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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 272  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IBISML, NC, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2024-06-20
Okinawa OIST Distributionally Robust Safe Sample Screening and Its Application to Infinite-width Deep Neural Networks
Tatsuya Aoyama (Nagoya Univ.), Hiroyuki Hanada (RIKEN), Satoshi Akahane, Yoshito Okura, Tomonari Tanaka (Nagoya Univ.), Yu Inatsu (NITech), Noriaki Hashimoto (RIKEN), Taro Murayama, Lee Hanju, Shinya Kojima (DENSO), Ichiro Takeuchi (Nagoya Univ.) NC2024-10 IBISML2024-10
In machine learning, handling large datasets has been problematic in computational resources. For this issue, safe sampl... [more] NC2024-10 IBISML2024-10
IMQ 2024-05-24
Aichi Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya Univ. Image Quality Assessment and Analysis on Glossy and Painted of 3DCG Objects Based on Material Data Set of the Shitsukan Perception Standard Problem
Norifumi Kawabata (Computational Imaging Lab) IMQ2024-2
Gloss is one of the component of ``Shitsukan''. Although humans perceive the luster of objects visually and sensuously o... [more] IMQ2024-2
ITS, IE, ITE-MMS, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2024-02-20
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Fine-tuning Model for Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using fMRI Data
Sae Yoshihara, Takuya Kitamura (NITT) ITS2023-71 IE2023-60
In this paper, we propose and evaluate novel classification models generated by fine-tuning a pre-trained image classifi... [more] ITS2023-71 IE2023-60
SIS 2023-12-08
Aichi Sakurayama Campus, Nagoya City University
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Error Resolution of Color Discrimination for Tape Reader Robots using SVM
Kenjiro Sato, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Shingo Yoshizawa, Yasunari Maeda, Masakiyo Suzuki (KIT) SIS2023-35
A course of programming at introduction level using Lego Robots, LegoⓇ MindstormsⓇ EV3, is provided to all sophomores in... [more] SIS2023-35
Okinawa Okinawa Jichikaikan
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] A Study on Antenna Beamwidth Estimation Employing Support Vector Machine
Hirofumi Suganuma, Tsutomu Mitsui (Anritsu), Takahiro Matsuda (TMU)
In the millimeter-wave communications, high-gain beams are shaped and steered by the array signal processing to overcome... [more]
MSS, SS 2023-01-11
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Improvement of Composite SVM in HSI Classification
Tamura Akito, Kitamura Takuya (NIT) MSS2022-61 SS2022-46
In this paper, we propose an improved method of composite support vector machines for hyper-spectral image classificatio... [more] MSS2022-61 SS2022-46
Online Online A study on hit classification by machine learning of Japanese popular music using Spotify Audio Features
Kengo Kitamura, Susumu Kuroyanagi (NIT) NC2021-67
It is assumed that hit songs have common features with respect to the characteristics of hit songs. Based on this assump... [more] NC2021-67
Online Online Investigation of machine learning methods for emotion discrimination by using phase synchronization of electroencephalogram
Fumiya Hirooka, Jiro Okuda (Kyoto Sangyo Univ. Grad. Sch.) NC2021-74
This study investigated machine learning methods for emotion discrimination by using phase synchronization of electroenc... [more] NC2021-74
EA, SIP, SP, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2022-03-02
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Effective Features for Detecting Abnormal Braking from Electroencephalogram and Electrocardiogram during Automatic Driving
Erika Sekiguchi, Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT), Ken Kubota (JATCO Engineering), Shun Nakamura (CorLab), Kenichi Makita (JATCO) EA2021-94 SIP2021-121 SP2021-79
Although automated driving technology is advancing rapidly, the main objective of the development is to ensure safety. H... [more] EA2021-94 SIP2021-121 SP2021-79
EA, SIP, SP, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2022-03-02
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Selective attention to music inducing neural entrainment variation and alpha-band spatial modulation
Kana Mizokuchi, Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT), Takashi G. Sato, Yoshifumi Shiraki (NTT) EA2021-95 SIP2021-122 SP2021-80
A human can pay selective attention to music or speech from various sounds.
It has been reported that in a speech doma... [more]
EA2021-95 SIP2021-122 SP2021-80
Online Online A New Approach of Detecting NLOS Signals and Robust Positioning Method in Multipath Environments
Tomohiro Ozeki, Nobuaki Kubo (TUMSAT) SAT2021-65
Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning has recently gained attention in the autonomous driving, machine c... [more] SAT2021-65
NLP 2021-12-18
Oita J:COM Horuto Hall OITA Consideration of a new evaluation criterion based on the Fisher criterion for label estimation of data
Ryuhei Motoki, Kenya Jin'no (Tokyo City Univ.) NLP2021-62
In supervised learning, training data is labeled. In addition, a large amount of data is required to improve the accurac... [more] NLP2021-62
- 2021-12-17
Online Online Enhancement of sign language motion classification accuracy by adding finger information using OpenPose
Tsukasa Wakao, Wataru Odagiri, Sato Tatsuya, Yuusuke Kawakita, Hiromitsu Nishimura, Hiroshi Tanaka (KAIT)
As a sign language motion classification method, the direction vector from neck to shoulder, elbow, and wrist was calcul... [more]
SIS, ITE-BCT 2021-10-07
Online Online Block-wise Transformation with Secret Key for Adversary Robust Defence of SVM model
Ryota Iijima, MaungMaung AprilPyone, Hitoshi Kiya (TMU) SIS2021-13
In this paper, we propose a method for implementing support vector machine (SVM) models that are robust against adversar... [more] SIS2021-13
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2021-03-05
Online Online Research on understanding cleaning behavior using wearable sensors for cooperative behavior navigation
Yuki Takegami, Mutsuo Sano (OIT), Sho Ooi (Rits Univ.), Mayumi Nakagawa, Hiromi Kado, Kyoko Sakai (V-SIEN) WIT2020-33
People with brain injury and with developmental disabilities are not good at communicating with people, have difficulty ... [more] WIT2020-33
EA, US, SP, SIP, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2021-03-04
Online Online Estimation of Attentional Direction using EEG during Simultaneous Presentation of Music from Two Sources
Kana Mizokuchi, Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT), Takashi G. Sato, Yoshifumi Shiraki (NTT) EA2020-83 SIP2020-114 SP2020-48
People can pay selective attention to music or speech from various sounds. It has been reported that when multiple
beat... [more]
EA2020-83 SIP2020-114 SP2020-48
(Joint) [detail]
Online Online Examination of voice input and treatment detection by video analysis for endoscopic findings creation support
Chihiro Takigami, Mai Fujie (Chiba Univ.), Yuichiro Yoshimura (Toyama Univ.), Toshiya Nakaguchi (Chiba Univ.) IMQ2020-12 IE2020-52 MVE2020-44
Currently, endoscopy findings are mainly recorded by manual entry after the examination, which is burdensome due to the ... [more] IMQ2020-12 IE2020-52 MVE2020-44
SeMI 2021-01-21
Online Online Study on UWB indoor localization method using machine learning-based accurate NLOS detection
Keigo Ishida, Eiji Okamoto (NIT), Huan-Bang Li (NICT) SeMI2020-50
According to the automatization of factory and other facilities, there is a growing demand of accurate indoor location i... [more] SeMI2020-50
CCS, NLP 2020-06-05
Online Online Early detection and prevention of combustion oscillations using a symbolic dynamics/machine learning-based approach
Kazuki Asami, Shinga Masuda, Hiroshi Gotoda (TUS) NLP2020-19 CCS2020-9
We have conducted an experimental study on an early detection and prevention of combustion oscillations in a laboratory-... [more] NLP2020-19 CCS2020-9
MI, IE, SIP, BioX, ITE-IST, ITE-ME [detail] 2020-05-29
Online Online Toward Estimation of Attentional Direction Using EEG Signals during Simultaneous Presentation of Two Types of Music
Kana Mizokuchi, Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT), Takashi G. Sato, Yoshifumi Shiraki (NTT) SIP2020-9 BioX2020-9 IE2020-9 MI2020-9
People can pay selective attention to music or speech from various sounds.It has been reported that when multiple beat s... [more] SIP2020-9 BioX2020-9 IE2020-9 MI2020-9
 Results 1 - 20 of 272  /  [Next]  
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