Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [Japanese] / [English]
Multi-input Physical Layer Network Coding in wireless two-way relay networks
Hideaki Tsugita, Satoshi Denno, Hou Yafei (Okayama Univ)
pp. 1 - 6
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access that allocates subcarriers based on factor graphs
Taichi Yamagami, Satoshi Denno, Ahi Ko (Okayama Univ.)
pp. 7 - 13
[Invited Lecture]
Latest Trends in 6G Policy
Shinichiro Ebara (MIC)
p. 14
[Invited Lecture]
Outlook for 6G Wireless Technology
Yoshihisa Kishiyama (NTT DOCOMO)
p. 15
[Invited Lecture]
Towards Super Smart Society using Beyond 5G
Kei Sakaguchi, Kazuki Maruta, Eisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Tech)
p. 16
[Invited Lecture]
Prospects and NEC's Activities toward 6G Radio Area Network
Ogami Tadashi (NEC)
p. 17
[Invited Lecture]
Ericsson 6G vision and activities
Masanobu Fujioka, Hedeshi Murai (Ericsson)
pp. 18 - 22
[Invited Lecture]
NICT's R&D Activities on the Future Terrestrial Wireless Communication Systems toward B5G/6G
-- Integrated Communication Systems That Harmonize Requirements with Environments --
Fumihide Kojima, Takeshi Matsumura (NICT)
pp. 23 - 28
Performance Evaluation of Digital Pre-Distortion based Linearizer using Operation Point Estimation Pilot for Mobile Terminal in Non-linear HPA with AM/AM and AM/PM Characteristics
Atsushi Masubuchi, Akira Tada, Masahiro Umehira, Xiaoyan Wang, Shigeki Takeda (Ibaraki Univ.)
pp. 29 - 34
[Poster Presentation]
User Pairing via Reinforcement Learning Based Selection in NOMA Systems
Ahmad Gendia, Osamu Muta (Kyushu Univ.)
pp. 35 - 36
[Poster Presentation]
Performance Evaluations of Multi-AP Wireless LAN Transmissions in a Factory Environment
Kazuma Yamamoto, Takumi Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Yomo (Kansai Univ.), Takuya Asada, Yasufumi Ichikawa (Panasonic Corp.)
pp. 37 - 42
[Poster Presentation]
A Study on Fading Variation Estimation Employing Deep Learning Based on Level Crossing Rate
Koshiro Kawachi, Yukiko Shimbo, Hirofumi Suganuma, Fumiaki Maehara (Waseda Univ.)
pp. 43 - 44
[Poster Presentation]
An Application of Decision Feedback Channel Estimation to MIMO Sphere Decoding
Yuki Maruyama, Hirofumi Suganuma, Fumiaki Maehara (Waseda Univ.)
pp. 45 - 46
[Poster Presentation]
A Study on Channel State Information Selection for Wireless LAN-based Object Detection Systems, Part-II
Eiki Ando, Hiroki Senji, Osamu Muta (Kyushu Univ.), Tomoki Murakami, Shinya Otsuki (former NTT)
pp. 47 - 48
[Poster Presentation]
Measurement Results of 920MHz LPWA Radiowave Propagation at Half Wavelength Interval in LOS/NLOS Environment
Tomoyuki Kawashima, Shusuke Narieda (Mie Univ.), Takeo Fujii (UEC), Kenta Umebayashi (TUAT), Hiroshi Naruse (Mie Univ.)
pp. 49 - 50
[Poster Presentation]
Radio Propagation Prediction Using Building Information in Radio Environment Map for Smart Meters
Soraya Mitate, Takeo Fujii (UEC)
pp. 51 - 52
[Poster Presentation]
Spatially Interpolated Measurement Results of Environmental Information for Optimization of Sensor Placement and Its Evaluation
Ryoma Yasutani, Koki Kitazumi, Shusuke Narieda (Mie Univ.), Takeo Fujii (UEC), Kenta Umebayashi (TUAT), Hiroshi Naruse (Mie Univ.)
pp. 53 - 54
[Poster Presentation]
Development of Computational Cost Reducing Technique for Physical Optics based Propagation Channel Simulator at mm-Wave band
CheChia Kang, Kentaro Saito, Jun-ichi Takada (Tokyo Tech.)
pp. 55 - 58
[Poster Presentation]
Study on verifying technology on interoperability of base station equipment
Tetsuya Yasui, Yoshinori Ishikawa (YRP)
pp. 59 - 60
[Poster Presentation]
Development of a Baseball Sign Transmission System Using Electronic Communication Devices
Shinichi Motomura, Yamato Maekawa, Yasunori Ishihara (Nanzan Univ.)
pp. 61 - 62
[Poster Presentation]
Connectivity of UAV equipped with ULA using CoMP Transmission in Cellular Network
Junpei Kawakami, Koichi Adachi (UEC)
pp. 63 - 64
[Invited Talk]
Evolution and Prospect of Digital RF Transceiver Technologies
Noriharu Suematsu, Mizuki Motoyoshi, Suguru Kameda (Tohoku Univ.)
pp. 65 - 69
[Invited Talk]
Research and Development of Beyond 5G and 6G Systems Based on Viewpoints of Resilient Radio Resource Utilization
Hiroshi Harada (Kyoto Univ.)
pp. 70 - 75
[Invited Talk]
Intelligent Wireless Communications towards 6G
Tomoaki Ohtsuki (Keio Univ.)
p. 76
Propagation Measurement using 920 MHz band Wireless Device to Construct the Information Collection System in a Factory Environment
Hirokazu Sawada, Kazuo Ibuka, Takeshi Matsumura, Fumihide Kojima (NICT), Kotaro Ikeda, Kensuke Matsui, Takuto Kurose (YAZAKI), Yasuyuki Yanagi (YAZAKI ES), Tadahide Kunitachi (YAZAKI)
pp. 77 - 81
A Study on Spectrum Database for Wireless LAN
Junya Yamaguchi, Shigenobu Sasaki (Niigata Univ.), Riku Ohmiya, Tomoki Murakami (NTT)
pp. 82 - 87
IEEE 802.15.4-based OFDM transmission scheme toward adaptive IoT wireless communication systems
Shunsuke Kadoi, HIdetomo Ochiai, Ryota Okumura, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (Kyoto Univ.)
pp. 88 - 93
[Special Invited Talk]
Contribution of Wireless ICT such as Beyond 5G(6G). Ultra-Wide Band(UWB), Wireless Power Transfer(WPT) and Data Science to Prevent Pandemic and Support High QoL
-- Considering a way for Study Group to contribute for Social Service and Business --
Ryuji Kohno (YNU)
pp. 94 - 95
[Special Invited Talk]
Present, Past and Future of Wireless Systems
-- Looking back the half century with radio --
Masahiro Umehira (Ibaraki Univ.)
p. 96
[Invited Lecture]
A Study on Controlling Radio Wave Propagation by Using Intelligent Reflecting Surface
Yuichi Kawamoto (Tohoku Univ.)
p. 97
[Invited Lecture]
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Coverage Enhancement towards 5G Evolution and 6G
Yuto Hama, Daisuke Kitayama (NTT DOCOMO)
pp. 98 - 103
[Invited Lecture]
Intelligent radio-wave design that controls the propagation path itself
Riku Ohmiya, Masashi Iwabuchi, Tomoki Murakami, Tomoaki Ogawa, Yasushi Takatori (NTT)
pp. 104 - 109
[Invited Lecture]
A Study on mmWave Multi-hop Analog Relay Single-User MIMO
Takumi Yoneda, Kei Sakaguchi (Tokyo Tech), Masashi Iwabuchi, Tomoki Murakami (NTT)
pp. 110 - 115
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.