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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NLP, MSS 2024-03-14
Misc. Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Stability of periodic orbits in Mixed-rule Cellular Automata and implementation
Kazuma Matsushita, Toshimichi Saito (HU) MSS2023-90 NLP2023-142
This paper studies mixed-rule cellular automata (MCA) governed by two rules of simple Boolean functions.
Depending on t... [more]
MSS2023-90 NLP2023-142
SS 2024-03-07
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Zone-Based Reachability Analysis of Nested Timed Automata
Seiichiro Tachi (Nagoya Univ), Mizuhito Ogawa (JAIST), Shoji Yuen (Nagoya Univ) SS2023-53
We present a zone-based reachability analysis for Nested Timed Automata (NeTA).
NeTA is a timed pushdown automaton that... [more]
COMP 2023-03-02
Tokyo Ochanomizu University When Input Integers are Given in the Unary Numeral Representation -- (Preliminary Report) --
Tomoyuki Yamakami (U of Fukui) COMP2022-37
Many NP-complete problems take integers as part of their input instances. These input integers are given in general in t... [more] COMP2022-37
DC, SS 2022-10-25
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
SS2022-24 DC2022-30 Nominal set plays a central role in a group-theoretic extension of finite automata to those over an infinite set of data... [more] SS2022-24 DC2022-30
SS, IPSJ-SE, KBSE [detail] 2022-07-29
Hokkaido Hokkaido-Jichiro-Kaikan (Sapporo)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Verification of Implementable Timed Automata via Satisfiability Checking
Seiichiro Tachi, Shoji Yuen (Nagoya Univ.) SS2022-9 KBSE2022-19
We present a technique for bounded model-checking the reachability in timed automata with implementability assuming that... [more] SS2022-9 KBSE2022-19
SC 2022-03-11
Online EventIn Digital Transformation in IT Education -- E-Learning Application for Automata --
Takumi Nakano, Hiroshi Sunaga (OIT) SC2021-37
The aim of this study is to construct an e-learning application that helps understand how automata work and thereby supp... [more] SC2021-37
CCS 2021-11-18
Osaka Osaka Univ.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Making Simple Music from Elementary Cellular Automata
Wataru Kojima, Toshimichi Saito (HU) CCS2021-18
Elementary cellular automata (ECAs) are simple digital dynamical systems in which time, space, and state are all discret... [more] CCS2021-18
HCS 2021-03-15
Online Online Rural Life and Study Group Activities -- Importance of Very Low Noise Environment --
Kumon Tokumaru (Writer) HCS2020-71
Under Covid-19 pandemic, Study Group Meetings of IEICE are held on-line. IEICE Members who live in rural area and have d... [more] HCS2020-71
WBS, IT, ISEC 2021-03-04
Online Online Streaming Data Compression and Decompression by One-Way Quantum Finite-State Automata, Leading to Quantum Finite-State Deep and Shallow Information (Preliminary Report)
Tomoyuki Yamakami (U of Fukui) IT2020-117 ISEC2020-47 WBS2020-36
The logical depth of a piece of data has served as a complexity measure to
describe the amount of “useful” and "non-ran... [more]
IT2020-117 ISEC2020-47 WBS2020-36
(Joint) [detail]
Online Online Analysis of simple cellular automata for music signal generation
Hotaka Udagawa, Toshimichi Saito (HU) CAS2020-12 NLP2020-33
The elementary cellular automata (ECAs) are a digital dynamical system in which time, space and states are all discrete.... [more] CAS2020-12 NLP2020-33
COMP 2019-12-13
Gunma Ikaho Seminar House, Gunma University Reduction of number of signals on controlling reaction systems
Ryutaro Yako, Satoshi Kobayashi (UEC) COMP2019-39
We proposed a mathematical framework in which we can choose arbitrary boolean function to be computed by controlling rea... [more] COMP2019-39
COMP 2019-12-13
Gunma Ikaho Seminar House, Gunma University Limited Deterministic Automata and Pumping Lemma
Kosei Yoshida, Tomoyuki Yamakami (U of Fukui) COMP2019-41
This pape, introduced a pumping lemma for languages recognizable by limited deterministic automata. We use this lemma to... [more] COMP2019-41
DC, SS 2019-10-24
Kumamoto Kumamoto Univ. Computing Optimal Weight in Weighted Register Automata and Related Decision Problems
Reo Yoshimura (Nagoya Univ.), Yoshiaki Takata (Kochi-tech.), Hiroyuki Seki (Nagoya Univ.) SS2019-16 DC2019-44
Register automaton (RA) is a computational model that can handle data values by adding registers to finite automaton. Re... [more] SS2019-16 DC2019-44
NLP, CAS 2019-10-22
Gifu Gifu Univ. Expression ability of time-variant rule elementary cellular automata
Takahiro Ozawa, Toshimichi Saito (HU) CAS2019-36 NLP2019-76
The elementary cellular automata(ECA) is a digital dynamical system in which time, space and states are all discrete. De... [more] CAS2019-36 NLP2019-76
CCS, NLP 2019-06-07
Niigata machinaka campus nagaoka Asynchronous Cellular Automata and Reservoir Computing -- Beyond the Edge of Chaos --
Daisuke Uragami (Nihon Univ.), Yulkio-Pegio Gunji (Waseda Univ.) NLP2019-20 CCS2019-3
The asynchronous tuned cellular automaton (AT_ECA) we have proposed has been shown to generate critical spatiotemporal p... [more] NLP2019-20 CCS2019-3
LOIS 2019-03-07
Okinawa Miyakojima-shi Central Community Center State Transition Machine As Coordination Message In Everyday Life Errands
Keiko Shimokoriyama, Chihiro Tsutsumi, Ken Nakayama (Tsuda Univ.) LOIS2018-57
When asking others to do some task, the task is described as a document in a natural language. Despite a task usually c... [more] LOIS2018-57
MSS, SS 2019-01-16
Okinawa   Optimal Run Problem for Weighted Register Automata
Reo Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Seki (Nagoya Univ.) MSS2018-66 SS2018-37
Register automaton (RA) is a computational model that can handle data values by adding registers to finite automaton. Re... [more] MSS2018-66 SS2018-37
Tokyo The University of Tokyo Non-Uniform State Complexity of Quantum Finite Automata and Quantum Polynomial-Time Logarithmic-Space Computation with Quantum Advice -- (Preliminary Report) --
Tomoyuki Yamakami (U of Fukui)
The state complexity of a finite(-state) automaton intuitively measures the size of the description of the automaton. Sa... [more]
CCS 2018-11-23
Hyogo Kobe Univ. [Invited Talk] Error-correction in neuro-inspired spike signaling
Ferdinand Peper (NICT) CCS2018-42
Inspired by the spike-based signaling between neurons, we introduce impulse-based signaling for wireless communication, ... [more] CCS2018-42
CCS 2018-11-23
Hyogo Kobe Univ. Dynamics analysis and application of cellular automata with time-variant rules
Takahiro Ozawa, Toshimichi Saito (HU) CCS2018-43
The cellular automata are digital dynamical systems in which time, space, states are all discrete. Depending on a rule, ... [more] CCS2018-43
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