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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ICSS 2024-11-21
Kanagawa MUZA Kawasaki Symphony Hall (Kanagawa) Practical Implementation of DDoS Detection and Mitigation Techniques Using JA3 Fingerprinting
Atsushi Kobayashi, Masato Suzuki, Mitsuharu Sasaki (NTT-ME) ICSS2024-67
Application layer DDoS attacks such as HTTPS floods has been difficult to distinguish from legitimate traffic because pa... [more] ICSS2024-67
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) Improvement and Evaluation of Speech Content Coordinating Mechanism in Intelligent Dialogue Agent -- Toward Development of Comprehensive Preventive Care System --
Sho Hirose, Daisuke Kitakoshi (NIT, Tokyo College), Kentaro Suzuki (Kyorin Univ.), Masato Suzuki (NIT, Tokyo College) WIT2021-49
Our research group has been developing a Comprehensive Preventive Care System (CPCS) to provide habitual preventive care... [more] WIT2021-49
VLD, HWS [detail] 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) Development of a Test Environment for Attack-Resistance Evaluation of Matrix Direct ToF Lidar
Masato Suzuki, Daisuke Fujimoto, Yuichi Hayashi (NAIST) VLD2021-105 HWS2021-82
Matrix-type Direct Time of flight (dToF) Lidar, which enables high-resolution and high-speed acquisition of distance inf... [more] VLD2021-105 HWS2021-82
BioX, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, EMM, HWS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2021-07-20
Online Online (Online) International regulatory trend survey report on AI -- Analysis of Proposal for a Regulation on a European approach for Artificial Intelligence Ⅱ --
Naonori Kato (KDDI Research/RIKEN), Masato Suzuki (Niigata Univ./RIKEN), Yoichiro Itakura (Hikari Sogoh Law Offices/RIKEN), Yosuke Murakami, Katsutoshi Hanahara (KDDI Research) ISEC2021-40 SITE2021-34 BioX2021-41 HWS2021-40 ICSS2021-45 EMM2021-45
 [more] ISEC2021-40 SITE2021-34 BioX2021-41 HWS2021-40 ICSS2021-45 EMM2021-45
ITE-HI, IE, ITS, ITE-MMS, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2020-02-27
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Location estimation algorithm of letter in historical document by using word spotting
Rei Nagaya, Masato Suzuki, Daisuke Kitakoshi (NITTC) ITS2019-39 IE2019-77
At present, digitalization of historical documents is carried out to preserve the degraded documents. Digitalization wor... [more] ITS2019-39 IE2019-77
PRMU 2019-12-19
Oita (Oita) A Study on the Extraction Method of Handwritten Chinese Character's Structure Using the Simplicial Complex and Simplicial Approximation
Masato Suzuki, Daisuke Kitakoshi (Tokyo KOSEN) PRMU2019-49
We have been investigating a method to extract structural information of handwritten chinese characters, realizing how t... [more] PRMU2019-49
WIT, SP 2019-10-26
Kagoshima Daiichi Institute of Technology (Kagoshima) A study on Cognitive Training System based on Match-up Game with Tablet Device -- Impact of Improving Difficulty Settings on Encouragement of Users' Motivation --
Shion Sakamoto, Daisuke Kitakoshi (NITTC), Kentarou Suzuki (KU), Masato Suzuki (NITTC) SP2019-21 WIT2019-20
This paper reports how changes of the difficulty level design in our proposed cognitive training system have impacts on ... [more] SP2019-21 WIT2019-20
PRMU, CNR 2019-03-01
Tokushima (Tokushima) Recognition of Color Characters in Scene Images via Optimal Binarization and Distortion-tolerant Image Matching
Masato Suzuki, Toru Wakahara (Hosei Univ.) PRMU2018-130 CNR2018-53
This paper proposes an efficient combination of optimal binarization and distortion-tolerant image matching for color ch... [more] PRMU2018-130 CNR2018-53
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2018-09-20
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) A Study of Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Method Based on Detection of The Curve Endpoints and Quadratic Curve Fitting
Masato Suzuki, Daisuke Kitakoshi (Tokyo KOSEN) PRMU2018-44 IBISML2018-21
The local feature extraction used in general object recognition is one of the useful method to recognize
the handwritte... [more]
PRMU2018-44 IBISML2018-21
OFT 2018-05-18
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Report on OFC 2018 -- Optical fiber --
Hajime Arao, Masato Suzuki, Tetsu Morishima (SEI) OFT2018-1
This paper reviews the topics related to optical fibers presented at OFC2018 held at San Diego, United States of America... [more] OFT2018-1
ITS, IE, ITE-MMS, ITE-HI, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2018-02-16
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) A Study of Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Method Based on Feature Points Extraction Using Small Scale Space
Masato Suzuki, Daisuke Kitakoshi (Tokyo Kosen) ITS2017-83 IE2017-115
Recognition method using local feature extraction is one of the famous strategies to general object recognition. By cons... [more] ITS2017-83 IE2017-115
SCE 2017-10-05
Miyagi (Miyagi) Evaluation of NbTiN ultra thin film and application to the thermally-assisted nanostructure device
Kyosuke Sano, Masato Suzuki, Kohei Maruyama, Masamitsu Tanaka, Akira Fujimaki (Nagoya Univ.), Masumi Inoue (Meijo Univ.) SCE2017-30
 [more] SCE2017-30
(Joint) [detail]
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Low loss splice between large effective area ring-core fiber and standard effective area fiber with fluorine-doped cladding
Masato Suzuki, Yoshiaki Tamura, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Takemi Hasegawa (Sumitomo Electric) OCS2017-35
We achieved a splice loss as low as 0.08 dB between a large effective area (Aeff = 148 µm2) fiber and a standard Ae... [more] OCS2017-35
OCS, OPE 2017-05-12
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg(Tokyo) (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Report on OFC2017 -- Optical Fibers --
Tetsuya Hayashi, Takemi Hasegawa, Masato Suzuki, Tetsuya Nakanishi (Sumitomo Electric) OCS2017-4 OPE2017-4
This paper reports the topics of the optical fibers and their related technologies presented in OFC2017, held in Los Ang... [more] OCS2017-4 OPE2017-4
OCS, OPE 2017-05-12
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg(Tokyo) (Tokyo) [Special Invited Talk] Lowest-Ever 0.1419-dB/km Loss Optical Fiber
Yoshiaki Tamura, Hirotaka Sakuma, Keisei Morita, Masato Suzuki, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Kensaku Shimada, Yuya Honma, Kazuyuki Sohma, Takashi Fujii, Takemi Hasegawa (Sumitomo Electric) OCS2017-9 OPE2017-9
This technical report reviews the OFC2017 postdeadline paper Th5D.1. Lowest-ever 0.1419 dB/km loss at 1560 nm wavelength... [more] OCS2017-9 OPE2017-9
WIT, ASJ-H 2017-02-10
Ehime Ehime Univ. (Ehime) A Study on Encouraging Motivation to use Cognitive Training System based on Memory Game on a Tablet Device -- Score Feedback and Adjustment of Game Difficulty --
Daisuke Kitakoshi, Shumpei Shimizu (NIT, Tokyo), Kentaro Suzuki (Kyorin UNIV), Masato Suzuki (NIT, Tokyo) WIT2016-67
Our research group investigates a cognitive training system using a memory game on tablet devices that allows older adul... [more] WIT2016-67
ITS 2015-06-06
Fukuoka Kyushu Univ. (Fukuoka) A Study on Time-Space Interference Cancellation Using Array Antenna and OMF for Inter Vehicle Communications
Masato Suzuki, Ryuji Kohno (YNU) ITS2015-1
This paper proposes interference cancellation system using array antenna and orthogonal matched filter (OMF)
to reduce... [more]
 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
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