Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [2024] | [Japanese] / [English]
[Short Paper]
Establishing the Uniqueness of the Solutions of the Wave Equation in Sphero-conal Coordinates
Gokhan Kahraman (Alumni METU)
pp. 1 - 6
[Short Paper]
Second Magnetic Field Singularity Doesn’t Exist at the Vertex of the Elliptic Cone
Gokhan Kahraman (Alumni METU)
pp. 7 - 12
On applying transfer learning into the neural network method for electromagnetic analysis
Kazuhiro Fujita (Saitama IT)
pp. 13 - 16
Development of Multiphysics Simulations with Spin Dynamics of Antiferromagnets
Tomoki Mukita, Seiya Kishimoto, Katsuji Nakagawa, Shinichiro Ohnuki (Nihon Univ.)
pp. 17 - 21
TD-BEM analysis of wake fields produced by 3D electron bunch at curved accelerator tube section
Tomohide Kawamura (Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.), Hideki Kawaguchi (Muroran-IT)
pp. 22 - 26
Design of optical linear discriminant analysis filter for discrimination of image input by digital micromirror device
Yukihiro Noto, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Koichi Hirayama, Takashi Yasui (Kitami Inst. Tech.)
pp. 27 - 31
Design of lens-photonsieve combined optical system for shift-invariant pattern recognition based on vector electromagnetic field analysis
Kaisei Takahashi, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Koichi Hirayama, Takashi Yasui (Kitami Inst. Tech.)
pp. 32 - 37
Algorithmic Improvements for Accelerating Propagation Analysis using the SBR Method
Jun Ito, Hiroshi Shirai (Chuo Univ.)
pp. 38 - 43
Time Response Analysis of Inside Electric Field by Dielectric Materials in Dispersive Media
Kensei Itaya, Ryosuke Ozaki, Tsuneki Yamasaki (Nihon Univ)
pp. 44 - 49
Study of Blocking of 5GHz WiFi Wave by thin FSS Sheet
Rikuto Asada, Hiroshi Shirai (Chuo Univ.)
pp. 50 - 55
[Invited Lecture]
Signal processing technique for the estimation of optical spectrum
-- Encoding of spectrum utilizing pseudo-random filter array --
Yasuo Ohtera (Toyama Pref. Univ.)
pp. 56 - 60
[Invited Lecture]
Radar-Based Sensing of Physiological Signals
Takuya Sakamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
pp. 61 - 65
[Invited Lecture]
An attempt for applying Physics-informed Neural Network to reconstruction of a dielectric cylinder from scattered waves
Kenichi Ishida, Tsuyoshi Matsuoka (Kyushu Sangyo Univ.)
pp. 66 - 71
[Invited Lecture]
Some attemps of time domain inverse scattering problem analysis
Toshifumi Moriyama (Nagasaki Univ.)
pp. 72 - 76
[Invited Lecture]
Numerical design of one-dimensional switching matrix with arbitrary number of beams and element operation for two-dimensional switching matrix
Jiro Hirokawa (Institute of Science Tokyo)
pp. 77 - 80
[Invited Lecture]
FDTD Simulation of Ocean Radar
Takuji Arima (TUAT)
pp. 81 - 84
[Invited Lecture]
Calculation method for propagation constant of two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide
-- boundary integral equation and periodic boundary condition --
Masahiro Tanaka (Gifu Univ.)
pp. 85 - 89
Analysis of refractive index sensor constructed by two-dimensional MDM plasmonic waveguide using transmission line circuit model
Yoshihiro Naka (Univ. Miyazaki), Masahiko Nishimoto (Kumamoto Univ.), Mitsuhiro Yokota (Univ. Miyazaki)
pp. 90 - 95
Proposal of Extended Liquid Time-Constant Neural Networks to Solve Partial Differential Equations
Justin Jun Wilkins, Yukihisa Suzuki (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
pp. 96 - 101
Numerical Analysis of Reflected Electromagnetic Fields for Mixed Dispersive Media Modeled as Reinforced Concrete
Keito Matsuoka, Ryosuke Ozaki, Tsuneki Yamasaki (Nihon Univ.)
pp. 102 - 107
A Comparative Study of the Fast Inverse Laplace Transform and the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform Used in Transient Response Analyses of Electromagnetic Fields
Koki Watanabe (Fukuoka Inst. Technol.)
pp. 108 - 110
Numerical Analysis of IC Tags Attached Near Multiple Conductor Cylindrical Pipes Using FDTD Method
Akari Kominami, Toshihiko Shibazaki (Tokyo Metro. College of Industrial Tech.)
pp. 111 - 116
Improvement of Characteristics of a Dual-Band Orthogonally Polarized Single-Layer Reflectarray with Region Segmentation for Mutual Coupling Suppression
Haruki Tanaka, Masataka Ohira, Hiroyuki Deguchi (Doshisha Univ.)
pp. 117 - 122
[Short Paper]
TEM Waves Solutions of the Complementary Bow-tie Antennas Disprove Babinet’s Principle in Electromagnetics
Gokhan Kahraman (Alumni METU)
pp. 123 - 126
Optimization for Low Cross-Polarization Multimode Horn with Spherical Wavefront
Hiroyuki Deguchi, Masataka Ohira (Doshisha Univ.)
pp. 127 - 132
RCS Estimation of Chaff Cloud from Rectangular Metal Pieces
Hirokazu Kobayashi (Electromagnetic Wave System Lab.), Yousuke Aoi (Sogo Electronics)
pp. 133 - 138
Spatiotemporal Data Analysis in Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Quaternion Neural Network
Kitoshi Kawai, Bungo Konishi, Ryo Natsuaki, Akira Hirose (UTokyo)
pp. 139 - 144
[Invited Lecture]
Application of Fast Inverse Laplace Transform and Prony Method to Numerical Analysis in Time Domain
Jerdvisanop Chakarothai (NICT)
pp. 145 - 149
[Invited Lecture]
Intra-pulse Effect on Synthetic Aperture Radar
Ryo Natsuaki (UTokyo)
pp. 150 - 155
[Invited Lecture]
On basics of the Kobayashi potential, its application to multiple scattering problems, and outlook
Ryoichi Sato (Niigata Univ.), Hiroshi Shirai (Chuo Univ)
pp. 156 - 161
[Invited Lecture]
Fundamental Characteristics and Its Applications of Silicon-On-Insulator Photodetector with Surface Plasmon Antenna
Hiroaki Satoh (Shizuoka Univ.)
pp. 162 - 167
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.