Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
IA, SITE, IPSJ-IOT [detail] |
2025-03-04 16:15 |
Kagoshima |
Ama-Home Plaza (Kagoshima, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Performance Evaluation of Potential Energy Conversion Type Stand-Alone Wind Power Supply "Nishikaze" for Sensor Networks Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.), Shinichi Nishiura, Kosuke Mori, Kentaro Homma (Keio Univ.) |
(To be available after the conference date) [more] |
IA |
2024-10-04 17:10 |
Tokyo |
National Institute of Informatics (Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Container Orchestration Mechanism for Microservice-Oriented Applications Using Shared Containers Atsushi Sekiguchi (Keio Univ.), Takao Kondo (Hokkaido Univ.), Kosuke Mori (Keio Univ.), Ken Kumakura, Keisuke Maesako, Liang Zhang (SoftBank), Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IA2024-26 |
[more] |
IA2024-26 pp.15-22 |
2024-06-17 14:55 |
Okayama |
Okayama University (Okayama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A mechanism for detecting inconsistency between Network Design and Current State based on network ontology Bonsai Kosuke Mori (Keio Univ.), Takao Kondo (Hokkaido Univ.), Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IA2024-4 ICSS2024-4 |
Since there can be inconsistencies between the network design known by the administrator and the actual network configur... [more] |
IA2024-4 ICSS2024-4 pp.19-26 |
NS, IN (Joint) |
2024-03-01 13:25 |
Okinawa |
Okinawa Convention Center (Okinawa) |
Basic Evaluation of MECM2M, A M2M System Infrastructure Considering Mobile Nodes as Computing Servers Rempei Sawada, Haruto Takano, Kosuke Mori, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IN2023-101 |
We are developing MECM2M, an M2M (Machine-to-Machine) system infrastructure suitable for MEC (Multi-access Edge Computin... [more] |
IN2023-101 pp.213-218 |
IA |
2024-01-25 11:10 |
Tokyo |
Kwansei Gakuin Univiversity, Marunouchi Campus (Tokyo, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Semi-Automatic Network Configuration Discovery Method for a Network Information Sharing Platform KANVAS Kosuke Mori (Keio Univ.), Takao Kondo (Hokkaido Univ.), Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IA2023-58 |
[more] |
IA2023-58 pp.9-16 |
IA |
2023-11-22 14:55 |
Aomori |
Aomori Prefecture Tourist Center ASPM (Aomori) (Aomori, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Proposal for Shared Containers in Applications Based on Microservice Architecture in MEC Environment Shuntaro Yanagisawa, Kohki Yamada (Keio Univ.), Takao Kondo (Hokkaido Univ./Keio Univ.), Kosuke Mori, Atsushi Sekiguchi (Keio Univ.), Ken Kumakura, Keisuke Maesako, Liang Zhang (SoftBank), Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IA2023-38 |
This paper proposes shared containers, which can be used by multiple applications simultaneously in an MEC environment. ... [more] |
IA2023-38 pp.10-17 |
IA |
2023-09-22 10:15 |
Hokkaido |
Hokkaido Univeristy (Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
ContMECv2: A Large Scale Distributed Computing Infrastructure Considering Container Sharing Kohki Yamada, Shuntaro Yanagisawa, Takao Kondo, Kosuke Mori, Atsushi Sekiguchi (Keio Univ.), Ken Kumakura, Keisuke Maesako, Liang Zhang (SoftBank), Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IA2023-22 |
With the advent of Microservice Architecture, applications are increasingly being composed of container clusters (a coll... [more] |
IA2023-22 pp.67-74 |
CCS, IN (Joint) |
2023-08-03 13:57 |
Hokkaido |
Banya-no-yu (Hokkaido) |
MECM2M: A M2M System Architecture Considering Mobile Nodes as Compute Servers Rempei Sawada, Haruto Takano, Kosuke Mori, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IN2023-21 |
[more] |
IN2023-21 pp.23-28 |
2023-07-14 10:25 |
Hokkaido |
Sun Reflation Hakodate (Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
[Encouragement Talk]
Autonomous VPN Management Method Supported by Network Information Sharing Platform KANVAS and Automatic System Designer Weaver Kazuki Tanabe (NEC), Kanta Kuchii, Takao Kondo, Kosuke Mori (Keio Univ.), Takayuki Kuroda, Kozo Satoda (NEC), Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) ICM2023-20 |
In this paper, we propose an autonomous operation technology for VPNs by collaboration of KANVAS (Knowledge base system ... [more] |
ICM2023-20 pp.46-51 |
IA, CQ, MIKA (Joint) |
2022-09-16 14:30 |
Hokkaido |
Hokkaido Citizens Actives Center (Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A Fast Handover Mechanism for Ground-to-Train Free-Space Optical Communication using Station ID Recognition by Dual-Port Camera Kosuke Mori, Fumio Teraoka, Shinichiro Haruyama (Keio Univ.) IA2022-29 |
There is a demand for high-speed and stable ground-to-train optical communication as a network environment for trains. T... [more] |
IA2022-29 pp.77-84 |
CQ, MIKA (Joint) |
2021-09-10 09:30 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Efficient RPL Tree Construction Using Passive Link Quality Estimation Hiroto Fujita, Yasuyuki Tanaka, Kosuke Mori, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) CQ2021-50 |
For IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) networks, RPL (IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks) is stand... [more] |
CQ2021-50 pp.59-64 |
IA |
2020-11-09 16:42 |
Hokkaido |
(Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
RBCP:Fast Bulk data Collection Protocol with Multi-Path in WSN Keita Shimada, Kosuke Mori, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IA2020-23 |
With the increase in IoT devices in recent years, there has been increasing interest in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). ... [more] |
IA2020-23 pp.33-40 |
2020-03-03 09:00 |
Okinawa |
Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) (Cancelled but technical report was issued) |
[Poster Presentation]
EpiNet: Convolutional Neural Network for Epileptic Seizure Localization from Interictal Intracranial EEG Kosuke Mori, Kosuke Fukumori, Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT), Yasushi Iimura, Takumi Mitsuhashi, Hidenori Sugano (Juntendo Univ.) EA2019-157 SIP2019-159 SP2019-106 |
The electroencephalogram (EEG) recording is necessary for epileptic diagnosis. In particular, the intracranial EEG (iEEG... [more] |
EA2019-157 SIP2019-159 SP2019-106 pp.325-330 |
IN, IA (Joint) |
2019-12-20 10:45 |
Hiroshima |
Satellite Campus Hiroshima (Hiroshima) |
Analysis of effects of periodical disconnection on streaming applications Shunsuke Takamatsu, Kosuke Mori, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) IA2019-56 |
This paper analyzes impacts of periodic communication disruption
on major streaming applications assuming an environmen... [more] |
IA2019-56 pp.45-50 |
IN, NS (Joint) |
2019-03-04 10:50 |
Okinawa |
Okinawa Convention Center (Okinawa) |
Digital Study Document System Using Smart Contract on Blockchain Kosuke Mori, Hiroyoshi Miwa (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) IN2018-95 |
In order to promote data distribution and utilization of personal data, the concept of data portability attracts attenti... [more] |
IN2018-95 pp.67-71 |
MoNA, ASN, IPSJ-MBL, IPSJ-UBI [detail] |
2018-02-26 15:30 |
Tokyo |
Sophia University (Tokyo) |
Optimum Mobile Terminal Assignment in a Macro/Small Cells Environment Considering Load of Base Stations Yusuke Niimi, Kosuke Mori, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.) MoNA2017-66 |
[more] |
MoNA2017-66 pp.155-160 |
HCGSYMPO (2nd) |
2017-12-13 - 2017-12-15 |
Ishikawa |
Behavior analysis of conversational field supporters in poster session Kosuke Morita, Toshihiko Isaka, Hiroko Tokunaga, Naoki Mukawa (Tokyo Denki Univ.) |
People feel difficulty to join conversation groups that have already been built. In this research we study poster sessio... [more] |
2017-05-25 16:50 |
Shimane |
Shimane Univ. (Matsue campus) (Shimane) |
[Poster Presentation]
Suppression technique for distortion of Nyquist OTDM signal due to residual dispersion using correlation detection Kosuke Morimoto, Yuji Miyoshi, Hirokazu Kubota, Masaharu Ohashi (Osaka Pref. Univ.) OFT2017-12 |
We have proposed a correlation detection scheme for suppression of the distortion of Nyquist OTDM signal due to residual... [more] |
OFT2017-12 pp.53-57 |
2015-09-03 14:20 |
Osaka |
Kansai Univ. (Osaka) |
Performance Evaluation of Carrier and Sampling Frequency Offset Compensation Using Measured Data in MIMO-OFDM Systems Shinya Moriyama, Kosuke Morinaga, Takashi Imagawa, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Yoshikazu Miyanaga (Hokkaido Univ.), Masaki Miura, Tohru Gotoh, Junji Yamano (RayTron) SIS2015-20 |
In this paper, we consider compensation methods of carrier frequency offset and sampling frequency offset in MIMO-OFDM s... [more] |
SIS2015-20 pp.31-36 |
2015-05-28 11:40 |
Okinawa |
Miyakojima Marine Terminal (Okinawa) |
A Study and Prototyping of the Asset Management System with Glasses-type Wearable Device and Color Barcode Kosuke Moriwaki, Masahiko Toyoshi, Tatsuya Nishikiori, Mitsuhiro Goto, Koji Nakamura, Hideaki Kimata (NTT Comware Corp.) MoNA2015-3 |
In company’s asset management, it consumes much time to take regularly inventory when the number of assets is large. In ... [more] |
MoNA2015-3 pp.41-44 |