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 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Fukuoka   [Poster Presentation] Examination of a stress evaluation method using a NAM microphone
Akihito Nonaka, Masanori Akita (Oita Univ) EA2023-49
Modern society is also known as a stressful society, where people are busy with work and study, and are stressed by thei... [more] EA2023-49
EA 2019-12-13
Fukuoka Kyushu Inst. Tech. Detection of individuality of the Lombard effect in case of hearing colored noise
Satoshi Ito, Ayane Kitazato, Yoichi Midorikawa, Masanori Akita (Oita Univ) EA2019-75
The relation between the Lombard effect and the detection of human feelings is tested in our laboratory. This method in ... [more] EA2019-75
EA, SIP, SP 2019-03-14
Nagasaki i+Land nagasaki (Nagasaki-shi) [Poster Presentation] Initial analysis of emotional speech acted in noise
Yi Zhao (NII), Atsushi Ando (NTT), Shinji Takaki, Junichi Yamagishi (NII), Satoshi Kobashikawa (NTT) EA2018-120 SIP2018-126 SP2018-82
Speakers usually adjust their way of talking in noisy environments involuntarily for effective communication, this adapt... [more] EA2018-120 SIP2018-126 SP2018-82
EA 2018-02-15
Hiroshima Pref. Univ. Hiroshima The influence that a quality change of the steady noise environment gives for Lombard effect
Wataru Saito, Masanori Akita, Yoichi Midorikawa (Oita Univ.) EA2017-93
We measured the shift of the formant frequencies of Japanese 5 vowels under the noisy environment to detect the quantity... [more] EA2017-93
MBE 2017-09-23
Nagano National Institute of Technology, Nagano College Detecting Emotional Suppression in the Presence of Disgust by Time Series Change of Cerebral Blood Flow using fNIRS
Masahiro Honda, Hiroki Tanaka, Sakriani Sakti, Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST) MBE2017-35
A form of emotional suppression is defined as the conscious inhibition of emotional-expressive behaviors while emotional... [more] MBE2017-35
- 2014-12-19
Yamaguchi Kaikyo Messe Shimonoseki Effect of pitch control and speech rate conversion upon speakers' emotional impressions
Takahiro Ono, Hiroto Saito, Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Natural communication means a successful transfer of information, meaning and emotion from speaker to hearer.
Previous ... [more]

HCS 2014-02-01
Kagoshima Kagoshima University (Korimoto Campus) Developmental changes of EI and stress coping in elementary school and junior high school students
Sahoko Komatsu, Yuji Hakoda, Tomoyasu Nakamura (Kyushu Univ.), Reizo Koizumi, Yohei Yamada (Fukuoka Univ. of Education) HCS2013-84
This study examined developmental changes of emotional intelligence (EI) and the relationships between EI and stress cop... [more] HCS2013-84
SP 2011-07-22
Hokkaido Jozankei Grand Hotel The primary auditory processing during emotional speech perception -- A magnetoencephalography study --
Haruko Yagura (NICT), Mitsuo Tonoike (AINO univ), Sunao Iwaki, Seiji Nakagawa (AIST), Satoshi Ogino (Osaka univ), Tsutomu Murata (NICT) SP2011-44
Brain mechanisms involved in emotional prosody (EP) processing have not been clarified. Here, we used magnetoencephalogr... [more] SP2011-44
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
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