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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 53  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SDM, ED 2009-06-25
Overseas Haeundae Grand Hotel, Busan, Korea Study on Compositional Transition Layers at Gate Dielectrics/Si Interface by using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Tomoyuki Suwa (Tohoku Univ.), Takashi Aratani (Shin-Etsu Chemical), Masaaki Higuchi (TOSHIBA), Sigetoshi Sugawa (Tohoku Univ.), Eiji Ikenaga (JASRI), Jiro Ushio (Hitachi), Hiroshi Nohira (Musashi Inst. of Tech.), Akinobu Teramoto, Tadahiro Ohmi, Takeo Hattori (Tohoku Univ.) ED2009-86 SDM2009-81
 [more] ED2009-86 SDM2009-81
EA 2009-03-27
Tokyo   Sound detector using microphone array and local area network
Takuya Murakami, Shogo Kiryu (Musashi Inst. of Tech.), Kaoru Ashihara (AIST) EA2008-145
A sound detector system designed for detection and location of trapped victims in a disaster area is proposed.The system... [more] EA2008-145
Kanagawa YRP Load-Balanced and Reduced Data Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Sinks
Eisuke Orito, Akihide Utani, Hisao Yamamoto (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) AN2008-66
There is growing expectation for wireless sensor networks. In wireless sensor networks, hundreds or thousands of micro-s... [more] AN2008-66
COMP 2009-03-02
Tokyo Tokyo Institute of Technology An Efficient Flooding Scheme Using Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Junya Nagashima, Akihide Utani, Hisao Yamamoto (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) COMP2008-61
Wireless sensor networks have a wide range of applications, such as environmental monitoring, environmental control, and... [more] COMP2008-61
COMP 2009-03-02
Tokyo Tokyo Institute of Technology Adaptive and Efficient Routng Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
Eisuke Orito, Akihide Utani, Hisao Yamamoto (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) COMP2008-62
There is growing expectation for new network services by wireless sensor networks and mobile robots. Wireless sensor net... [more] COMP2008-62
IE, ITS, ITE-HI, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT 2009-02-05
Hokkaido Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Hokkaido Univ A Study on Image Processing for Action Assistance of Visually Impaired Humans Using a Camera Equipped Cellular Phone
Nanae Tanaka, Masashi Okudaira (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) ITS2008-64 IE2008-234
This paper proposes a guidance method of positions and directions of textured pavement blocks on a cellular phone.
Conc... [more]
ITS2008-64 IE2008-234
SP 2009-01-29
Nara NAIST Speeding up fundamental frequency information extraction by Hough transform for noise-rubust speech recognition
Hideki Yasui, Koichi Shinoda, Sadaoki Furui (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Koji Iwano (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) SP2008-129
While $F_0$ information obtained by Hough transform has been shown to be effective in speech recognition in noisy enviro... [more] SP2008-129
NC 2009-01-19
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Solving Relay Dedicated Node Assignment Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks Using PSO with Suppression
Masaki Yoshimura, Hidehiro Nakano, Arata Miyauchi (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) NC2008-82
In sensor networks, learge number of sensor nodes are scattered in an observed target field.
Each sensor node transmit... [more]
SIS 2008-12-05
Osaka Kansai Univ. An Impulse Noise Reduction Technique for Extremely Corrupted Color Images
Mitsuji Muneyasu, Yukihiro Iwayama, Hitoshi Namba (Kansai Univ.), Akira Taguchi (Musashi Inst. Tech.)
The switching median filter with boundary discriminative noise detection (BDND) has a good performance for extremely cor... [more] SIS2008-66
SDM 2008-10-10
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. Study on Compositional Transition Layers at Gate Dielectrics/Si Interface by using Angle-resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Tomoyuki Suwa (Tohoku Univ.), Takashi Aratani (Shin-Etsu Chemi.), Masaaki Higuchi (Toshiba), Shigetoshi Sugawa (Tohoku Univ.), Eiji Ikenaga (JASRI), Jiro Ushio (Hitachi), Hiroshi Nohira (Musashi Inst. of Tech.), Akinobu Teramoto, Tadahiro Ohmi, Takeo Hattori (Tohoku Univ.) SDM2008-167
Soft x-ray-excited angle-resolved photoemission results for nitride films formed using nitrogen-hydrogen radicals on Si(... [more] SDM2008-167
SIS, SIP, IPSJ-AVM 2008-09-25
Fukuoka Tobata Campus, Kyushu Institute of Technology Experimental studies on Image Distinction Using Event Related Potential P300
Masahito Endo, Youhei Ono, Akira Taguchi (Musashi Inst.) SIP2008-94 SIS2008-29
 [more] SIP2008-94 SIS2008-29
RCS 2008-08-27
Hokkaido Hokkaido University Performance Evaluation of MBMS Signals Using Time Diversity in OFDM based Evolved UTRA Downlink
Akihito Morimoto, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Motohiro Tanno (NTT DoCoMo), Mamoru Sawahashi (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) RCS2008-62
This paper presents the gain of time diversity on the achievable data rate of Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MB... [more] RCS2008-62
RCS 2008-06-27
Mie Mie University Experiments on Frequency Error Compensation Using Synchronization Channel in OFDM Radio Access
Hidekazu Taoka (NTT DoCoMo), Fumiaki Ito (Musashi Inst. Tech.), Keiji Takakusaki (Panasonic Mobile Commn.), Mamoru Sawahashi (Musashi Inst. Tech.) RCS2008-26
 [more] RCS2008-26
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus A Learning Algorithm of Binary Neural Networks Based on Real-Coded GA
Yu Akedo, Hidehiro Nakano, Arata Miyauchi (Musashi Inst. Tech.) NC2008-26
In this paper, we propose a learning algorithm of Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) based on real-coded genetic algorithm. ... [more] NC2008-26
NC, NLP 2008-06-27
Okinawa University of the Ryukyus GA-based geometrical learning of binary neural networks and its generalization capability
Syuhei Shimada, Hidehiro Nakano, Arata Miyauchi (Musashi Inst. Tech.) NC2008-27
GA-based geometrical learning of Binary Neural Network (BNN) is discussed in this paper.
To apply BNN to the multi cla... [more]
SIS 2008-06-13
Hokkaido   Modeling of the ECG wave by using Gaussian functions
Yasuaki Mogi, Kota Murahira, Akira Taguchi (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) SIS2008-17
A new human identification method based on electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is introduced in this paper. The human heart i... [more] SIS2008-17
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Cell Searcch Time performance using Transmit Diversity for OFDM Based Radio Access in Evolved UTRA
Satoshi Nagata, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Motohiro Tanno (NTT DoCoMo, Inc.), Kenichi Higuchi (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Mamoru Sawahashi (Musashi Inst. of Tech.) RCS2008-9
 [more] RCS2008-9
SIS 2008-03-13
Tokyo Musashi Institute of Technology(Setagaya) FPGA Implementation of Two-Dimensional Data Dependent Weighted Average Filters by Using System-C Language
Tomoyuki Morisawa, Akira Taguchi (Musashi Inst. Tech.) SIS2007-69
Restoration an image sequence degraded by additive Gaussian noise is important, since, this image sequence is obtained i... [more] SIS2007-69
SIS 2008-03-14
Tokyo Musashi Institute of Technology(Setagaya) Bit-Length Expansion Method for Digital Images
Hidenori Mataki (Musashi Inst. Tech.), Tomoaki Kimura (Kanagawa Inst. Tech.), Akira Taguchi (Musashi Inst. Tech.) SIS2007-89
Bit-length of digital images is decided by the specification of the Analog to Digital(AD) converter. The bit-length expa... [more] SIS2007-89
SIS 2008-03-14
Tokyo Musashi Institute of Technology(Setagaya) Super Resolution Interpolation Based on the Phase-Only Correlation
Kota Murahira, Akira Taguchi (Musashi Inst. Tech.) SIS2007-90
In most electronic imaging applications, images with high resolution (HR) are desired and often required. One promising ... [more] SIS2007-90
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