazuki Yoshikawa, Masaki Sakai, Tatsuya Sakai, Takayuki Hirata, Hiroki Takada (Univ. of Fukui) MBE2012-60
Recently, with the rapid progress in image processing and three-dimensional (3D) technology, stereoscopic images are not... [more] MBE2012-60
Aichi Nagoya Institute of Technology A Basic Study of Body Sway in Sitting position
Masaki Amemori, Kazuki Yoshikawa, Yasuyuki Matsuura, Takayuki Hirata, Hiroki Takada (Univ. of Fukui) MBE2011-72
A few studies report on the swaying motion of the body in the sitting position; however, these studies do not have evalu... [more] MBE2011-72
Aichi Nagoya Institute of Technology Effect of Web Hot Packs applied to the epigastrium on Multichannel Electrogastrograms in Elderly
Kazuki Yoshikawa, Ryota Kubo, Hiroki Takada, Yasuyuki Matsuura (Univ. of Fukui) MBE2011-75
 [more] MBE2011-75
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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