Chair |
Kou Miyake (NTT) |
Vice Chair |
Miki Yamamoto (Kansai Univ.) |
Secretary |
Hideki Tode (Osaka Univ.), Ichiro Inoue (NTT) |
Assistant |
Takashi Miyamura (NTT) |
Chair |
Hiroshi Saito (NTT) |
Vice Chair |
Hiroyuki Morikawa (Univ. of Tokyo) |
Secretary |
Motonori Nakamura (NTT), Manabu Isomura (KDDI Labs.) |
Assistant |
Sunyon Kim (NTT) |
Chair |
Kouichiro Wakasugi (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.) |
Vice Chair |
Tomohiro Ishihara (Fujitsu Labs.) |
Secretary |
Tetsuo Tsujioka (Osaka City Univ.), Yoshio Kajiyama (NTT) |
Conference Date |
Thu, Sep 20, 2007 10:00 - 18:30
Fri, Sep 21, 2007 09:30 - 17:40 |
Topics |
Overlay networks, VPN, DDos, network security, p2p communications, network software, etc. |
Conference Place |
Tohoku University |
Transportation Guide |
20 minute walk from JR Sendai Station http://www.riec.tohoku.ac.jp/overview/access/index-e.html |
Contact Person |
Prof. Norio Shiratori
022-717-7800 |
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Thu, Sep 20 Room-A NS1 10:40 - 12:00 |
(1) NS |
10:40-11:00 |
A Study of Resource Information Exchange Method on P2P-grid NS2007-53 |
Shunsuke Iwasaki, Abhay Ghatpande, Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Hidenori Nakazato, Takashige Hoshiai, Hideyoshi Tominaga (Waseda Univ.) |
(2) NS |
11:00-11:20 |
A Study of Data Transferring for Job Execution Time Optimization on P2P-Grid NS2007-54 |
Kosuke Kondo, Hidenori Nakazato (Waseda Univ.), Takanari Hoshiai (Gunma Univ.), Hideyoshi Tominaga (Waseda Univ.) |
(3) NS |
11:20-11:40 |
Capability-Aware Message Routing in Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Networks NS2007-55 |
Takashi Tomimoto, Takuji Tachibana, Kenji Sugimoto (NAIST) |
(4) NS |
11:40-12:00 |
Proposal of replication system considering popularity in P2P network. NS2007-56 |
Tomonori Mori, Takuya Asaka, Tatsuro Takahashi (Kyoto Univ.) |
Thu, Sep 20 AM Room-B IN1 10:00 - 11:00 |
(5) IN |
10:00-10:20 |
Evaluation System and Its Design of Iterative ALM Tree Construction Method for Many-to-Many Multimedia Communication IN2007-43 |
Jun Makishi, Toshiaki Osada (Tohoku Univ.), Gen Kitagata, Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ./NICT) |
(6) IN |
10:20-10:40 |
An Adaptive Control Scheme of Context Information Delivery for Ubiquitous Information Environment |
Yoshihisa Sato, Hideyuki Takahashi, Takuo Suganuma, Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ.) |
(7) IN |
10:40-11:00 |
Performance analysis of QoS overlay routing and its adaptation to various QoS metrics IN2007-44 |
Ryoichi Kawahara, Eng Keong Lua (NTT), Masato Uchida (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.), Satoshi Kamei, Hideaki Yoshino (NTT) |
11:00-11:10 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 20 AM Room-B IN2 11:10 - 12:10 |
(8) IN |
11:10-11:30 |
Mobile VPN architecture with SIP signaling on next generation IP network IN2007-45 |
Jun-ya Kato, Shintaro Mizuno, Masahisa Kawashima (NTT) |
(9) IN |
11:30-11:50 |
A Proposal of Security Realization for the All-SIP Mobility Technology in Heterogeneous Access Networks IN2007-46 |
Liang Zhang, Yasuo Mukai, Haruya Miyajima, Hideki Hayashi, Teruya Fujii (Softbank Mobile Corp.) |
(10) IN |
11:50-12:10 |
Implementation and Evaluation of the technology of All-SIP Mobility in Heterogeneous Access Networks IN2007-47 |
Yasuo Mukai, Haruya Miyajima, Liang Zhang, Hideki Hayashi, Teruya Fujii (Softbank Mobile) |
12:10-13:10 |
Lunch Break ( 60 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 20 PM Room-A NS2 13:10 - 14:10 |
(11) NS |
13:10-13:30 |
Geometric Overlay Networks NS2007-57 |
Eng Keong Lua, Ryoichi Kawahara (NTT), Xiaoming Zhou (Delft Univ. of Tech.) |
(12) NS |
13:30-13:50 |
Multiple Overlay Networks for Recovery of Distributed Web Services NS2007-58 |
Wataru Miyazaki, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Hideki Tode, Koso Murakami (Osaka Univ.), Shinji Kikuchi, Satoshi Tsuchiya, Atsuji Sekiguchi, Tsuneo Katsuyama (Fujitsu Lab.) |
(13) NS |
13:50-14:10 |
Proposal and evaluations of location-based routing method on overlay network NS2007-59 |
Takayuki Warabino, Takashi Matsunaka, Yoji Kishi (KDDI Labs.) |
14:10-14:20 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 20 PM Room-A NS3 14:40 - 16:00 |
(14) NS |
14:40-15:00 |
A Hybrid P2P Overlay Network for Hierarchically Categorized Contents NS2007-60 |
Yi Wan, Takuya Asaka, Tatsuro Takahashi (Kyoto Univ.) |
(15) NS |
15:00-15:20 |
A Study of Robustness to False Nodes in P2P Networks NS2007-61 |
Sho Kato, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato (Tohoku Univ.) |
(16) NS |
15:20-15:40 |
A study on reliable peer-to-peer streaming tree construction system using peer's duration time NS2007-62 |
Hironori Sugino, Takayuki Ueno, Hiroaki Morino (SIT) |
(17) NS |
15:40-16:00 |
Comparative Performance Evaluation of Directional Antenna Deployment for Routing Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks NS2007-63 |
Kagenari Yamamoto, Miki Yamamoto (Kansai Univ.) |
16:00-16:10 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 20 PM Room-A NS4 16:10 - 17:30 |
(18) NS |
16:10-16:30 |
Online Network Observation to Detect Traffic Anomaly NS2007-64 |
Akinori Takahashi, Ryuji Igarashi (Akita Univ.), Hiroshi Ueda (Gunma Univ.), Yutaka Nasuno (TNCT), Yukio Iwaya, Tetsuo Kinoshita (Tohoku Univ.) |
(19) NS |
16:30-16:50 |
[Encouragement Talk]
A Robust Traitor Tracing Technology under Dynamic Network Conditions NS2007-65 |
Masaru Dobashi, Hidehisa Nakayama (Tohoku Univ.), Abbas Jamalipour (Univ. of Sydney), Nei Kato (Tohoku Univ.) |
(20) NS |
16:50-17:10 |
Parallel Packet Processing Method Using MultiCore Processor NS2007-66 |
Satoshi Kurosawa, Tsuyoshi Mikoda, Keiji Okubo (Mitsubishi Electric Co.) |
(21) NS |
17:10-17:30 |
Cell Residence Time Estimation Method using Geographical Information NS2007-67 |
Akihito Hiromori, Shigeru Kaneda, Noriteru Shinagawa, Wataru Takita (NTT DoCoMo) |
17:30-17:45 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 20 PM Room-B IN3 13:10 - 14:30 |
(22) IN |
13:10-13:30 |
Routing of ad hoc network as an infrastructure in a pastureland IN2007-48 |
Chinbaatar Bazargur, Takahiko Yamada (Ritsumeikan Univ.) |
(23) IN |
13:30-13:50 |
Access Point Evaluation with Packet Transfer Ratio in Multihop Wireless Network IN2007-49 |
Daiki Nobayashi, Yutaka Nakamura, Takeshi Ikenaga (KIT), Yoshiaki Hori (KU), Hiroshi Ishinishi (NAL) |
(24) IN |
13:50-14:10 |
An Inter-platform Communication Mechanism for Agent-based Middleware in Ubiquitous Computing Environments |
Taishi Ito, Shintaro Imai, Hideyuki Takahashi, Takuo Suganuma, Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ.) |
(25) IN |
14:10-14:30 |
Monitoring mobile nodes for MobileIPv6 network management IN2007-50 |
Keiichi Fukuda, Kazuhide Koide, Nguyen Thanh Trung (Tohoku Univ.), Glenn Mansfield Keeni (Cyber Solutions Inc.), Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ.) |
14:30-14:40 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 20 PM Room-B IN4 14:40 - 16:00 |
(26) IN |
14:40-15:00 |
The effect of network structure and congestion control on performance of communication effectiveness IN2007-51 |
Takanori Komatsu, Akira Namatame (NDA) |
(27) IN |
15:00-15:20 |
Throughput of TCP- or UDP-upload flows in IEEE802.11b WLANs with rate adaptation IN2007-52 |
Hiroto Iijima, Kousuke Uchiyama, Shigeo Shioda (Chiba Univ.), Yumi Hirano, Tutomu Murase (NEC), Shiro Sakata (Chiba Univ.) |
(28) IN |
15:20-15:40 |
Ensuring Performance Improvement of IEEE 802.11 with Dynamical Adjustment of RTS Threshold IN2007-53 |
Mostafa Mjidi (Tohoku Univ.), Debasish Chakraborty (NICT), Naoki Nakamura, Kazuhide Koide, Satoshi Utsumi, Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ.) |
(29) IN |
15:40-16:00 |
Evaluation of resource management method for heterogeneous networks IN2007-54 |
Gaku Nakamura, Hiroshi Kawakami, Yasuo Maruyama (NTT DoCoMo) |
16:00-16:10 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 20 PM Room-B IN5 16:10 - 17:30 |
(30) IN |
16:10-16:30 |
Adaptive File Replication to Dynamic Change in Access Frequency to Peers in Unstructured P2P Networks IN2007-55 |
Masanori Takaoka (NEC Comm. Systems/KIT), Kei Ohnishi, Masato Uchida, Yuji Oie (KIT) |
(31) IN |
16:30-16:50 |
A File Sharing Control Method for Pure P2P File Sharing Network Using Control Peers IN2007-56 |
Takayuki Yamazaki, Satoshi Ohzahata, Konosuke Kawashima (TUAT) |
(32) IN |
16:50-17:10 |
Distributed Metadata Placement Method to Minimize User Browsing Burden IN2007-57 |
Hiroki Baba, Akira Sasaki, Takamichi Miyata (Tokyo Inst. of Tech), Aki Kobayashi (NIME), Yoshinori Sakai (Tokyo Inst. of Tech) |
(33) IN |
17:10-17:30 |
A Fundamental Study of Overlay Network for Content Recommendation in Distributed Environment IN2007-58 |
Akira Sasaki, Takamichi Miyata (Titech), Yasuhiro Inazumi (Univ. of Toyama), Aki Kobayashi (NIME), Yoshinori Sakai (Titech) |
17:30-17:45 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Sep 20 PM Room-A Invited Talk 17:45 - 18:30 |
(34) |
17:45-18:30 |
[Invited Talk]
Current Status of Secure Overlay Networks |
Youki Kadobayashi (NICT) |
Fri, Sep 21 AM Room-A NS5 10:10 - 11:10 |
(35) NS |
10:10-10:30 |
Retransmission Control in TCP with a Performance Enhancing Proxy NS2007-68 |
Yuichi Nishida, Tokumi Yokohira, Yukinobu Fukushima (Okayama Univ.) |
(36) NS |
10:30-10:50 |
An Efficient Multi-Source Streaming Approach for Mobile Communication Systems NS2007-69 |
Tomoyuki Nakamura, Tarik Taleb, Kazuo Hashimoto (Tohoku Univ.) |
(37) NS |
10:50-11:10 |
Establishment of area specified one-segment broadcasting system using IP network NS2007-70 |
Tsuyoshi Hisamatsu (Keio Univ.), Masanao Takeyama, Kazunori Sugiura (慶大) |
Fri, Sep 21 AM Room-B IN6 09:30 - 11:10 |
(38) IN |
09:30-09:50 |
A method of detecting network anomalies for periodic traffic IN2007-59 |
Shigeaki Harada, Ryoichi Kawahara, Tatsuya Mori, Noriaki Kamiyama, Hideaki Yoshino (NTT) |
(39) IN |
09:50-10:10 |
A Practical Feasibility Study of a Network Control Method for Sharing DDoS-Attack Mitigation Devices IN2007-60 |
Takeshi Yagi, Takeshi Kuwahara, Junichi Murayama (NTT) |
(40) IN |
10:10-10:30 |
A Proposal of Detection Method for Application Anomaly Traffic over Large-scale Backbone Networks IN2007-61 |
Takeshi Kuwahara, Takeshi Yagi, Atsushi Kobayashi, Keisuke Ishibashi, Junichi Murayama (NTT) |
(41) IN |
10:30-10:50 |
Identifying the Anomalous Traffic Using Delta Traffic IN2007-62 |
Tsuyoshi Kondoh, Keisuke Ishibashi (NTT) |
(42) IN |
10:50-11:10 |
Implmentation and Evaluation of 10Gbps Application Layer Probe using Prefiltering Architecture IN2007-63 |
Akihiro Motoki, Satoshi Kamiya, Kiyohisa Ichino, Masato Yasuda, Kenshin Yamada, Takeo Hayashi, Takahide Sugita, Hiroshi Ueno (NEC) |
11:10-11:20 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Fri, Sep 21 Room-A Invited Talk 11:20 - 12:05 |
(43) |
11:20-12:05 |
[Tutorial Invited Lecture]
What's technology needed for Information Security? NS2007-71 IN2007-64 CS2007-16 |
Suguru Yamaguchi (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) |
- |
Lunch Break |
- |
Afternoon sessions will start from 13:00 in Room-A and 13:20 in Room-B, respectively. |
Fri, Sep 21 PM Room-A CS1 Chair: Masahiro Fujii (Utsunomiya Univ.) 13:00 - 14:40 |
(44) CS |
13:00-13:20 |
Development of a home gateway management system based on TR-069 CS2007-17 |
Naoki Matsuoka, Tomohiro Ishihara (Fujitsu Labs.) |
(45) CS |
13:20-13:40 |
Detector Selection Method for Detecting Malicious Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks CS2007-18 |
Hiroshi Tsunoda (Tohoku Univ.), Ake Olbert, Yuji Waizumi, Yoshiaki Nemoto (Tohoku Univ.) |
(46) CS |
13:40-14:00 |
A Network Application Identification Method Using Similarity of Packet Payloads CS2007-19 |
Akihito Funaki, Yuji Waizumi, Hiroshi Tsunoda, Yoshiaki Nemoto (Tohoku Univ.) |
(47) CS |
14:00-14:20 |
An Enhancement of Network Anomaly Detection Method Using Occurence Probability Matrices of Correlation Coefficients CS2007-20 |
Hiroaki Meguro, Yuji Waizumi, Hiroshi Tsunoda, Yoshiaki Nemoto (Tohoku Univ.) |
(48) CS |
14:20-14:40 |
A study on Remote Power-Monitoring system using PLC CS2007-21 |
Tomotake Hiraoka, Masahiro Fujii, Yu Watanabe (Utsunomiya Univ.) |
14:40-14:50 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Fri, Sep 21 PM Room-A NS6 14:50 - 16:10 |
(49) NS |
14:50-15:10 |
Improvement of VANET-based Cooperative Collision Avoidance Systems NS2007-72 |
Keisuke Oi, Tarik Taleb, Kazuo Hashimoto (Tohoku Univ.) |
(50) NS |
15:10-15:30 |
A Study of Power Saving Method for Cognitive Radio NS2007-73 |
Ryouji Yamaoka, Junji Yamamoto, Seishi Hanaoka, Masashi Yano, Shinji Nishimura (Hitachi) |
(51) NS |
15:30-15:50 |
Network Load Balancing Technique for QoS route control in Cognitive Wireless Access Networks NS2007-74 |
Toshiaki Yamamoto, Jong-Ok Kim, Akira Yamaguchi, Sadao Obana (ATR) |
(52) NS |
15:50-16:10 |
Application-Aware Traffic Splitting over Cognitive Multi-Access Networks NS2007-75 |
Jong-Ok Kim, Toshiaki Yamamoto, Akira Yamaguchi, Sadao Obana (ATR) |
16:10-16:20 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Fri, Sep 21 PM Room-A NS7 16:20 - 17:40 |
(53) NS |
16:20-16:40 |
Development of a security module with a BITW "Bump In The Wire" type implemented IPSEC NS2007-76 |
Taku Sugawara, Tomokazu Aoki, Teruhiko Nagatomo, Kazuya Asano, Taul Katayama, Junichi Hashida, Norio Abe, Satoru Okamoto (FLS), Yukinori Abe (FUJITSU) |
(54) NS |
16:40-17:00 |
Design of Reusable Management Knowledge in AIR-NMS NS2007-77 |
Tomoyuki Tanno, Susumu Konno, Tetsuo Kinoshita (Tohoku Univ.) |
(55) NS |
17:00-17:20 |
ALM Tree Construction Method over Heterogeneous Networks NS2007-78 |
Masahiro Kobayashi, Hidehisa Nakayama (Tohoku Univ.), Nirwan Ansari (NJIT), Nei Kato (Tohoku Univ.) |
(56) NS |
17:20-17:40 |
How to Promote Convergence of Fixed IP Network and Mobile IP Network(1)
-- Considerations on How to converge Business Oriented IP Network(OBN) -- NS2007-79 |
Hisao Furukawa (Dist. Center), Shoji Miyaguchi (former NTT) |
Fri, Sep 21 PM Room-B IN7 13:20 - 14:40 |
(57) IN |
13:20-13:40 |
Implementation of Stream Processing Node with Synchronized Transport Protocol, and Performance for Multi-stage Connection IN2007-65 |
Yutaka Kaneko, Shinya Takeuchi, Yoshinori Izumi (NHK) |
(58) IN |
13:40-14:00 |
Performance Evaluation of Screen Sharing System with an Effective Recovery of Lost Images IN2007-66 |
Hiroshi Kawazoe, Shogo Yamaguchi, Shinya Murai (Toshiba) |
(59) IN |
14:00-14:20 |
A Flexible and Secure Access Control Scheme using Social Behavior in the Real World IN2007-67 |
Satoshi Ogawa, Radescu George Serban, Wenpeng Wei, Gen Kitagata (Tohoku Univ.), Atsushi Takeda (Tohoku Bunka Gakuen Univ.), Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ.) |
(60) IN |
14:20-14:40 |
Access Control in Cooperative Environments utilizing Social Systems
-- ACCESS -- IN2007-68 |
George Serban Radescu, Satoshi Ogawa, Wenpeng Wei, Gen Kitagata (Tohoku Univ.), Atsushi Takeda (Tohoku Bunka Gakuen Univ.), Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ.) |
14:40-14:50 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Fri, Sep 21 PM Room-B IN8 14:50 - 16:10 |
(61) IN |
14:50-15:10 |
A Control System for Network Appliances with ECHONET-UPnP Gateway IN2007-69 |
Yoshiki Terashima, Daisuke Ajitomi, Hiroyuki Aizu, Keiichi Teramoto (TOSHIBA) |
(62) IN |
15:10-15:30 |
System virtualization method for social-infrastructured RFID network IN2007-70 |
Kenichi Hatakeyama, Shin-ichi Kuribayashi (Seikei Univ.) |
(63) IN |
15:30-15:50 |
Field Experiment of an Extendable Traceability System for Beef-Product Distribution IN2007-71 |
Atsushi Inoue, Yusuke Doi (Toshiba), Hirokazu Takatama, Kenichi Yajima (NEC), Nobuo Okabe (Yokogawa Electric Corp.) |
(64) IN |
15:50-16:10 |
Business Oriented IP network supporting Electronic Settlement
-- Examples on communication framework of electronic money, card authorization and ASP service -- IN2007-72 |
Hisao Furukawa (Dist.Center), Shoji Miyaguchi (former NTT) |
16:10-16:20 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Fri, Sep 21 PM Room-B IN9 16:20 - 17:40 |
(65) IN |
16:20-16:40 |
Implementation of the Health Monitoring System Using a Cellular Phone IN2007-73 |
Akira Yamazaki (Yamagata Univ.), Junpei Arai (Yamagata CIT), Akio Koyama (Yamagata Univ.) |
(66) IN |
16:40-17:00 |
A Care Communication System with Awareness of Connectedness and Feeling of Shared Space IN2007-74 |
Yosuke Takenaka, Kensuke Inoue (Yamagata Univ), Junpei Arai (Yamagata CIT), Akio Koyama (Yamagata Univ) |
(67) IN |
17:00-17:20 |
Design of Children watch-over support system based on symbiotic computing IN2007-75 |
Toru Odawara, Satoshi Utsumi, Kazuhide Koide, Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ.) |
(68) IN |
17:20-17:40 |
A Proposal of Inter-Application cooperation scheme for 3-D Collaborative Virtual Environments based on Object Interaction IN2007-76 |
Akira Sakatoku, Takayuki Kuroda, Gen Kitagata, Norio Shiratori (Tohoku Univ.) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Invited Talk | Each speech will have 40 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Tutorial Invited Lecture | Each speech will have 40 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
NS |
Technical Committee on Network Systems (NS) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
E- :ns- c![](/ken/images/new/1217er.bmp) ![](/ken/images/new/at.gif) at![](/ken/images/new/ta.gif) ![](/ken/images/new/liam.gif) ![](/ken/images/new/groeciei.gif)
Takashi Miyamura (NTT)
Ichiro Inoue (NTT)
TEL0422-59-6076,FAX0422-59-3787 |
IN |
Technical Committee on Information Networks (IN) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Motonori Nakamura (NTT Network Innovation Laboratories)
9-11, Midori-Cho 3-Chome Musashino-Shi Tokyo 180-8585 Japan
TEL +81-422-59-2235, FAX +81-422-59-4810
E- :in_ - n -2007![](/ken/images/new/ta.gif) ![](/ken/images/new/liam.gif) |
CS |
Technical Committee on Communication Systems (CS) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Tetsuo Tsujioka (Osaka City University)
TEL +81-6-6605-2192, FAX +81-6-6690-2746
Yoshio Kajiyama (NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories)
TEL +81-43-211-3150, FAX +81-43-211-8282
E- : n 2007![](/ken/images/new/ta.gif) ![](/ken/images/new/0507vcui.gif) n |
Announcement |
Latest information will be presented on the homepage:
http://www.ieice.org/cs/cs/ |
Last modified: 2007-09-27 16:52:43
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