Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [Japanese] / [English]
How robust are effects of semantic and phonological prediction during language comprehension? A visual world eye-tracking study.
○Aine Ito・E. Matthew Husband(Univ. of Oxford)
pp. 1 - 6
Context and semantic composition of multiple dimension representations in real-time comprehension
○Yao-Ying Lai(Yale Univ.)・David Braze(Haskins Lab.)・Maria Pinango(Yale Univ.)
pp. 7 - 11
Establishing reference with reflexive pronouns in the course of spoken language recognition
○John Matthews・Makiko Hirakawa(Chuo Univ.)・Kazue Takeda・Michiko Fukuda(Bunkyo Univ.)・Mari Umeda・Neal Snape(Gunma Pref. Univ.)・Yahiro Hirakawa(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
p. 13
Understanding spatial language without eye movements
○Michele Burigo・Thomas Schack(Univ. of Bielefeld)
pp. 15 - 18
Loanwords dominate equivalent native words in adaptation: A study of English loanwords and equivalent native words in Hindi
○Shashikanta Tarai(NIT Raipur)
pp. 19 - 24
L2ers' acquisition of unique-to-L2 constructions through implicit learning
○Panpan Yao(Queen Mary Univ. of London)
pp. 25 - 30
Effects of language production on prediction: Word vs. picture visual world study.
○Aine Ito(Univ. of Oxford)・Max S. Dunn iii・Martin J. Pickering(Univ. of Edinburgh)
pp. 31 - 36
The Effect of Emotional State on the Processing of Morphosyntactic and Semantic Reversal Anomalies
-- Evidence from a Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling Analysis of Event-Related Potential --
○Masataka Yano(Tohoku Univ./JSPS)・Yui Suzuki・Masatoshi Koizumi(Tohoku Univ.)
pp. 37 - 41
A model of semantic linguistic composition under conditions of morphosyntactic underspecification: the case of eventive iteration construal
Maria Mercedes Pinango・○Yao-Ying Lai(Yale Univ.)
p. 43
Word Familiarity Rate Estimation for `Word List by Semantic Principles'
-- a Case Study of Adjective --
○Masayuki Asahara(NINJAL)
pp. 45 - 50
Linguistic Generalization in Producing Past-Tense Verb Forms in L1 and L2 Japanese
○Yoko Nakano(KGU)
pp. 51 - 55
Building a Database of Sentence Construction Familiarity of Japanese EFL Learners: Pilot Study
○Hirokazu Yokokawa(Kobe Univ.)・Satoshi Yabuuchi(Kyoto Seika Univ.)・Hisaki Satoi(Ryukoku Univ.)・Michiko Bando(Shiga Univ.)・Tomoyuki Narumi(Osaka Kyoiku Univ,)・Ken-ichi Hashimoto(Hyogo Univ. of Education)・Mayu Hamada・Ayako Hirano(Kobe Univ.)・Yasunari Harada(Waseda Univ.)
pp. 57 - 62
Mora-based control for the length effect
-- A self-paced reading study in Japanese --
Kiyoshi Ishikawa(Hosei Univ.)・Ryo Yamashita,○So Ishii(Hosei Univ.)
pp. 63 - 66
Syntactic patterns to the semantic processing of Chinese spatial metaphors
-- New evidence from latencies and ERPs --
○Tao Ma(SSU)
pp. 67 - 72
Inflectional Directionality in Morphological Productivity
○Yohei Oseki(NYU)・Yasutada Sudo(UCL)・Hiromu Sakai(Waseda)・Alec Marantz(NYU)
pp. 73 - 78
[招待講演]The Time-course of Presupposition Projection
-- Experimental Data and Theoretical Issues --
○Florian Schwartz(Univ. of Penn)
pp. 79 - 80
Evaluating individual reading time differences through a psychological measure
○Mei Yoshimoto(Tsuda Univ.)・Satoshi Nambu(Monash Univ.)・Hajime Ono(Tsuda Univ.)
pp. 81 - 86
Structural priming effects in Japanese sentence production
-- Stronger influence of voice than word order --
○Ying Deng(Univ. of Tokyo/RIKEN)・Chie Nakamura(MIT/JSPS)
pp. 87 - 90
Why do L2 Learners Accept Ungrammatical Sentences?
-- A Preliminary Study --
○Toshiyuki Yamada(Gunma Univ.)
pp. 91 - 96
Comprehension and Production of Chinese Relative Clauses by Heritage Chinese Speakers
○Kazunori Suzuki(Tokyo Inst. of Tech./JSPS)・Makiko Hirakawa(Chuo Univ.)・Michiko Fukuda(Bunkyo Univ.)・Yinshi Jiang(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
pp. 97 - 100
Relaxation of phonological restrictions in loanwords versus contemporary words: a case study of Thai
○Nawasri Chonmahatrakul・Chutamanee Onsuwan(Thammasat Univ.)
pp. 101 - 105
The production of Metonymic Expressions: Evidence from Priming in Japanese
○Mikihiro Tanaka(Konan W.Univ.)
pp. 107 - 108
A visual world priming investigation of Gricean inferences
○Alice Rees・Lewis Bott(Cardiff Univ.)
pp. 109 - 114
The Rating Responses to Different Violation Types of Taiwanese Tone Sandhi
○Chuyu Huang(Univ. of Tokyo/JSPS)・Tzu-Yin Chen・Yuki Hirose・Takane Ito(Univ. of Tokyo)
pp. 115 - 120
The prosodic information of Mandarin Tone 3 Sandhi helps disambiguate between N-N compound and N-N coordination structure
-- A visual world paradigm study --
○Tzu-Yin Chen・Yuki Hirose・Takane Ito(Univ. of Tokyo)
pp. 121 - 126
注: 本技術報告は査読を経ていない技術報告であり,推敲を加えられていずれかの場に発表されることがあります.