Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2012] | [2013] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [Japanese] / [English]
A Study on Automatic Conversion of CCM to HCM
-- Event Races and Conversion of Analysis Blocks --
Akira Takura (Jumonji Univ.), Tadashi Ohta
pp. 1 - 6
Implementation of an acoustic localization method for calling frog using a wireless sensor network
Yasuharu Hirano, Takuya Iwai, Daichi Kominami, Masayuki Murata (Osaka Univ.)
pp. 7 - 12
QoE Assessment of Operability in Remote Robot Control with Force Feedback
Kazuya Suzuki, Yoshihiro Maeda, Yutaka Ishibashi, Norishige Fukushima (NIT)
pp. 13 - 18
[Invited Lecture]
Overview of the white paper produced by TTC Ad Hoc Group on Future Mobile Networking
Tetsushi Matsuda, Takashi Nishitani, Fumiki Hasegawa, Masatoshi Katayama (Mitsubishi Electric)
pp. 19 - 21
[Invited Lecture]
The status of the studies on 3GPP Service and System Aspects towards the 5G era
Daisuke Yokota (SoftBank Mobile)
pp. 23 - 26
[Invited Lecture]
Inter-vehicle Communications: Research Challenges & Opportunities
Celimuge Wu, Satoshi Ohzahata (UEC), Yusheng Ji (NII), Toshihiko Kato (UEC)
pp. 27 - 32
[Invited Lecture]
A Study on Applicability of Media Access Control Method SP-MAC based on Synchronization Phenomena of Coupled Oscillators for Real-time Communication over WLAN
Hiroyasu Obata, Ryo Hamamoto, Chisa Takano, Kenji Ishida (Hiroshima City Univ.)
pp. 33 - 38
[Invited Lecture]
Performance evaluation of unlicensed band access for future radio access mobile optical network
Riichi Kudo, Hirantha Abeysekera, Yasushi Takatori, Takeo Ichikawa, Masato Mizoguchi (NTT), Hiroto Yasuda, Yasufumi Morioka, Akira Yamada, Yoshifumi Morihiro, Yukihiko Okumura (NTT DOCOMO)
pp. 39 - 44
[Invited Talk]
The Challenges in 5G Mobile Network Architecture
Akihiro Nakao (Univ. of Tokyo)
p. 45
[Invited Talk]
Network Architecture and Applications Based on Assurance Network Design Principle
Yoshiaki Kakuda (Hiroshima City Univ.)
pp. 47 - 52
[Invited Talk]
Wireless Access Schemes and Its Applications
-- From Ultrasound Communication to Optical Wireless Communication --
Shigeru Shimamoto (Waseda Univ.)
p. 53
Using Signal Strength to prevent sessinon hijacking in IEEE 802.11
Nariaki Tamaki, Takehiro Kawata (NTT)
pp. 55 - 60
QoS Characteristics of Link Aggregation in Heterogeneous Multiple Robots with WLAN for Cooperative Mobility
Hidemasa Komatsubara, Tutomu Murase, Kazuyuki Sasajima (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 61 - 66
A Mobile Agent Migration Mechanism Considering Location and Moving Direction of Mobile Nodes for Information Dissemination Scheme in VANETs
Takeshi Hashimoto, Junichi Aoki, Tomoyuki Ohta, Yoshiaki Kakuda (Hiroshima City Univ.)
pp. 67 - 71
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.