IEICE Technical Report

Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685      Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 115, Number 501

Information Security

Workshop Date : 2016-03-10 - 2016-03-11 / Issue Date : 2016-03-03


[TOP] | [2012] | [2013] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

Studies on Sudoku Puzzle Based on Coding Theory
Nobumasa Nanami, Shinsuke Hirano, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi (UEC)
pp. 1 - 6

Acceleration of the Arimoto algorithm for computation of random coding exponent function
Hiroki Watanabe, Hiroshi Nagaoka (UEC)
pp. 7 - 12

Redundancy of Bayesian Code with Markov Fractal Prior Distributions
Naoya Matsukami, Tsutomu Kawabata (UEC)
pp. 13 - 17

Bayesian Estimation of the Virus Source of an Infection in a Network Using Any Prior Distribution
Ryousuke Kido, Tetsunao Matsuta, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Tomohiko Uyematsu (Tokyo Tech.)
pp. 19 - 24

Performance Evaluation on Service Area Constitution for Position Detection Method using Two Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Hiroyasu Ishikawa, Shin Herai, Shunsuke Sato (Nihon Univ.)
pp. 25 - 30

A Study on PAPR Reduction based on Iterative PTS without Side Information in OFDM Systems
Moeko Yoshida, Teruyuki Miyajima (Ibaraki Univ.)
pp. 31 - 36

Application of MUI cancellers using bipolar MPSC in CDMA radio communication systems
Hiroki Sato, Shinichiro Miyazaki, Tomoko K. Matsushima, Kotoku Omura, Shoichiro Yamasaki (Polytechnic Univ.)
pp. 37 - 42

A Synchronization Method using Fixed-Symbol for Insertion/Deletion/Substitution Channels
Ryo Shibata, Gou Hosoya, Hiroyuki Yashima (TUS)
pp. 43 - 48

Relations Between Conditional Shannon Entropy and Expectation of Norm and Their Applications
Yuta Sakai, Ken-ichi Iwata (Univ. of Fukui)
pp. 49 - 54

The Minimum Codelength of Multiple-Uniprior Index Coding
Masaru Takahashi, Tetsunao Matsuta, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Tomohiko Uyematsu (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 55 - 60

Intrinsic Randomness Problem for Correlated General Sources
Tomohiko Uyematsu, Tetsunao Matsuta (Tokyo Tech.)
pp. 61 - 66

Revisiting Isomorphism of Polynomials with Two Secrets
Bagus Santoso (UEC)
pp. 67 - 74

Improvement in detection performance of Tardos's fingerprinting code using detailed score distribution
Ryo Inoue, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi (UEC)
pp. 75 - 80

Collision-Free Rainbow Table Structure
Yuki Tabata, Keisuke Iwai, Hidema Tanaka, Takakazu Kurokawa (NDA)
pp. 81 - 88

Message Preprocessing for MD Hash Functions
Hidenori Kuwakado (Kansai Univ.), Shoichi Hirose (Univ. of Fukui)
pp. 89 - 93

A Multiplier Architecture for Finite Field of 254bit-Prime Square Order Based on Pipelined 32bit Montgomery Multipliers
Yusuke Nagahama, Daisuke Fujimoto, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)
pp. 95 - 100

Distance and Correlation Properties for Constant-Weight Codes from an (11,5,2)-Cyclic Difference Set
Takayasu Kaida (Kinki Univ.), Junru Zheng (Kyuhsu Women's Univ.)
pp. 101 - 106

The Effective Method of Improving Berlekamp-Preparata Convolutional Codes Decoding by Tail-Biting Technology
Tianyi Zhang, Masato Kitakami (Chiba Univ.)
pp. 107 - 112

On the bit error probability for constant log-MAP decoding of convolutional codes
Hideki Yoshikawa (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.)
pp. 113 - 117

Algebraic Construction of KV Trellises for Linear Block Codes
Masato Tajima
pp. 119 - 124

Improved Key Rate of the Semi-Quantum Key Distribution Protocol
Kento Yamada, Ryutaroh Matumoto (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 125 - 130

Secrecy Rates for the Gaussian Wiretap Channel with an Energy Transfer Cooperative Jammer
Tomoya Komiyama, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Tetsunao Matsuta, Tomohiko Uyematsu (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 131 - 136

Fundamental Properties on a Secret-key Cryptosystem with Guessing Secrecy for Plaintexts and Keys
Shota Kamiya, Hiroki Koga (Tsukuba Unv.)
pp. 137 - 142

Evaluation of the Joint Capacity of Digital Fingerprinting Codes against the Interleaving Attack
Hiroki Koga, Kaoru Itabashi (Univ. Tsukuba)
pp. 143 - 148

[Invited Talk] Security of quantum cryptography and the hash function
Toyohiro Tsurumaru (Mitsubishi Electric)
p. 149

studies on evaluating system for q-ary linear block codes based on q-input r-output symmetric channels
Tomohiro Fujikawa, Yamaguchi Kazuhiko (UEC)
pp. 151 - 156

Performance Analysis of Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes on Channels with Memory
Takuya Okazaki, Kenta Kasai (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 157 - 162

An improvement of sum-product decoding of LDPC codes by a local search method
Yuki Kawauchi, Hiroshi Enoki, Kohtaro Watanabe, Seiji Kataoka (NDA)
pp. 163 - 168

Construction of WOM codes for multilevel flash memories based of integer programming
Yoju Fujino, Tadashi Wadayama (NIT)
pp. 169 - 174

Asymptotics Zero Error Capacity on Nearest Neighbor Error Channels with Multilevel Alphabet
Takafumi Nakano, Tadashi Wadayama (NIT)
pp. 175 - 180

Reconsideration of Fail-Stop Signature Schemes and Their UC-Security
Masahiro Nomura (Ex-Chiba Univ.), Katsuhiro Nakamura (Chiba Univ.)
pp. 181 - 188

Expressive Attribute-Based Encryption with Fast Decryption
Tsuchida Hikaru, Kanayama Naoki, Nishide Takashi, Okamoto Eiji (Univ. of Tsukuba)
pp. 189 - 195

Provable Secure Decentralized Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption on Non-Programmable Random Oracle Model
Tsuchida Hikaru, Kanayama Naoki, Nishide Takashi, Okamoto Eiji (Univ. of Tsukuba)
pp. 197 - 204

Performance Comparison of Multivariate Polynomial Encryption Schemes SRP and ABC
Takanori Yasuda (ISIT), Kouichi Sakurai (Kyushu Univ.)
pp. 205 - 210

k-Anonymization Techinque for Encrypted Data
Masayuki Yoshino, Hisayoshi Sato, Ken Naganuma, Yasuko Fukuzawa (Hitachi)
pp. 211 - 217

[Invited Talk] A Brief Overview and Survey on Some Advanced Cryptographic Primitives and Tools
Takahiro Matsuda (AIST)
p. 219

[Invited Talk] Refined Analysis of Optimum Coding Rate for Channels with States
Hideki Yagi (Univ. of Electro-Communications)
pp. 221 - 228

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan