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ED, CPM, LQE 2021-11-25
Online Online Waveguide loss measurements in III-nitride laser structures
Kenta Ogasawara (KIT), Shigeta Sakai, Tadashi Okumura, Koichi Naniwae (Ushio Inc), Atsushi A. Yamaguchi (KIT) ED2021-21 CPM2021-55 LQE2021-33
InGaN is a semiconductor alloy material made of a mix of InN and GaN. InGaN can emit entire visible light by changing th... [more] ED2021-21 CPM2021-55 LQE2021-33
LQE, CPM, ED 2020-11-26
Online Online Internal and External Quantum Efficiency in InGaN Quantum Wells Estimated by Simultaneous Photoacoustic and Photoluminescence Method and Integrating-Sphere Method
Keito Mori, Yuchi Takahashi, Shigeta Sakai, Yuya Morimoto, Atsushi A. Yamaguchi (KIT), Susumu Kusanagi, Yuya Kanitani, Yoshihiro Kudo, Shigetaka Tomiya (Sony) ED2020-1 CPM2020-22 LQE2020-52
In our previous reports, we proposed photoacoustic (PA) and photoluminescence (PL) simultaneous measurements as a method... [more] ED2020-1 CPM2020-22 LQE2020-52
CPM, LQE, ED 2019-11-22
Shizuoka Shizuoka Univ. (Hamamatsu) Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Estimation Methods of Mobility Edge in InGaN Quantum Wells
Takashi Fujita, Shigeta Sakai, Yuma Ikeda, Atsushi A. Yamaguchi (Kanazawa Inst. Tech.), Susumu Kusanagi, Yuya Kanitani, Yoshihiro Kudo, Shigetaka Tomiya (Sony) ED2019-56 CPM2019-75 LQE2019-99
InGaN is a mixed crystal of InN and GaN. Entire visible light range can be covered by changing their composition. Since ... [more] ED2019-56 CPM2019-75 LQE2019-99
ED, LQE, CPM 2018-11-30
Aichi Nagoya Inst. tech. Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Potential Fluctuation in InGaN Quantum-Well Structures
Takashi Fujita, Shigeta Sakai, Yuma Ikeda, Atsushi A. Yamaguchi (Kanazawa Inst. Tech.), Yuya Kanitani, Shigetaka Tomiya (Sony) ED2018-48 CPM2018-82 LQE2018-102
The bandgap energy of InGaN alloy materials can be controlled by changing their alloy composition. Since the composition... [more] ED2018-48 CPM2018-82 LQE2018-102
ED, LQE, CPM 2018-11-30
Aichi Nagoya Inst. tech. A new method to evaluate the degree of potential fluctuation in InGaN quantum-well laser diodes by optical-pump stimulated-emission measurements
Itsuki Oshima, Yuma Ikeda, Shigeta Sakai, A. A. Yamaguchi (Kanazawa Inst. tec.), Yuya Kanitani, Shigetaka Tomiya (Sony) ED2018-49 CPM2018-83 LQE2018-103
It is well-known that the characteristics of InGaN quantum-well (QW) laser diodes are strongly affected by the potential... [more] ED2018-49 CPM2018-83 LQE2018-103
LQE, CPM, ED 2017-11-30
Aichi Nagoya Inst. tech. A novel method to measure absolute internal quantum efficiency in InGaN quantum wells by simultaneous photo-acoustic and photoluminescence spectroscopy
Naoto Shimizu, Yuchi Takahashi, Genki Kobayashi, Takashi Nakano, Shigeta Sakai, Atsusi A. Yamaguchi (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.), Yuya Kanitani, Shigetaka Tomiya (Sony) ED2017-49 CPM2017-92 LQE2017-62
 [more] ED2017-49 CPM2017-92 LQE2017-62
LQE, CPM, ED 2017-11-30
Aichi Nagoya Inst. tech. Model Analysis of I-V and Photoluminescence Characteristics under Photo-Excitation in InGaN LEDs
Yusuke Ota, Shigeta Sakai, Atsushi A. Yamaguchi (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.) ED2017-50 CPM2017-93 LQE2017-63
Current-voltage characteristics under photo-excitation in nitride-based LEDs have been measured to investigate the elect... [more] ED2017-50 CPM2017-93 LQE2017-63
LQE, CPM, ED 2017-11-30
Aichi Nagoya Inst. tech. Detailed analysis of S-shaped temperature dependence of photoluminescence peak energy in InGaN quantum wells
Yuma Ikeda, Shigeta Sakai, Itsuki Oshima, Atsushi A. Yamaguchi (Kanazawa Inst. of Tehc.), Yuya Kanitani, Shigetaka Tomiya (Sony) ED2017-51 CPM2017-94 LQE2017-64
Analysis of S-shaped temperature dependence of PL peak energy is widely used to evaluate the degree of compositional flu... [more] ED2017-51 CPM2017-94 LQE2017-64
CPM, LQE, ED 2016-12-13
Kyoto Kyoto University Enhancement of Optical Gain by Controlling Waveguide Modes in Semipolar InGaN Quantum Well Laser Diodes
Keigo Matsuura, Shigeta Sakai, Atsushi A. Yamaguchi (KIT) ED2016-67 CPM2016-100 LQE2016-83
In order to realize low-cost high-performance green semiconductor laser diodes (LDs), we proposed semipolar InGaN quantu... [more] ED2016-67 CPM2016-100 LQE2016-83
LQE, ED, CPM 2014-11-27
Osaka   Optical Polarization Properties in non-c-oriented-InGaN Quantum Wells
Shigeta Sakai, Atsushi Yamaguchi (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.), Kaori Kurihara, Satoru Nagao (Mitsubishi Chemical) ED2014-78 CPM2014-135 LQE2014-106
Optical polarization properties are very important factors for structural design of optoelectronic device using non- c-o... [more] ED2014-78 CPM2014-135 LQE2014-106
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