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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HIP 2023-12-21
Miyagi Research Institute of Electrical Communication (Miyagi) Statistical Causal Discovery for Facial Impression Factors Using Morphological and Image Features
Takanori Sano, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2023-81
Many studies have been conducted on the factors that form facial impressions. However, the details of the relationship b... [more] HIP2023-81
- 2023-12-13
Fukuoka Asia pacific Import Mart (Kitakyushu) (Fukuoka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Facial Image Data Augmentation using Variational Auto-Encoder with Geometric Features
Takanori Sano, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.)
Numerous studies have been conducted in the field of psychology on the factors that influence facial impressions. In rec... [more]
HIP 2022-12-22
Miyagi Research Institute of Electrical Communication (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A convenient analysis-tool using feature matching for gaze tracking data during free appreciation of art works
Shiyun Yang, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2022-60
 [more] HIP2022-60
HIP 2022-12-22
Miyagi Research Institute of Electrical Communication (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
An investigation of the influence of processing fluency on liking judgements of cats/spiders
Yizhen Zhou, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Uni.) HIP2022-63
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HIP2022-63
- 2022-12-16
Kagawa Onsite (Sunport Takamatsu) and Online (Kagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Computational Modeling with Geometric Morphometrics and Deep Neural Networks -- An approach Methodology for Identifying Facial Impression Factors --
Takanori Sano, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.)
Numerous studies have been conducted in psychology on the factors that influence facial impressions. In recent years, st... [more]
HIP 2022-10-18
Kyoto Kyoto Terrsa (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Examination of facial attractiveness features using geometric morphological analysis of and deep learning methods.
Takanori Sano, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2022-52
In psychology, various studies have been conducted on the features that constitute facial attractiveness. In recent year... [more] HIP2022-52
HIP 2019-12-19
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku University (Miyagi) The experimental psychological study about factors that influence ocurrence of Mind-Wandering in art appreciation.
Renpei Ozawa, Jan Mikuni, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ) HIP2019-67
Mind-Wandering (MW) is phenomenon that cognitive processing of the external environment decreases in favor of internal p... [more] HIP2019-67
HCS 2019-10-26
Tokyo Nihon Univ. (Tokyo) Examination of reward perception to attractive faces in left and right visual field
Shintaro Hayashi, Yuka Koide, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HCS2019-41
There is some consistency in the assessment of human facial attractiveness across racial and cultural barriers. It has b... [more] HCS2019-41
HIP 2019-08-20
Tokyo Tokyo Woman's Christian University (Tokyo) The experimental study about occurence of Mind-Wandering in art appreciation.
Renpei Ozawa, Jan Mikuni, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ) HIP2019-36
Mind-Wandering (MW) is phenomenon that cognitive processing of the external environment decreases in favor of internal p... [more] HIP2019-36
HIP 2019-08-20
Tokyo Tokyo Woman's Christian University (Tokyo) The predictability of action-outcome feedback modulates risk-taking behaviors in the gambling game.
Takumi Tanaka, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2019-39
 [more] HIP2019-39
HIP 2019-08-21
Tokyo Tokyo Woman's Christian University (Tokyo) Examination of reward perception to attractive faces in left and right visual field
Shintaro Hayashi, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2019-41
When we human beings see an attractive face, the brain system and the visual cortex are activated regardless of person’s... [more] HIP2019-41
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2017-05-16
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) The controllability of computer interface affects reinforcement learning. -- What is the "good" interface? --
Takumi Tanaka, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HCS2017-24 HIP2017-24
Sense of control, the feeling to control external events through one’s own action, is a significant factor for an interf... [more] HCS2017-24 HIP2017-24
HCS 2016-08-20
Kyoto (Kyoto) The orientation of shapes influences human's judgment of agency
Takumi Tanaka, Daisuke Shimane, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HCS2016-45
In present study, we tried to reveal the mechanism of human social cognition, investigating how simple visual features s... [more] HCS2016-45
HCS 2016-08-20
Kyoto (Kyoto) Facial impression can be changed by observer's head orientation: facial impression formation attributed individual differences of embodied cognition
Chizu Naya, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HCS2016-46
 [more] HCS2016-46
HIP 2016-03-19
Tokyo (Tokyo) The sense of agency can be modulated by the interaction between action optionality and valence of outcomes
Takumi Tanaka, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2015-104
The sense of agency is a feeling of control over one's actions to cause sensory events in the environment. Previous stud... [more] HIP2015-104
RCC, ITS, WBS 2015-12-18
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) Secure Personal Attribute Message Authentication for Pedestrian-Friendly Intelligent Transport Systems
Seiichiro Mizoguchi (KDDI R&D LABS), Daisuke Oshida, Hisataka Takagi (Renesas Electronics), Hideaki Kawabata, Keisuke Takemori, Ayumu Kubota (KDDI R&D LABS) WBS2015-78 ITS2015-50 RCC2015-80
In the case of providing safety services to pedestrians in the intelligent transport system (ITS), considering pedestria... [more] WBS2015-78 ITS2015-50 RCC2015-80
RCC, ITS, WBS 2015-12-18
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) Key Managements for ECU and Code Authentications Using Tamper-resistant Secure Element
Keisuke Takemori, Hideaki Kawabata, Seiichiro Mizoguchi, Ayumu Kubota (KDDI Labs) WBS2015-79 ITS2015-51 RCC2015-81
 [more] WBS2015-79 ITS2015-51 RCC2015-81
HIP, ITE-HI, ITE-CE [detail] 2015-12-01
Miyagi Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University (Miyagi) Effects of temporal attention on the recalibration of audiovisual interaction and simultaneity
Kosuke Yamamoto, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2015-91
The subjective simultaneity, in audiovisual integration, has been assumed to be closely related to the integration of mu... [more] HIP2015-91
HIP, ITE-HI, ITE-CE [detail] 2015-12-01
Miyagi Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University (Miyagi) Museum Fatigue Effect: temporal changes in viewing time and evaluation in art appreciation
Jan Mikuni, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2015-93
When people appreciate art works in museum exhibition, the appreciating time for each of artworks gradually decrease as ... [more] HIP2015-93
HIP 2015-07-18
Fukuoka Kyushu Sangyo University (Fukuoka) Effects of attention to temporal order and simultaneity on vocal-auditory temporal recalibration
Kosuke Yamamoto, Hideaki Kawabata (Keio Univ.) HIP2015-52
Prolonged exposure to a temporal gap between multisensory stimuli induces the recalibration of subjective simultaneity. ... [more] HIP2015-52
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