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Technical Committee on Microwaves (MW)  (Searched in: 2023)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2023-06-22 to:2023-06-22'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MW 2023-06-22
Kanagawa Yugawara-machi Shou-Kou-Kai Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of millimeter wave signal source using Non-Liner Transmission Line
Makoto Yoshida (CDEX), Kohei Fujiwara, Kouich Tokita, Hidehiko Yamaoka (TIRI), Toshiyuki Yakabe (MPL) MW2023-20
We have been working on the practical application of 28 GHz-band VNA based on six-port method, which is a kind of the ho... [more] MW2023-20
MW 2023-06-22
Kanagawa Yugawara-machi Shou-Kou-Kai Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Design of Fourth-order Symmetric Box-Coupling Microstrip Bandpass Filters with Transmission Zeros for Asymmetric Frequency Responses
Koya Hirota, Masataka Ohira, Zhewang Ma (Saitama Univ.) MW2023-21
Bandpass filters (BPFs) composed of four resonators as a basic component have been proposed so far, such as CQ filters. ... [more] MW2023-21
MW 2023-06-22
Kanagawa Yugawara-machi Shou-Kou-Kai Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Suitable for S-LMBA Consideration of wideband harmonic tuning circuit
Hirotaka Asami, Takashi Sumiyoshi, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Takashi Maehata (SEI) MW2023-22
In next-generation mobile communications, broadband modulation signals are used to achieve high-capacity and high-speed ... [more] MW2023-22
MW 2023-06-22
Kanagawa Yugawara-machi Shou-Kou-Kai Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Special Talk] Basics of Design and Implementation Techniques for Power Amplifier for Communication -- Useful Design and the Realizing for Power Amplifier --
Kazuyuki Totani (DRF) MW2023-23
 [more] MW2023-23
MW 2023-06-22
Kanagawa Yugawara-machi Shou-Kou-Kai Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Special Talk] Design Amplifier with RF simulator
Tsutomu Sugawara (Cadence Design Systems, Japan) MW2023-24
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MW2023-24
MW 2023-06-23
Kanagawa Yugawara-machi Shou-Kou-Kai Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Special Talk] Fundamentals of GaN HEMT Large-Signal Model for Microwave Amplifier
Hiroshi Yamamoto, Ken Kikuchi (Sumitomo Electric) MW2023-25
To improve RF performance of microwave amplifiers, systematic circuit design techniques are required to maximize perform... [more] MW2023-25
MW 2023-06-23
Kanagawa Yugawara-machi Shou-Kou-Kai Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Special Talk] Evaluation Items and Measurements for Amplifiers
Kenichi Inoue (Keysight) MW2023-26
There are many evaluation items for microwave amplifiers such as gain, noise figure, intermodulation distortion etc. an... [more] MW2023-26
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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