Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2006] | [2007] | [2008] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [Japanese] / [English]
Evaluation of transmission characteristic on relative humidity for flexible printed circuit board in microwave band
Akihisa Tsuchiya, Hideaki Sugama, Masami Sakurai, Naomi Hidaka (Kanagawa Ind. Tech Center), Osamu Hashimoto (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
pp. 1 - 5
Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structures Using Open Stubs for Miniaturization of Unit Cell Size
Hiroshi Toyao, Noriaki Ando (NEC Corp.)
pp. 7 - 11
OFDM signal transmission characteristic of the high-speed power line communication system
Toru Yamagata, Satoshi Hosoya, Masamitsu Tokuda (Tokyo City Univ), Takashi Matsuo (Sumitomo Electric Ind, Ltd.)
pp. 13 - 18
Study on EMC problem of medical electronic equipment caused by wideband electromagnetic wave-source
Kengo Kitaichi (Tokyo City Univ.), Shinobu Ishigami, Kenichi Takizawa, Yasushi Matsumoto, Kiyoshi Hamaguchi (NICT), Masamitsu Tokuda (Tokyo City Univ.)
pp. 19 - 24
Radiated Electric Field from a Solar Cell Module Set on the Ground Plane
Ryosuke Hasegawa, Mariko Tomisawa, Masamitsu Tokuda (Tokyo City Univ.)
pp. 25 - 30
Immunity Test of IP Device against Burst Impulsive Noises
Naomichi Nakamura, Yoshiharu Akiyama, Yasunao Suzuki, Ryuichi Kobayashi (NTT)
pp. 31 - 34
A Study on Shield Structure of a Connector Substrate with Single Point Ground Plane Connection
Satoshi Yoneda (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Takefumi Kumamoto (Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Co.Ltd.), Chiharu Miyazaki, Naoto Oka (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
pp. 35 - 39
Influence of decoupling device on current distribution
-- Examination by simulation and measurement --
Kazuya Kumehara (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.), Koichiro Masuda (Tokyo Univ. of Sci./NEC), Kohji Koshiji (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)
pp. 41 - 44
De-embedding of Board Parasitics with T-Parameters for S-Parameter Measurements of Integrated Circuits on PCB
-- Examinations in One-port Measurements --
Kazuki Maeda, Kengo Iokibe, Yoshitaka Toyota, Ryuji Koga (Okayama Univ.)
pp. 45 - 50
Study for extracting the characteristics of LSI power supply at high frequency including the parasitic coupling between package and chip
Tomohiro Kita, Yuichi Mabuchi, Hiroshi Tanaka, Takashi Hisakado, Osami Wada (Kyoto Univ.), Atsushi Nakamura (Renesas Tech.)
pp. 51 - 56
Uncertainty of GHz-Band Whole-Body Average SARs in Infants Based on Kaup Indicies
Hironobu Miwa, Akimasa Hirata, Osamu Fujiwara (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Tomoaki Nagaoka, Soichi Watanabe (NICT)
pp. 57 - 61
In-vivo Measurement of Dielectric Properties for Humane Body Tissue
Yusuke Sato, Akimasa Hirata, Osamu Fujiwara (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
pp. 63 - 68
Analysis of Temperature Rise in Rats for 1.5-GHz Microwave Exposure
Yuya Kanai, Akimasa Hirata, Osamu Fujiwara (Nagoya Inst. Tech.), Hiroshi Masuda (Univ. Bordeaux), Hiroki Kawai (NICT), Takuji Arima (NICT/Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Soichi Watanabe (NICT)
pp. 69 - 74
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.