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Technical Committee on Microwaves (MW)  (Searched in: 2014)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2014-07-17 to:2014-07-17'

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 31  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. C-Ku Band Ultra Broadband High Power Reactive Matching MMIC Amplifier using Broadband Interstage Matching Network
Shuichi Sakata, Eigo Kuwata, Koji Yamanaka, Tasuku Kirikoshi, Hidetoshi Koyama, Yoshitaka Kamo, Hiroshi Fukumoto (Mitsubishi Electric) MW2014-53 OPE2014-22 EST2014-14 MWP2014-11
This paper reports on a Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor (GaN HEMT) Monolithic Microwave Integrated Cir... [more] MW2014-53 OPE2014-22 EST2014-14 MWP2014-11
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. X Band High Power and High Efficiency Amplifier with 2nd Harmoics rejection circuits
Eigo Kuwata, Koji Yamanaka, Shuichi Sakata, Hidetoshi Koyama, Yoshitaka Kamo, Akihiro Ando, Kazuhiko Nakahara, Hiroshi Fukumoto (Mitsubishi Electric) MW2014-54 OPE2014-23 EST2014-15 MWP2014-12
 [more] MW2014-54 OPE2014-23 EST2014-15 MWP2014-12
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. A Parameter-Extraction Technique for Transversal Resonator Array Bandpass Filters with Symmetric and Asymmetric Structures
Masataka Ohira, Zhewang Ma (Saitama Univ.) MW2014-55 OPE2014-24 EST2014-16 MWP2014-13
We have already presented a generalized parameter-extraction method for transversal resonator array bandpass filters, wh... [more] MW2014-55 OPE2014-24 EST2014-16 MWP2014-13
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Multiple-Port Power Divider Using Cascade-Connected Cruciform Directional Couplers
Koji Takahashi, Tadashi Kawai (Univ. of Hyogo), Mitsuyoshi Kishihara (Okayama Pre. Univ.), Isao Ohta, Akira Enokihara (Univ. of Hyogo) MW2014-56 OPE2014-25 EST2014-17 MWP2014-14
 [more] MW2014-56 OPE2014-25 EST2014-17 MWP2014-14
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Demonstration of Optical Down-Conversion for Receiving Optical Beam Forming Network
Junya Nishioka, Eisuke Haraguchi, Toshiyuki Ando, Masateru Nagase (Mitsubishi Electric), Akira Akaishi, Amane Miura, Takashi Takahashi, Morio Toyoshima (NICT) MW2014-57 OPE2014-26 EST2014-18 MWP2014-15
We have been developing optical beam forming network (BFN) system with advantage that it has broadband performance and s... [more] MW2014-57 OPE2014-26 EST2014-18 MWP2014-15
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Investigation on E/O, O/E Sections of Radio over Fiber Technology for Converged Radio and Optical Network
Masanori Itoh (OKI), Saeko Oshiba (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Shohei Seki (OKI) MW2014-58 OPE2014-27 EST2014-19 MWP2014-16
 [more] MW2014-58 OPE2014-27 EST2014-19 MWP2014-16
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Heterogeneous wireless transmission of digital Radio-on-Radio system
Kazuo Kumamoto, Yuki Washino, Takao Mochii, Katsutoshi Tsukamoto (Osaka Inst. Tech.) MW2014-59 OPE2014-28 EST2014-20 MWP2014-17
 [more] MW2014-59 OPE2014-28 EST2014-20 MWP2014-17
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. De-multiplexer for Wavelength-Division-Multiplexed W-band Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Signal Distribution Systems
Toshiaki Kuri, Atsushi Kanno, Tetsuya Kawanishi (NICT) MW2014-60 OPE2014-29 EST2014-21 MWP2014-18
The characteristics of a newly-developed de-multiplexer for wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) radio-over-fiber (RoF)... [more] MW2014-60 OPE2014-29 EST2014-21 MWP2014-18
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Sensitivity Enhancement of SOI Photodiode by Metal Diffraction Grating
Hiroaki Satoh, Shohei Iwata, Atsushi Ono, Hiroshi Inokawa (Shizuoka Univ.) MW2014-61 OPE2014-30 EST2014-22 MWP2014-19
The integrated circuits based on SOI (silicon-on-insulator) technology have the advantages of operation speed, power con... [more] MW2014-61 OPE2014-30 EST2014-22 MWP2014-19
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Structural optimization on silica MMI based mode multi/demultiplexer
Syun-ichi Sasaki, Takashi Yasui, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Koichi Hirayama (Kitami Inst. Tech.) MW2014-62 OPE2014-31 EST2014-23 MWP2014-20
Phase shifter (PS) and 3-dB coupler included in two-mode (de)multiplexer based on silica-based planar lightwave circuit ... [more] MW2014-62 OPE2014-31 EST2014-23 MWP2014-20
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Low-loss Light Coupling to/from Multimode Polymer Optical Waveguides via 45-degree Mirrors
Yoshie Morimoto, Asami Takahashi, Takaaki Ishigure (Keio Univ.) MW2014-63 OPE2014-32 EST2014-24 MWP2014-21
On-board optical interconnects are drawing much attention: in particular, optical printed circuit boards (O-PCBs) on whi... [more] MW2014-63 OPE2014-32 EST2014-24 MWP2014-21
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Fan-in/out Polymer Optical Waveguide for a Multicore Fiber
Daisuke Suganuma, Takaaki Ishigure (Keio Univ.) MW2014-64 OPE2014-33 EST2014-25 MWP2014-22
We fabricate fan-in/out polymer optical waveguides for a multicore fiber with a 25-um diameter and a 40-um pitch using t... [more] MW2014-64 OPE2014-33 EST2014-25 MWP2014-22
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. A study on polarization splitter using single-polarization photonic crystal fiber
Zejun Zhang, Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. Tech.), Masashi Eguchi (Chitose Inst. Sci . Tech.) MW2014-65 OPE2014-34 EST2014-26 MWP2014-23
In this paper we demonstrated the design accuracy of the polarization splitter using elliptical-hole core circular-hole ... [more] MW2014-65 OPE2014-34 EST2014-26 MWP2014-23
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Gain Characteristics of Bismuth-doped Double-cladding Silica Optical Fiber
Masakazu Saito, Mikoto Takahashi, Tatsuya Fujii, Ryo Sakai (Chitose Inst. of Science and Tech.), Yusuke Fujii (PSTI), Soichi Kobayashi (Chitose Inst. of Science and Tech.) MW2014-66 OPE2014-35 EST2014-27 MWP2014-24
1.3 μm optical amplifiers in the access network networks are attractive for the future up-stream long-distance line in t... [more] MW2014-66 OPE2014-35 EST2014-27 MWP2014-24
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Laser Oscillation with the Bi-doped Silica Optical Fiber
Mikoto Takahashi, Masakazu Saito, Tatsuya Fujii, Ryo Sakai (Chitose Inst. of Science and Tech.), Yusuke Fujii (PSTI), Soichi Kobayashi (Chitose Inst. of Science and Tech.) MW2014-67 OPE2014-36 EST2014-28 MWP2014-25
In this report, the laser oscillation excited by the 808 nm semiconductor laser pumping with the Bi doped silica fiber a... [more] MW2014-67 OPE2014-36 EST2014-28 MWP2014-25
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. FDTD Solver with Computer Algebra System
Hidehisa Shiomi, Yasuyuki Okamura (Osaka Univ.) MW2014-72 OPE2014-41 EST2014-33 MWP2014-30
This report describes the details that to implement solver for FDTD with a computer algebra.
On the basis of the previo... [more]
MW2014-72 OPE2014-41 EST2014-33 MWP2014-30
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Multiphysics Simulation for Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording -- Magnetic reversal process in recording media --
Shinichiro Ohnuki, Akira Kuma, Yuta Takano, Yoshito Ashizawa, Arata Tsukamoto, Katsuji Nakagawa (Nihon Univ) MW2014-69 OPE2014-38 EST2014-30 MWP2014-27
MAMR (Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording) with Bit Patterned Media has attracted attention to realize higher density ... [more] MW2014-69 OPE2014-38 EST2014-30 MWP2014-27
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Transmission characteristics of multi-layer terahertz frequency selective surfaces composed of a square patch and a cross dipole
Shingo Ozaki, Jun Shibayama, Junji Yamauchi, Hisamatsu Nakano (Hosei Univ.) MW2014-70 OPE2014-39 EST2014-31 MWP2014-28
Multi-layer terahertz frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) composed of a square patch and a cross dipole are analyzed usi... [more] MW2014-70 OPE2014-39 EST2014-31 MWP2014-28
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. Variability of the induced electric field in human body models with different postures by wireless power transfer system in Electric Vehicle
Takuya Shimamoto, Ilkka Laakso, Akimasa Hirata (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) MW2014-71 OPE2014-40 EST2014-32 MWP2014-29
Recently, wireless power transfer technology has attracted attention. There is interest in how much physical quantity ha... [more] MW2014-71 OPE2014-40 EST2014-32 MWP2014-29
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-17
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. A Study of Gain Calculation for Antennas in a Lossy Medium
Takuichi Hirano, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando (Tokyo Tech) MW2014-68 OPE2014-37 EST2014-29 MWP2014-26
Propagation characteristic in a lossy media need to be considered in some applications such as ultra wideband (UWB) rada... [more] MW2014-68 OPE2014-37 EST2014-29 MWP2014-26
 Results 1 - 20 of 31  /  [Next]  
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