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Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE)  (Searched in: 2010)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2011-01-27 to:2011-01-27'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 25  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Neural architecture of the intraretinal circuit of the isthmo-optic system
Atsushi Ijiri, Hiroshi Ohno, Hiroyuki Uchiyama (Kagoshima Univ.) MBE2010-78
Isthmo-optic (IO) neurons located in the isthmus of the avian brain project to the contralateral retina, and increase th... [more] MBE2010-78
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Fanctional significance of the isthmo-optic system in visual search
Ryuki Kodama, Satoshi Kanasaka, Hiroshi Ohno, Hiroyuki Uchiyama (Kagoshima Univ.) MBE2010-79
There are centrifugal systems to the retina in the vertebrate visual system. Particularly birds have the most well-devel... [more] MBE2010-79
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Slow-inactivation of voltage-gated Na+ current and spike firing in rat retinal neurons
Sho Harabe, Tamami Motomura, Yuki Hayashida, Nobuki Murayama (Kumamoto Univ) MBE2010-80
Ganglion cells located at the output of vertebrate retina encode the computational results of the neural circuit into el... [more] MBE2010-80
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Measurement and Analysis of Spontaneous Activity emerging in Miniature Neuronal Networks consisted of Rat Hippocampal Cells
Lui Yoshida, Aki Saito, Hiroyuki Moriguchi, Kiyoshi Kotani, Yasuhiko Jimbo (Univ. of Tokyo) MBE2010-81
One of the methods for exploring the principles of large neuronal network systems consisted of hundreds of millions of c... [more] MBE2010-81
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Examination of Stimulation for Brain-Computer Communication System -- Frequency and Number of Stimuli --
Masatomo Yahata, Tomohiko Igasaki, Yuki Hayashida, Nobuki Murayama (Kumamoto Univ) MBE2010-82
We attempt to develop an EEG-based brain-computer communication system (BCCS) for patients with
severe motor disorders.... [more]
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Examination of Stimulation for Brain-Computer Communication System -- Number of Images and Distance between Images --
Kazuhiro Nagata, Tomohiko Igasaki, Yuki Hayashida, Nobuki Murayama (Kumamoto Univ.) MBE2010-83
We attempt to develop an EEG-based brain-computer communication system
(BCCS) for patients with severe motor disorders.... [more]
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Development of asynchronous type Brain-computer Interface -- Online analysis of EEG signals during motor imagery --
Naoki Noda, Tomohiko Igasaki, Yuki Hayashida, Nobuki Murayama (Kumamoto Univ.) MBE2010-84
In recent year, Brain-computer Interface (BCI) has been studied extensively. In order to control conversation devices, s... [more] MBE2010-84
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Visual Odor Sensing Using Fluorescence Dyes
Hirotaka Matsuo, Masashi Imanishi, Seiichi Uchida, Kenshi Hayashi (Kyushu Univ.) MBE2010-85
Odor tracking have various application. For example, odor could be removed completely by defining odor sources by tracki... [more] MBE2010-85
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Decision Process of Cooperative Action in Two Ants Inspired by Quantum-Entangled State and Its Basic Experiment
Shigeru Nakayama (Kagoshima Univ.), Ichiro Iimura (Pref. Univ. of Kumamoto) MBE2010-86
J. Summhammer introduced the physical concept of quantum entanglement into cooperatively pushing a pebble, which may be ... [more] MBE2010-86
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Representation of the view-invariant object recognition in the inferotemporal cortex
Jun-ya Okamura, Yuta Ikejiri, Reona Yamaguchi, Gang Wang (Kagoshima Univ.) MBE2010-87
To reveal neural representations of the view-invariant object recognition, responses of neurons in IT, which locates at ... [more] MBE2010-87
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University The consideration of the induced current distribution over the double coil arrangement in case of magnetic stimulation
Kousuke Oiwa, Atsuo Nuruki, Kazutomo Yunokuchi (Kagoshima Univ.), Youzou Tamari (KNCT) MBE2010-88
The magnetic stimulation is the way of stimulating the nervous and muscle tissue non-invasively by the induced electric ... [more] MBE2010-88
MBE 2011-01-27
Kagoshima Kagoshima University The effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on timing of a coincidence-anticipation timing task
Susumu Setogawa (Kagoshima Univ.), Atsuo Maruyama (NIHW), Atsuo Nuruki, Masato Maeda, Kazutomo Yunokuchi (Kagoshima Univ.) MBE2010-89
It is known that left dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) plays a dominate role in the movement selection of choice reaction ta... [more] MBE2010-89
MBE 2011-01-28
Kagoshima Kagoshima University A Method of Control the Induced Current Distribution during Magnetic Stimulation using Asymmetry Eye-coil
Marie Fukudome, Youzou Tamari (KNCT), Kazutomo Yunokuchi (Kagoshima Univ.) MBE2010-90
Magnetic Stimulation is one of the methods for stimulating the nerve fiber. We proposed using eye-coil that is composed ... [more] MBE2010-90
MBE 2011-01-28
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Development of Automatic Magnetic Stimulation System for Epileptic Patients -- On-line Detection of Spike-and-Wave Discharges using Artificial Neural Network --
Taiga Higuchi, Tomohiko Igasaki, Yuki Hayashida, Nobuki Murayama (Kumamoto Univ), Ryuji Neshige (Neshige Clinic) MBE2010-91
53 samples of spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) and 15 samples of
artifacts (AFs) were extracted from for 30 minutes of ... [more]
MBE 2011-01-28
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Magnetic Detection Technique to Locate the Tip of Nasal Feeding Tube
Xin Li, Nobuki Kudo, Koichi Shimizu (Hokkaido Univ.), Shinya Kuriki (Tokyo Denki Univ.) MBE2010-92
A magnetic detection technique was devised to noninvasively detect the tip position of the nasal feeding tube that deliv... [more] MBE2010-92
MBE 2011-01-28
Kagoshima Kagoshima University RNA virus ditection used Metal coated hollow fiber membrane and Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification from simulated serum sample
Shinya Hayashi, Toshitsugu Sugawara, Junji Arisawa, Kazuyuki Kimura (HIT), Osamu Igarashi (NIX) MBE2010-93
Japanese Red Cross Society has carried out Nucleic acid Amplification Test (NAT) to secure safety of a blood supply. How... [more] MBE2010-93
MBE 2011-01-28
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Suction Cup Phonocardiography Microphone for Fetal Monitoring Without Abdominal Belt
Anderson Passos (Miyazaki International College), Yasuhito Takeuchi MBE2010-94
Although prone for environmental acoustic noise and maternal restlessness, fetal phono-cardiography yet have an essentia... [more] MBE2010-94
MBE 2011-01-28
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Restoration and Improvement of Fetal Monitor Based on Fetal Phonocardiography
Nobuyuki Yoshizaki, Yasuhito Takeuchi MBE2010-95
 [more] MBE2010-95
MBE 2011-01-28
Kagoshima Kagoshima University Numerical Data Retrieval from Hard Copy Fetal Heart Rate Recording for Retrospective Analysis
Yasuhito Takeuchi MBE2010-96
Abstract: Latest style of electronic measurement and/or monitoring is mostly linked to electronic memory or recording an... [more] MBE2010-96
MBE 2011-01-28
Kagoshima Kagoshima University The interference of English voice stimuli to cortico-musclar coupling during isometric hand contraction
Masahiro Nishibashi, Tomohiko Igasaki, Yuki Hayashida, Nobuki Murayama (Kumamoto Univ.) MBE2010-97
In this study, we aimed to investigate the interference of English voice stimuli to cortico-muschlar coupling. Six healt... [more] MBE2010-97
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