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2024-10-03 15:10 |
Hokkaido |
Hokusei Gakuen Univ. (Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A New Calcification Region Detector for Dental Panoramic Radiographs Sota Nakano, Mitsuji Muneyasu, Soh Yoshida, Akira Asano (Kansai Univ.), Nanae Dewake, Nobuo Yoshinari (Matsumoto Dental Univ.), Keiichi Uchida (Matsumoto Dental Univ. Hospital) SIS2024-21 |
Calcification regions are sometimes observed in carotid arteries on dental panoramic radiographs and are expected to be ... [more] |
SIS2024-21 pp.30-35 |
2024-06-07 12:40 |
Hiroshima |
Hiroshima University (Hiroshima, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Discriminator for Calcification Regions detector in Dental Panoramic Radiographs Sota Nakano, Mitsuji Muneyasu, Soh Yoshida, Akira Asano (Kansai Univ.), Nanae Dewake, Nobuo Yoshinari (Matsumoto Dental Univ.), Keiichi Uchida (Matsumoto Dental Univ. Hospital) SIS2024-12 |
As arteriosclerosis progresses, calcification regions may be observed in the carotid arteries on dental panoramic radiog... [more] |
SIS2024-12 pp.60-64 |
2023-01-26 14:10 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Study on Input Impedance Improvement of Normal Mode Helical Antenna Placed on Conductor Plate Sota Nakano, Tomoki Uwano, Ryosuke Suga (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) EST2022-82 |
[more] |
EST2022-82 pp.43-47 |
MWPTHz, EST, MW, EMT, OPE, IEE-EMT [detail] |
2022-07-19 10:50 |
Hokkaido |
Asahikawa Civic Culture Hall (Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Experimental Study on Circularly Polarized Rectangular Horn Antenna Using Parasitic Elements Array Ryo Kumagai, Sota Nakano, Tomoki Uwano, Ryosuke Suga (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) EMT2022-10 MW2022-34 OPE2022-13 EST2022-11 MWPTHz2022-8 |
The author has been proposing a circularly polarized rectangular horn antenna using parasitic elements array and its cha... [more] |
EMT2022-10 MW2022-34 OPE2022-13 EST2022-11 MWPTHz2022-8 pp.13-17 |
2021-05-20 13:50 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
A Study on Impedance Improvement of Normal Mode Helical Antenna Placed on Conductor Plate Sota Nakano, Ryosuke Suga, Tomoki Uwano, Osamu Hashimoto (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) EST2021-3 |
In this research, the impedance characteristics of a normal mode helical antenna (NMHA) placed on a ground conductor pla... [more] |
EST2021-3 pp.11-14 |
NLP, NC (Joint) |
2020-01-24 12:50 |
Okinawa |
Miyakojima Marine Terminal (Okinawa) |
Nonlinear dynamics of turbulent premixed flame in a stagnation point flow Sota Nakano, Hiroshi Gotoda (TUS) NLP2019-92 |
We experimentally study the spatiotemporal dynamics of turbulent premixed flame front in a stagnation point flow from v... [more] |
NLP2019-92 pp.41-44 |
2018-04-27 10:20 |
Kumamoto |
Kumaoto Univ. (Kumamoto) |
Nonlinear dynamics of combustion instability in a gas turbine model combustor Sota Nakano, Shogo Murayama, Kentaro Kaku, Hiroshi Gotoda (TUS) NLP2018-16 |
We have experimentally studied the dynamical behavior of thermoacoustic combustion oscillations in a laboratory-scale ga... [more] |
NLP2018-16 pp.75-78 |
2016-10-16 13:20 |
Saga |
Karatsu Royal Hotel (Saga pref.) (Saga) |
Utilization of Devices to Measure Loads on Care-receivers' Lower Limbs on Assisted Transfer Sota Nakano (KNS), Chikamune Wada (Kyutech) WIT2016-32 |
When providing care, care-givers may face difficulty in harnessing care-receivers’ remaining abilities. Based on the fac... [more] |
WIT2016-32 pp.3-6 |
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