Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [Japanese] / [English]
Development of Millimeter Wave Local Network System with Service Area Extension based on RoF Technology
Takeshi Matsumura, Hikaru Kawasaki, Kazuo Ibuka, Fumihide Kojima (NICT)
pp. 1 - 6
Demonstration Experiment of Virtual Pre-Connection Scheme for Trains with Millimeter Wave Railway Linear Cell
Kazuo Ibuka, Hikaru Kawasaki, Azril Haniz, Takeshi Matsumura, Fumihide Kojima (NICT), Daiki Shibahara, Kenichiro Kamohara, Fumitoshi Abe, Reiji Ishima (JR-EAST), Shogo Ogawa, Daisuke Yamaguchi, Koki Iwamoto, Kazuki Nakamura (RTRI)
pp. 7 - 11
A Study on Placement Design Method for High-Speed Train Communications with mmWave
Shunsuke Fujio, Kenichi Nishikawa, Kazuyuki Ozaki (Fujitsu)
pp. 13 - 18
Deep Learning based Joint SNR and Doppler Shift Detection using Multiuser Spectrogram
Shun Kojima (Chiba Univ.), Yi Feng (Duke Univ.), Kazuki Maruta, Chang-Jun Ahn (Chiba Univ.), Vahid Tarokh (Duke Univ.)
pp. 19 - 24
[Invited Lecture]
Flexible Factory Project
-- Connecting manufacturing systems by wireless communications --
Satoko Itaya, Fumihide Kojima (NICT)
pp. 25 - 29
Throughput Evaluation of Dual-CTS Method for Spatial Reuse in Heterogeneous IoT Systems
Kento Ono (Tohoku Univ.), Kohei akimoto (Akita Prefectural Univ.), Suguru Kameda, Noriharu Suematsu (Tohoku Univ.)
pp. 31 - 36
Discreteness Aware Receiver Design and Antenna Configuration for Distributed MIMO
Kengo Ando (The Univ. Electro-Communications), Hiroki Iimori (JUB), Koji Ishibashi (The Univ. Electro-Communications), Giuseppe Abreu (JUB)
pp. 37 - 42
Optimal Transmission Strategy Realizing Minimum Age-of-Information of Energy Harvesting Users over Multiple-Access Channels
Naoya Hirosawa (The Univ. Electro-Communications), Hiroki Iimori (JUB), Koji Ishibashi (The Univ. Electro-Communications), Giuseppe Abreu (JUB)
pp. 43 - 48
Generalization of Performance Analysis on OFDM Pilot-Aided Ambient Backscatter Communications
Takanori Hara, Ryuhei Takahashi, Koji Ishibashi (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)
pp. 49 - 54
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.