Chair |
Kyoko Yamori (Asahi Univ.) |
Vice Chair |
Takanori Hayashi (NTT), Hideyuki Shimonishi (NEC) |
Secretary |
Yasuhiro Yamasaki (NEC), Takahiro Matsuzaki (Osaka Univ.) |
Assistant |
Masahiro Yamamoto (OKI), Bo GU (Waseda Univ.), Hirantha Abeysekera (NTT) |
Conference Date |
Tue, Sep 1, 2015 09:10 - 17:50
Wed, Sep 2, 2015 09:30 - 17:20 |
Topics |
Conference Place |
Transportation Guide |
http://www.kit.ac.jp/01/gakunaimap/matugasaki.html |
Contact Person |
Department of Information Science, UMEHARA, Daisuke
+81-75-724-7471 |
Sponsors |
This conference is co-sponsored by Kyoto Institute of Technology
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Tue, Sep 1 AM CQ1-1 Chair: Takefumi HIRAGURI (Nippon Institute of Technology) 09:10 - 10:30 |
(1) |
09:10-09:30 |
A Quality Improvement Method for VoIP on Mobile Networks Considering Delay Spikes CQ2015-40 |
Koichi Nihei, Kozo Satoda (NEC), Hiroshi Yoshida (NEC/Tokyo Tech) |
(2) |
09:30-09:50 |
The Effect of Network Environment on QoE in the QoE-Based Video Output Scheme SCS CQ2015-41 |
Toshiro Nunome, Hirofumi Ono (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Shuji Tasaka (NISRI) |
(3) |
09:50-10:10 |
Influence of network delay on pen strokes in bilateral remote robot control with haptic sence CQ2015-42 |
Kazuya Suzuki, Yoshihiro Maeda, Yutaka Ishibashi, Norishige Fukushima (NIT) |
(4) |
10:10-10:30 |
A High-Precision and High-Efficiency Networked Control System Using Dynamic Send Data Selection CQ2015-43 |
Takahiro Funakoshi, Ryusuke Imai, Ryogo Kubo (Keio Univ.) |
10:30-10:40 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Tue, Sep 1 AM CQ1-2 Chair: Megumi KANEKO (Kyoto University) 10:40 - 12:00 |
(5) |
10:40-11:00 |
Perceptually Weighted Compressed Sensing for Images and Video Signals in Communications CQ2015-44 |
Sawsan Elsayed, Osamu Muta (Kyushu Univ.), Maha Elsabrouty (EJUST), Hiroshi Furukawa (Kyushu Univ.) |
(6) |
11:00-11:20 |
Graph Fourier Transform-Based Network Tomography for Location Dependent Wireless Channels CQ2015-45 |
Tatsuya Morita, Takahiro Matsuda, Tetsuya Takine (Osaka Univ) |
(7) |
11:20-11:40 |
Relation between Message Sentiment and its Virality on Social Media CQ2015-46 |
Sho Tsugawa (Univ. of Tsukuba), Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) |
(8) |
11:40-12:00 |
A Study on Acoustic Features Affecting the Quality of Theatrical Speech based on the Image Evaluation CQ2015-47 |
Kenko Ota, Yuki Idei, Shiho Aoki, Naoki Otani (Nippon Inst. of Tech.), Takuya Nakashima (Graduate School of Nippon Inst. of Tech.) |
12:00-13:00 |
Break ( 60 min. ) |
Tue, Sep 1 PM CQ1-3 Chair: Kazunori Hayashi (Kyoto University) 13:00 - 14:20 |
(9) |
13:00-13:20 |
Improvement on transmission efficiency by multi-beam massive MIMO transmission CQ2015-48 |
Kentaro Nishimori, Kohei Kameyama (Niigata Univ.), Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT), Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ.) |
(10) |
13:20-13:40 |
Relationship between the interference reduction characteristics and amount of signal processing by cylindrical array based massive MIMO in a real microcell environment CQ2015-49 |
Ryochi Kataoka, Kentaro Nishimori (Niigata Univ.), Ngochao Tran, Tetsuro Imai (NTTdocomo) |
(11) |
13:40-14:00 |
Beam-Orthogonality Based Mesh Network Construction Method CQ2015-50 |
Tomotaka Kimura (TUS), Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT), Masahiro Muraguchi (TUS) |
(12) |
14:00-14:20 |
A study of all layers integrated control using an optimization method for QoE improvement CQ2015-51 |
Takuya Shindo, Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT) |
14:20-14:30 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Tue, Sep 1 PM CQ1-4 Chair: Daisuke UMEHARA (Kyoto Institute of Technology) 14:30 - 15:50 |
(13) |
14:30-14:50 |
Performance evaluation of channel access acquisition control in unlicensed band for future mobile communication system CQ2015-52 |
B. A. Hirantha Sithira Abeysekera, Riichi Kudo, Munehiro Matsui, Yasushi Takatori, Takeo Ichikawa, Masato Mizoguchi (NTT) |
(14) |
14:50-15:10 |
A Study of Collision Avoidance and Detection Schemes on WLAN CQ2015-53 |
Yoshiaki Morino, Takefumi Hiraguri, Hideaki Yoshino (NIT), Takahiro Matsuda (Osaka Univ.), Kentaro Nishimori (Niigata Univ.) |
(15) |
15:10-15:30 |
Application on multi-user system by MIMO based collision detection CQ2015-54 |
Ryochi Kataoka (Niigata Univ.), Yoshiaki Morino (NIT), Kentaro Nishimori (Niigata Univ.), Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT) |
(16) |
15:30-15:50 |
On spatial propagation opportunity CQ2015-55 |
Kentaro Nishimori (Niigata Univ.), Takefumi Hiraguri (NIT) |
15:50-16:00 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Tue, Sep 1 PM CQ1-5 Chair: Takanori HAYASHI (NTT) 16:00 - 17:00 |
(17) |
16:00-16:30 |
[Invited Talk]
TransferJet: Close Proximity High Speed Wireless Transfer System for New User Experiences CQ2015-56 |
Kiyoshi Toshimitsu (Toshiba) |
(18) |
16:30-17:00 |
[Invited Talk]
Massive MIMO Technology for Significant Transmit Performance Enhancement in 5G Mobile Communication System CQ2015-57 |
Akinori Taira, Hiroki Iura, Shigeru Uchida, Akihiro Okazaki, Atsushi Okamura (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) |
17:00-17:10 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Tue, Sep 1 PM CQ1-6 Chair: Kyoko YAMORI (Asahi University) 17:10 - 17:50 |
(19) |
17:10-17:50 |
[Special Invited Talk]
Toward Actualization of the Next Generation Mobile Communications 5G
-- Latest Technical Trends, Standardization of 5G Radio Access Network and DOCOMO's Activities -- |
Yukihiko Okumura (NTT DOCOMO) |
Wed, Sep 2 AM CQ2-1 Chair: Kentarou NISHIMORI (Niigata University) 09:30 - 10:50 |
(20) |
09:30-09:50 |
A Study of Received Frame Sharing Protocol for Collaborative Interference Cancellation CQ2015-58 |
Daisuke Umehara (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Hidekazu Murata (Kyoto Univ.), Satoshi Denno (Okayama Univ.) |
(21) |
09:50-10:10 |
Improving bufferbloat problem of TCP communication by MAC retransmission limitation at IEEE 802.11n access point CQ2015-59 |
Masataka Nomoto, Celimuge Wu, Satoshi Ohzahata, Toshihiko Kato (UEC) |
(22) |
10:10-10:30 |
A Study of IEEE 802.11 DCF with Successful Transmission Priority CQ2015-60 |
Daisuke Umehara (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Hidekazu Murata (Kyoto Univ.), Satoshi Denno (Okayama Univ.) |
(23) |
10:30-10:50 |
Implementation of Random AIFSN Scheme on Off-the-Shelf WLAN Devices CQ2015-61 |
Ryuichi Hirata, Takayuki Nishio, Masahiro Morikura, Koji Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.) |
10:50-11:00 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Sep 2 AM CQ2-2 Chair: Hideyuki SHIMONISHI (NEC) 11:00 - 12:00 |
(24) |
11:00-11:30 |
[Special Talk]
Standardization Trends on Wireless LAN CQ2015-62 |
Akira Yamada, Daisuke Nojima, Takahiro Kubo, Takahiro Asai (NTT DOCOMO) |
(25) |
11:30-12:00 |
[Invited Talk]
Efficiency improvement of multiuser MIMO transmission for wireless LAN systems CQ2015-63 |
Tomoki Murakami, Hayato Fukuzono, Yasushi Takatori, Masato Mizoguchi (NTT) |
12:00-13:00 |
Break ( 60 min. ) |
Wed, Sep 2 PM CQ2-3 Chair: Takayuki Nishio (Kyoto University) 13:00 - 14:20 |
(26) |
13:00-13:20 |
A Study of CW Optimization in IEEE 802.11 DCF Network Coding CQ2015-64 |
Daisuke Umehara (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Hidekazu Murata (Kyoto Univ.), Satoshi Denno (Okayama Univ.) |
(27) |
13:20-13:40 |
Experimental analysis on performance anomaly at download data transfer in IEEE802.11n wireless LAN CQ2015-65 |
Yoshiki Hashimoto, Masataka Nomoto, Celimuge Wu, Satoshi Ohzahata, Toshihiko Kato (UEC) |
(28) |
13:40-14:00 |
Improvement of receiver behavior for dynamic sensitivity control technique in high efficiency wireless LAN CQ2015-66 |
Shoko Shinohara, Yasuhiko Inoue, Koichi Ishihara, Junichi Iwatani, Yasushi Takatori, Masato Mizoguchi (NTT) |
(29) |
14:00-14:20 |
Efficient Multi-Channel Packet Forwarding with Round-Robin Intermittent Periodic Transmit for Wireless Backhaul Systems CQ2015-67 |
Kazuki Maruta, Hiroshi Furukawa (Kyushu Univ.) |
14:20-14:30 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Sep 2 PM CQ2-4 Chair: Takahiro MATSUDA (Osaka University) 14:30 - 15:50 |
(30) |
14:30-14:50 |
Self-Organized Resource Allocation Scheme based on partial CSI Sharing in HetNets Employing Cell Range Expansion CQ2015-68 |
Takuya Kamenosono, Megumi Kaneko, Kazunori Hayashi (Kyoto Univ.), Lila Boukhatem (Univ. Paris XI) |
(31) |
14:50-15:10 |
Evaluation of Influence on Throughput and Transmission Delay by HARQ Retransmission for Bidirectional Digital FPU System CQ2015-69 |
Fumiki Uzawa, Tomofumi Koyama, Takashi Kumagai, Kazuhiko Mitsuyama (NHK), Katsunori Aoki (NHK-ES), Naohiko Iai (NHK) |
(32) |
15:10-15:30 |
Throghput estimation using RGB-D camera and machine learning for mmWave communications CQ2015-70 |
Takayuki Nishio, Hironao Okamoto, Koji Yamamoto, Masahiro Morikura (Kyoto Univ.) |
(33) |
15:30-15:50 |
Visible light communication between a LED traffic light and a vehicle CQ2015-71 |
Hirotoshi Ki, Saeko Oshiba, Shunsuke Iki, Kazunari Morimoto (KIT) |
15:50-16:00 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Sep 2 PM CQ2-5 Chair: B. A. Hirantha Sithira Abeysekera (NTT) 16:00 - 17:20 |
(34) |
16:00-16:20 |
Path Metric for Lower Throughput Fluctuation on the Other Paths in Wireless Mesh Networks CQ2015-72 |
Hiromu Asahina (Keio Univ.), Hisao Yamamoto (TCU), Iwao Sasase (Keio Univ.) |
(35) |
16:20-16:40 |
Opportunistic Routing Based on Terminal Density and Terminal Distance CQ2015-73 |
Taku Yamazaki (Waseda Univ.), Ryo Yamamoto (The Univ. of Electro-Communications), Takumi Miyoshi (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.), Takuya Asaka (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Yoshiaki Tanaka (Waseda Univ.) |
(36) |
16:40-17:00 |
Optimum Packet Length in an Intermittently Available Channel CQ2015-74 |
Shinsaku Kobayashi, Yoshiaki Inoue, Tetsuya Takine (Osaka Univ.) |
(37) |
17:00-17:20 |
[Title]Message Rarity-Based Buffer Management Scheme for Store-Carry-Forward Routing
[Author]Tomotaka Kimura (TUS), Tetsuya Takine (Osaka Univ.) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 16 minutes for presentation and 4 minutes for discussion. |
Invited Talk | Each speech will have 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Special Talk | Each speech will have 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Special Invited Talk | Each speech will have 30 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
CQ |
Technical Committee on Communication Quality (CQ) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Yasuhiro Yamasaki (NEC)
TEL +81-44-396-2616, FAX +81-44-431-7609
Takahiro Matsuda (Osaka University)
TEL +81-6-6879-7741, FAX +81-6-6875-5901
E- : cq_ - n   |
Announcement |
Latest information will be presented on the homepage:
http://www.ieice.org/cs/cq/jpn/ |
Last modified: 2015-08-20 14:06:10