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Technical Committee on VLSI Design Technologies (VLD)  (Searched in: 2013)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2014-03-03 to:2014-03-03'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 34  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
VLD 2014-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Characterization of Random Telegraph Noise using Inhomogeneous Ring Oscillator
Shohei Nishimura, Takashi Matsumoto (Kyoto Univ.), Kazutoshi Kobayashi (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Hidetoshi Onodera (Kyoto Univ.) VLD2013-134
RTN has severe impact on combinational logic circuits. Extracting accurate (RTN-induced) variation information is a huge... [more] VLD2013-134
VLD 2014-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Impact of CMOS Transistor Random Telegraph Noise on Combinational Circuit Delay
Takashi Matsumoto (Kyoto Univ.), Kazutoshi Kobayashi (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Hidetoshi Onodera (Kyoto Univ.) VLD2013-135
 [more] VLD2013-135
VLD 2014-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Fast Simulation of Multilayered Power Distribution Networks by Using Conformal Mesh Model and Block-Type Leapfrog Scheme
Tadatoshi Sekine, Hideki Asai (Shizuoka Univ.) VLD2013-136
In this report, we propose an equivalent circuit modeling technique of a multilayered power distribution network based o... [more] VLD2013-136
VLD 2014-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan nMOS Dynamic Shift Registers for Driver Circuit of Small LCD and Their Evaluations
Shinji Higa, Tomohiro Kurita, Shuji Tsukiyama (Chuo Univ.) VLD2013-137
Driver circuits for small LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) are formed on the same glass substrate as LCD by means of TFTs (T... [more] VLD2013-137
VLD 2014-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan On a Statistical Method for Analyzing Lifetime of Series-Connected Batteries
Daisuke Sasaki, Shuji Tsukiyama, Mariko Matsunaga (Chuo Univ.), Shingo Takahashi (NEC) VLD2013-138
In order to establish a sustainable society, a large variety of secondary batteries are necessary, each of which is a ba... [more] VLD2013-138
VLD 2014-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Improved scan-based side-channel attack on the LED block cipher independent of scan structure
Mika Fujishiro, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa (Waseda Univ.) VLD2013-139
LED (Light Encryption Device) block cipher, one of lightweight block ciphers, is very compact in hardware. The conventio... [more] VLD2013-139
VLD 2014-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Latch-based AES Encryption Circuit Against Fault Analysis
Youhua Shi, Hiroaki Taniguchi, Nozomu Togawa, Masao Yanagisawa (Waseda Univ.) VLD2013-140
In general, cryptography is considered to be secure because it is based on complicated mathematical theories. In recent ... [more] VLD2013-140
VLD 2014-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Secure scan design using improved random order scans and its evaluations
Masaru Oya, Yuta Atobe, Youhua Shi, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa (Waseda Univ.) VLD2013-141
Scan test using scan chains is one of the most important DFT techniques.
On the other hand, scan-based attacks are repo... [more]
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan An Enhancement of Length Difference Reduction Algorithm for Set Pair Routing
Yusaku Yamamoto, Atsushi Takahashi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) VLD2013-142
Recent advances in circuit speed force to realize signal propagation delay accurately.
In PCB routing design,
desired... [more]
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan An Effective Solution Space for Simulated Annealing
Hiroshi Tezuka, Kunihiro Fujiyoshi (TUAT) VLD2013-143
Simulated Annealing is a universal probabilistic metaheuristic for the general optimization problem of locating a good a... [more] VLD2013-143
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Parallel Tabu Search for the Motif Extraction Problem in Molecular Biology and its GPGPU Implementation
Yuki Tanihara, Masato Inagi, Shinobu Nagayama, Shin'ichi Wakabayashi (Hiroshima City Univ.) VLD2013-144
 [more] VLD2013-144
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan An Approach of Rate-Distortion Optimized Quantization and its Evaluation
Genki Moriguchi, Hajime Sawano, Takashi Kambe (Kinki Univ.), Gen Fujita (Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ.) VLD2013-145
Rate-distortion optimized quantization (RDOQ) is becoming a popular technology to improve its video coding performance.
... [more]
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan An Hardware Implementation of Motion Estimation Technology Using High Level Synthesis
Shota Nagai, Takashi Kambe (Kinki Univ.), Gen Fujita (Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ.) VLD2013-146
Recently, video coding technology is used widely and is demanded higher quality and speeder. Therefore, we design hardwa... [more] VLD2013-146
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Effect of Correlated Stochastic Numbers on Calculation Accuracy
Shota Ishii, Daiki Sunamori, Hideyuki Ichihara, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, Tomoo Inoue (Hiroshima City Univ.) VLD2013-147
Stochastic computing, which is a computing method with probabilities(called stochastic numbers), draws attention as an a... [more] VLD2013-147
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan [Invited Talk] Advanced Model-Based Hotspot Fix Flow for Layout Optimization with Genetic Algorithm
Shuhei Sota (Toshiba Microelectronics), Taiga Uno, Masanari Kajiwara, Chikaaki Kodama (Toshiba), Hirotaka Ichikawa (Toshiba Microelectronics), Ryota Aburada, Toshiya Kotani (Toshiba), Kei Nakagawa, Tamaki Saito (Toshiba Microelectronics) VLD2013-148
Under the low-k1 lithography process, many hotspots are generated and their reduction is an urgent issue for mass produc... [more] VLD2013-148
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Local Pattern Modification Method for Lithographical ECO in Double Patterning
Yutaro Miyabe, Atsushi Takahashi, Tomomi Matsui (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Yukihide Kohira (Univ. of Aizu), Yoko Yokoyama (Toshiba) VLD2013-149
In advanced semiconductor manufacturing processes, even though a pattern is generated according to
a design rule, hot s... [more]
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Self-Aligned Double Patterning-Aware Modified Two-color Grid Routing
Takeshi Ihara, Atsushi Takahashi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Chikaaki Kodama (TOSHIBA) VLD2013-150
 [more] VLD2013-150
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Self-Aligned Double and Quadruple Patterning-Aware Grid Routing
Chikaaki Kodama (Toshiba), Hirotaka Ichikawa (Toshiba Microelectronics), Fumiharu Nakajima, Koichi Nakayama, Shigeki Nojima, Toshiya Kotani (Toshiba) VLD2013-151
Self-Aligned Double and Quadruple Patterning (SADP, SAQP) are leading candidates for sub-$20~nm$ and sub-$14~nm$ node an... [more] VLD2013-151
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan Exposure source optimization by clustering for lithography
Masashi Tawada, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa (Waseda Univ.), Takaki Hashimoto, Keishi Sakanushi, Shigeki Nojima, Toshiya Kotani (Toshiba) VLD2013-152
In lithography, we generate patterns on a wafer through a photomask,
where patterns generated have to be close to ideal... [more]
VLD 2014-03-04
Okinawa Okinawa Seinen Kaikan [Memorial Lecture] A Network-Flow-Based Optimal Sample Preparation Algorithm for Digital Microfluidic Biochips
Trung Anh Dinh, Shigeru Yamashita (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Tsung-Yi Ho (National Cheng-Kung Univ.) VLD2013-153
Sample preparation, which is a front-end process to produce droplets of the desired target concentrations from input rea... [more] VLD2013-153
 Results 1 - 20 of 34  /  [Next]  
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