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 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Ibaraki AIST Tsukuba Quantumness of Gravity -- A perspective on monogamy relation --
Yuuki Sugiyama (ISSP), Akira Matsumura, Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Kyushu U.)
COMP 2020-12-04
Online Online Approximation algorithms for the maximum happy set problem
Yuichi Asahiro (Kyushu Sangyo Univ), Hiroshi Eto (Kyushu Univ), Tesshu Hanaka (Chuo Univ), Guohui Lin (U. Alberta), Eiji Miyano, Ippei Terabaru (Kyutech) COMP2020-26
 [more] COMP2020-26
TL 2019-03-18
Tokyo Waseda University Autonomous Mutual Learning through Interaction -- Difficulties in Automatization of Language Processing for Japanese EFL Learners --
Yasunari Harada (Waseda U.), Miwa Morishita (Kobe Gakuin U.), Masanori Suzuki (Analytic Measures Inc.), Daisuke Yokomori (Kyushu U.), Tomoko Endo (Seikei U.), Kanako Maebo (Waseda U.), Lisa Nabei (Tokai U.), Hiroaki Yamada (TITECH), Nanako Kuwahara (Waseda U.), Mayumi Kawamura (Lang. Anno.) TL2018-53
The goal of foreign language educations and / or learning is attainment of proficiency in the target language, and learn... [more] TL2018-53
IBISML 2018-11-05
Hokkaido Hokkaido Citizens Activites Center (Kaderu 2.7) [Poster Presentation] Sparse modeling of extended X-ray absorption fine structures (EXAFS) through Bayesian LARS-OLS
Yasuhiko Igarashi (JST), Kazunori Iwamitsu (Kumamoto U.), Toshihiro Okajima (Kyushu LRC), Ichiro Akai (Kumamoto U.), Masato Okada (Univ. Tokyo) IBISML2018-98
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] IBISML2018-98
TL 2018-10-28
Hokkaido National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College An investigation of identifier naming strongly linked to specific pattern of program structure
Yoshiki Mashima (O.E.C.U.), Sachio Hirokawa (Kyushu Univ.), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (O.E.C.U.) TL2018-40
Identifiers in programming language such as variable names, class names, and method names are generally given in natural... [more] TL2018-40
CAS, SIP, MSS, VLD 2018-06-14
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Build.) Study on 3d signal interpolation
Imamura Ryuji, Okuda Masahiro (Kitakyu U.) CAS2018-6 VLD2018-9 SIP2018-26 MSS2018-6
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CAS2018-6 VLD2018-9 SIP2018-26 MSS2018-6
SIP, IT, RCS 2018-01-22
Kagawa Sunport Hall Takamatsu Hyperspectral Image Restoration
Ryuji Kurihara, Masahiro Okuda (Kitayu U.) IT2017-73 SIP2017-81 RCS2017-287
We propose a new regularization function for hyperspectral image (HSI) restoration. Spatial-smoothness-based regularizat... [more] IT2017-73 SIP2017-81 RCS2017-287
ISEC, COMP 2017-12-21
Kochi Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology Maximum k-path Vertex Cover Problem on Graph Classes
Tsuyoshi Yagita, Eiji Miyano, Toshiki Saitoh (Kyutech), Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST), Tom C. van der Zanden (Utrecht U.) ISEC2017-76 COMP2017-30
This paper introduces the maximum version of the $k$-path vertex cover problem, called the textsc{Maximum $k$-Path Verte... [more] ISEC2017-76 COMP2017-30
DC, SS 2016-10-28
Shiga Hikone Kinro-Fukushi Kaikan Bldg. Software Bug Analysis Based on Archetypal Analysis
Keisuke Takimoto, Akito Monden (Okayama U.), Saya Onoue, Hideaki Hata (NAIST), Yasutaka Kamei (Kyushu U.) SS2016-33 DC2016-35
 [more] SS2016-33 DC2016-35
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Online Density Estimation of Bradley-Terry Models
Issei Matsumoto (Toyota), Kohei Hatano, Eiji Takimoto (Kyushu U.) IBISML2015-21
We consider an online density estimation problem for Bradley-Terry models that determine the probability of a match resu... [more] IBISML2015-21
Osaka Osaka University Implementation and Evaluation of Distributed Control and Data Channel Coordination Algorithms for V2V DSA
Kouta Nishida, Youhei Fujii (Kyutech), Abdulrahman Al-Abbasi (UEC), Kazuya Tsukamoto (Kyutech), Onur Altintas, Mitsuhiro Nishibori (TOYOTA ITC), Rama Vuyyuru, Srikanth Pagadarai, Alexander M. Wyglinski (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Takeo Fujii (UEC), Masato Tsuru, Yuji Oie (Kyutech) SR2010-45
DSA techniques are expected to play a vital role in future vehicular communications systems. In this paper we present a ... [more] SR2010-45
OME 2010-05-27
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Material's design concept for organic highly efficient long lived room temperature phosphorescence by decreasing nonradiative process at excited triplet state
Kenro Totani (Tokyo Univ. of Agr & Tech.), Shuzo Hirata (Kyushu Univ.), Toshiyuki Watanabe (Tokyo Univ. of Agr & Tech.), Chihaya Adachi (Kyushu Univ.) OME2010-27
Long lived room temperature phosphorescence (LL-RTP) is not observed under the atmosphere in organic materials since act... [more] OME2010-27
HIP 2009-10-30
Fukuoka Kyushu Univ. The effects of stimulus motion and flickering on apparent depth from large disparity
Kohei Miura, Yasuaki Tamada, Masayuki Sato (Univ. of Kitakyushu.) HIP2009-86
We have shown that apparent depth for large disparity is greatly facilitated by motion parallax. We hypothesized that th... [more] HIP2009-86
IA, SITE 2009-03-06
Kumamoto   A Survey on Computer Ethics Education in Foreign Countries -- For Development of Teaching Materials by International Collaboration --
Takahiro Tagawa (Kyushu Univ.), Izumi Fuse, Shigeto Okabe (Hokkaido Univ.), Takahiro Sumiya, Atsushi Nakamura (Hiroshima Univ.), Takashi Yamanoue (Kagoshima Univ.), Takeo Tatsumi (Tokyo Univ. of Agr. & Tech.), Michio Nakanishi (Osaka Inst. of Tech.), Shozo Fukada (Ehime Univ.), Ikuya Murata (Hokkaido Univ. of Edu.), Tetsutaro Uehara (Kyoto Univ.), Tsuneo Yamada (National Institute of Multimedia Education) SITE2008-91 IA2008-114
The utilization of information technology and the many services using internet have widely spread across the border, an... [more] SITE2008-91 IA2008-114
ICD, IPSJ-ARC 2008-05-14
Tokyo   Considering Performance and Area Overhead in DVS System Utilizing Input Variations
Yuji Kunitake (Kyushu U.), Toshinori Sato (Fukuoka U.), Hiroto Yasuura (Kyushu U.)
The deep submicron semiconductor technologies increase parameter variations and thus the processor design becomes more d... [more] ICD2008-34
COMP 2008-03-10
Kanagawa   Compressed Full-text Indexes for DNA Sequences
Kunihiko Sadakane (Kyushu U.) COMP2007-60
A problem of processing large-scale data is the amount of space to store data
and the size of data structures for effic... [more]
CPSY 2006-12-15
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. Komaba Research Campus Utilizing Data Compression to Improve Cache Performance in Multicore Processors with Dedicated Caches
Yoshitaka Ito, Akihiro Chiyonobu (KIT), Toshinori Sato (Kyushu U.)
 [more] CPSY2006-51
KBSE, JSAI-KBS 2005-01-24
Kanagawa Keio University Random is better than LRU ?
Kenichi Yoshida (U.Tsukuba), Masato Tsuru (kyutech), Satoshi Katsuno (kddilabs)
In this paper, we propose a cache-based frequent item finding approach. By analyzing the characteristics of the proposed... [more] KBSE2004-30
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