IEICE Technical Report

Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 124, Number 210

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Workshop Date : 2024-10-17 - 2024-10-18 / Issue Date : 2024-10-10


[TOP] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [2024] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

Integrating Circuits and Graph Neural Networks for Circuit Constants Optimization
Yusuke Yamakaji (Mitsubishi Electric/Univ. of Electro-Communications), Hayaru Shouno (The University of Electro-Communications), Kunihiko Fukushima (Fuzzy Logic Systems Inst.)
pp. 1 - 6

Numerical Assessment of Exposure Polarization Dependency of Temperature Increase and Peak Spatial-Averaged SAR Due to Implanted Medical Metal Plates under Microwave Exposure
Shuhei Waki, Funa Tsumura, Takashi Hikage (Hokkaido Univ.), Tomoaki Nagaoka (NICT)
pp. 7 - 11

Three-dimensional Magnetization property modeling of ferromagnetic materials by nonlinear spring and friction and its application to FDTD analysis
Satoru Watanabe, Atsuhiro Nishikata (TokyoTech)
pp. 12 - 16

Integration path deformation for infinitely large planar shield calculation with electric or magnetic dipole source
Atsuhiro Nishikata (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 17 - 22

Study on Simplified Estimation of Electromagnetic Properties of Electromagnetic Wave Absorber Sandwiched between Waveguides
Mayo Arai, Motoshi Tanaka (Akita Univ.), Sho Muroga, Dan Suzuki (Tohoku Univ.), Tomonaga Ueno (Nagoya Univ.), Osamu Kawasaki (JAXA)
pp. 23 - 27

Measurement of Complex Permittivity Printed Circuit Boards Using BCDR and Free Space Method Above 20GHz
Sakura Naito, Yuki Akatsuka (NITNC), Taiki Kitazawa (NAIST), Masahiro Tomiok (NITNC), Daisuke Fujimoto (NAIST), Jerdvisanop Chakarothai (NICT), Yuichi Hayashi (NAIST), Takashi Kasuga (NITNC)
pp. 28 - 33

Evaluation of Complex Dielectric Constant and Signal Transmission Characteristics of FR-4 Substrates above 20 GHz
Yuki Akatsuka, Sakura Naito (NITNC), Taiki Kitazawa (NAIST), Masahiro Tomioka (NITNC), Daisuke Fujimoto (NAIST), Jerdvisanop Chakarothai (NICT), Yuichi Hayashi (NAIST), Takashi Kasuga (NITNC)
pp. 34 - 39

[Invited Talk] Krylov subspace methods for solving large sparse linear systems
Kensuke Aihara (Tokyo City Univ.)
pp. 40 - 45

The 3D electromagnetic field analysis of microstrip lines with GSG pads in Sub-THz band
Takaya Abe, Takahiro Tsushima, Okabe Hideyuki, Masayuki Kimishima (ATL Ltd.)
pp. 46 - 51

Study of Numerical Laplace Transform Based on FILT
Masashi Umeda, Seiya Kishimoto, Shinichiro Ohnuki (Nihon Univ.)
pp. 52 - 55

Evaluation of Grounded Coplanar Waveguide with Edge Faces Plated
Makoto Yoshida (CDEX), Toshiyuki Yakabe (MPL)
pp. 56 - 61

Ryo Sakamaki (AIST)
pp. 62 - 63

A study on determining the periodic interval for multi-stage stubs
Kyohei Murayama, Yusuke Kusama (Toyo Univ.)
pp. 64 - 69

SOL Caliblation for a Coaxial-Feed Type Stepped Cut-off Circular Waveguide and Application to Absolute Dielectric Measurement for Liquids Based on the Mode-Matching Technique
Kouji Shibata, Masaki Kobayashi (Hachinohe Inst. of Tech.)
pp. 70 - 75

Study of dynamic wireless power transfer roadway based on the electric field coupling method -- Experiment of dynamic wireless power transfer --
Tetsuo Endo, Sonsyu Sakihara, Takefumi Shindo (Taisei), Akihiro Kuno (Taisei Rotec), Minoru Mizutani, Takashi Ohira (TUT)
pp. 76 - 81

Study of dynamic wireless power transfer roadway based on the electric field coupling method -- Leakage Electromagnetic Field Measurement --
Sonshu Sakihara, Tetsuo Endo, Takafumi Shindo (Taisei), Akihiro Kuno (Taisei Rotec), Minoru Mizutani, Takashi Ohira (TUT)
pp. 82 - 86

Study on Shaking Points Influence in Vibrating Intrinsic Reverberation Chamber Characteristics
Issei Ohashi (KHI), Yuji Kozaki (KGE), Makoto Hara (KHI)
pp. 87 - 91

Study on performance evaluation method of measurement test site for system EMC on in situ test -- IEC/CISPR 37 and Rapid Emissions Check Deliberations Status --
Kimihiro Tajima (NTT-AT), Nobuyuki Mitsuzuka (TELEC), Masashi Takabe, Eichi Kobayashi (NTT-AT)
pp. 92 - 97

Consideration on expanding to low frequency range for a folded broadband antenna
Shinobu Ishigami, Ken Kawamata (TGU), Katsushige Harima (NICT), Shingo Inori (ELENA)
pp. 98 - 102

Evaluation of the effect on site VSWR of partially floor-placed radio absorbers in the 2 GHz band. -- Towards a measurement environment for nano-satellite antennas. --
Daisuke Nakayama, Tohlu Matsushima, Yuki Fukumoto (Kyutech)
pp. 103 - 105

Simulation of propagation characteristics between helical-shaped and rectangular-shaped loop antennas undersea
Juan Rosales, Tohlu Matsushima, Yuki Fukumoto, Daisuke Nakayama, Kazuhiro Eguchi (Kyutech), Ryosuke Hasaba (Tokyo tech)
pp. 106 - 111

A study of radio wave detection using SDR
Masashi Kawakami, Daiki Suematsu, Satoru Taii, Ayumi Masui, Ruka Shinkawa, Hiroto Mukai (OIT), Toshihiro Akita (NITHC)
pp. 112 - 115

Analysis of Wireless Signal Connection Between Printed Circuit Boards with Strip Lines
Takaya Tomita, Teruo Tobana (Akita Prefectual Univ.), Kohei Akimoto (kita Prefectual Univ.)
pp. 116 - 120

Consideration of wireless signal connection between microstrip lines with open ends
Atsushi Oyama, Teruo Tobana, Kohei Akimoto (APU)
pp. 121 - 124

Design of Differential Diplexers for Simultaneous Capacitive Wireless Power and Information Transmission Using Image Impedance Method
Masahiro Shibata, Shoya Toya, Masaya Tamura (TUT)
pp. 125 - 129

Power-feeding frequency control of Cavity resonance-enabled WPT by monopole probe with reactance circuit
Aoi Ide, Kazunari Kobayashi, Masaya Tamura (TUT)
pp. 130 - 135

Accurate Estimation of Corresponding Motor Cortex due to TMS Using Machine Learning
Takumi Tanabe, Yoshiki Kubota, Sachiko Kodera, Akimasa Hirata (NITech)
pp. 136 - 141

Effect of Human Head Modeling on Diagnosis Using TMS in Patients with Brain Tumor
Ryusei Moriyama, Sachiko Kodera (NITech), Essam A. Rashed (UOH), Manabu Tamura (TWMU), Akimasa Hirata (NITech)
pp. 142 - 147

Evaluation of Biological Temperature Rise for Simultaneous Exposure for 4G/5G mobile systems
Yuta Minamimoto, Sachiko Kodera (NITech), Takahiro Iyama, Junji Higashiyama, Yasunori Suzuki (NTTdocomo), Akimasa Hirata (NITech)
pp. 148 - 151

Effect of Nerve Angle Dependence on Pain Thresholds of Peripheral Nerve
Ryoma Tsuge, Sachiko Kodera, Akimasa Hirata (NITech)
pp. 152 - 157

Research on technology for automatic correction of sensor installation direction
Tomoya Sugiyama, Momona Kikuzawa, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ.)
pp. 158 - 163

Two-Dimensional Sound Field Analysis by Acoustic FDTD Method Considering Air Viscosity
Taiga Ikuma, Atsuhiro Nishikata (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 164 - 167

A Fundamental Study on Circuit Simulation of an Electrostatic Discharge Generator by the Physics-Informed Neural Network Method
Kazuhiro Fujita (Saitama IT)
pp. 168 - 171

Multi-Objective Satisfactory Design of Stabilized Power Supply Circuit using Combination of Parameter Design and Set-based Design -- (Part 2) Narrowing using Desirability Function as Evaluation Index --
Yoshiki Kayano (UEC), Youichi Iiyama, Yuji Kado (JAXA)
pp. 172 - 177

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan