Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [2024] | [Japanese] / [English]
Examining the Possibility of Using Minecraft for English Language Education
Yasushi Tsubota (KIT), Eiji Tomida (Ehime Univ.)
pp. 1 - 6
[Invited Lecture]
Making Scratch Game Projects for Learning Interface Programming
Hirotaka UOI (O.E.C.U.)
pp. 7 - 10
Jointly Producing A SDGs Learning Environment Using Minecraft with University Students
-- A Case Study on Ehime University Environmental ESD Instructor Training Curriculum --
Osamu Kobayashi, Eiji Tomida (Ehime Univ.)
pp. 11 - 13
Effect of Afterschool Project using Minecraft and Discord
-- A Case Study on Aidai Minecraft --
Eiji Tomida (Ehime Univ.), Yasushi Tsubota (KIT)
pp. 14 - 16
Interactions among Speakers of English as a Lingua Franca in Collaborative Work with Plastic Blocks
Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU), Midori Tanimura (Ritsumeikan University), Etsuko Yoshida (Mie University)
pp. 17 - 18
Changes in Language Production in the Retelling by Japanese EFL Learners
-- Focusing on Lexical and Syntactic Complexity --
Kimie Seki, Mayu Hamada, Hirokazu Yokokawa (Kobe Univ.)
pp. 19 - 24
Enhancement of Speech and Reading Comprehension Activities Based on Reflection of English Extensive Reading and Oral Reports
-- A Study on the Construction of a Loop Organically Connecting Out-of-Class Extensive Reading and In-Class Activities --
Yoshitaka Sugimoto (TGU), Yasushi Tsubota (KIT)
pp. 25 - 29
Vocabulary Analysis of Videos for Learning Yoga in English
Junko Matsuzaki Carreira (TKU)
pp. 30 - 35
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.