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Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics (EA) [schedule] [select]
Chair Nobutaka Ono (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Vice Chair Takanobu Nishiura (RitsumeikanUniv.), Yoshinobu Kajikawa (Kansai Univ.)
Secretary Keigo Wakayama (NTT), Nobutaka Ito (Univ. of Tokyo)
Assistant Masato Nakayama (OSU), Kouhei Yatabe (TUAT)

Technical Committee on Signal Processing (SIP) [schedule] [select]
Chair Takayuki Nakachi (Ryukyu Univ.)
Vice Chair Koichi Ichige (Yokohama National Univ.), Kiyoshi Nishikawa (okyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Secretary Shoko Imaizumi (Chiba Univ.), Seisuke Kyochi (Kogakuin Univ.)
Assistant Taichi Yoshida (UEC), Sayaka Shiota (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

Technical Committee on Speech (SP) [schedule] [select]
Chair Tomoki Toda (Nagoya Univ.)
Secretary Atsushi Ando (NTT), Kei Hashimoto (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant Ryo Aihara (Mitsubishi Electric), Daisuke Saito (Univ. of Tokyo)

Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Processing (IPSJ-SLP) [schedule] [select]

Conference Date Thu, Feb 29, 2024 09:30 - 17:40
Fri, Mar 1, 2024 09:30 - 17:35
Conference Place  
Sponsors This conference is co-sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society Tokyo Joint Chapter and Technical Committee on Electroacoustics of ASJ. This conference is technical co-sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society Tokyo Joint Chapter, APSIPA Japan Chapter and IEEE SPS Tokyo Joint Chapter.
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on SIP, SP, EA.

Thu, Feb 29 AM 
09:30 - 10:50
09:30-09:50 Vocal tract length perturbation-based pseudo-speaker augmentation for automatic speaker verification EA2023-61 SIP2023-108 SP2023-43 Tomoka Wakamatsu, Sayaka Shiota, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
09:50-10:10 Pseudo-speaker augmentation based on vocal tract length perturbation considering speaker variability for speaker verification EA2023-62 SIP2023-109 SP2023-44 Fumika Ono, Tomoka Wakamatsu, Sayaka Shiota (TMU)
10:10-10:30 Noise-Robust Voice Conversion by Denoising Training Conditioned with Latent Variables of Speech Quality and Recording Environment EA2023-63 SIP2023-110 SP2023-45 Takuto Igarashi, Yuki Saito, Kentaro Seki, Shinnosuke Takamichi (UT), Ryuichi Yamamoto, Kentaro Tachibana (LY), Hiroshi Saruwatari (UT)
10:30-10:50 Multi-task learning with age information model for highly accurate elderly speech recognition. EA2023-64 SIP2023-111 SP2023-46 Shine Takumi, Kinouchi Takahiro, Wakabayashi Yukoh, Kitaoka Norihide (TUT)
  10:50-11:00 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Feb 29 AM 
09:30 - 10:50
09:30-09:50 Simultaneous Estimation of Transfer Coefficients and Signals of Sound-to-Light Conversion Device Blinky Under Saturation Using Non-negative Matrix Factorization EA2023-65 SIP2023-112 SP2023-47 Kosuke Nishida, Natsuki Ueno, Nobutaka Ono (TMU), Daichi Kitamura (Kagawa NCT)
09:50-10:10 Derivation of Direct Update Rule for Back-Projected Separation Matrix EA2023-66 SIP2023-113 SP2023-48 Yui Kuriki, Taishi Nakashima, Nobutaka Ono (TMU)
10:10-10:30 Analysis of Overlapped Utterances in Everyday Conversation and Source Separation by Online Independent Vector Analysis for Asynchronous Distributed Recordings EA2023-67 SIP2023-114 SP2023-49 Haruki Nammoku, Taishi Nakashima, Kouei Yamaoka, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Nobutaka Ono (TMU)
10:30-10:50 Accelerating and stabilizing vectorwise coordinate descent for spatially regularized independent low-rank matrix analysis EA2023-68 SIP2023-115 SP2023-50 Yuto Ishikawa, Takuya Okubo, Norihiro Takamune (UTokyo), Tomohiko Nakamura (AIST), Daichi Kitamura (NIT Kagawa), Hiroshi Saruwatari (UTokyo), Yu Takahashi, Kazunobu Kondo (Yamaha)
  10:50-11:00 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Feb 29 AM 
11:00 - 12:20
(9) 11:00-11:20 SLP
(10) 11:20-11:40 SLP
(11) 11:40-12:00 SLP
(12) 12:00-12:20 SLP
  12:20-13:50 Break ( 90 min. )
Thu, Feb 29 AM 
11:00 - 12:20
11:00-11:20 Evaluation of Effect of Scatterer Shape on Incident Sound Field Estimation Based on Kernel Interpolation EA2023-69 SIP2023-116 SP2023-51 Shihori Kozuka (NTT), Shoichi Koyama (NII), Hiroaki Itou, Noriyoshi Kamado (NTT)
11:20-11:40 Study on Virtual Sensing Feedback ANC System with Noise Control Filter Selection EA2023-70 SIP2023-117 SP2023-52 Shota Toyooka, Yoshinobu Kajikawa (Kansai Univ.)
11:40-12:00 EA2023-71 SIP2023-118 SP2023-53
12:00-12:20 On conditions for stably working filtered-x type active noise control systems EA2023-72 SIP2023-119 SP2023-54 Kensaku Fujii (Kodaway Lab.), Mitsuji Muneyasu (Kansai Univ.), Yoshifumi Chisaki (CIT)
  12:20-13:50 Break ( 90 min. )
Thu, Feb 29 PM  Invited Talk 1
13:50 - 14:35
(17) 13:50-14:35 [Invited Talk]
Making the Invisible Visible: Toward High-Quality Deep THz Computational Imaging
Chia-Wen Lin (National Tsing Hua Univ.)
  14:35-14:45 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Feb 29 PM 
14:45 - 15:00
(18) 14:45-15:00  
  15:00-15:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Feb 29 PM 
15:10 - 15:55
(19) 15:10-15:15 Computational Complexity Reduction for Clustering in Speaker Diarization Komei Yamashita, Ryota Shimokura, Youji Iiguni (Osaka Univ.)
(20) 15:15-15:20 Selective Active Noise Control using Cartilage Conduction as a Secondary Source
-- Canceling complex and narrowband noise by Delayed-X Harmonics Synthesizer Algorithm --
Miyuki Azuma, Ryota Shimokura, Yoji Iiguni (Osaka Univ.)
(21) 15:20-15:25 Application of Audio Adversarial Examples to Audio CAPTCHA Yusuke Nobukawa, Ryota Shimokura, Yoji Iiguni (Osaka Univ.)
(22) 15:25-15:30 Evaluation of the validity of CNN-based image quality assessment Ririko Harada (Osaka Univ.), Ryo Hayakawa (TUAT), Youji Iiguni (Osaka Univ.)
(23) 15:30-15:35 Adaptation of End-to-End Japanese Speech Synthesis Using Crowdsoursed Dialect Accent Labels Yuki Oda, Kazuki Yamauchi, Yuki Saito, Hiroshi Saruwatari (UTokyo)
(24) 15:35-15:40 SRC4VC: Smartphone-Recorded Corpus for Benchmarking Multi-Speaker Voice Conversion Models Yuki Saito, Takuto Igarashi, Kentaro Seki, Shinnosuke Takamichi (UT), Ryuichi Yamamoto, Kentaro Tachibana (LY), Hiroshi Saruwatari (UT)
(25) 15:40-15:45 Preliminary Evaluation of Japanese Speech Corpus J-SpAW for Speaker Verification and Spoofing Detection Kota Kanno (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Shinnosuke Takamichi (UTokyo), Sayaka Shiota (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
(26) 15:45-15:50
(27) 15:50-15:55 Estimation of direct sound arrival time at arbitrary position by kriging in real environment Mizuki Yamashita, Yosuke Tatekura (Shizuoka Univ.)
  15:55-16:05 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Feb 29 PM 
16:05 - 17:25
16:05-16:25 Study of Sound Source Localization for Disaster Survivor Search Using Quadcopters
-- An Analysis of Factors Related to MUSIC Algorithm through Environmental Modeling with PyRoomAcoustics --
EA2023-73 SIP2023-120 SP2023-55
Masachika Kamada (Waseda Univ.), Junji Yamato (Kogakuin Univ.), Yasuhiro Oikawa, Hiroshi G Okuno, Jun Ohya (Waseda Univ.)
16:25-16:45 Development of the mental disorder estimation model using voice EA2023-74 SIP2023-121 SP2023-56 Kaho Kato, Akihiko Takashima, Kei Kikuiri, Takeshi Yoshimura (NTT docomo)
16:45-17:05 Multiple Lag Window Pairs for Estimation of Fundamental Frequency and Periodicity Measure EA2023-75 SIP2023-122 SP2023-57 Michiki Koshimori (UEC), Shigeki Sagayama (UTokyo/UEC), Toru Nakashika (UEC)
17:05-17:25 A Study on Automatic Performance for Emulating the Playing Style of a Specific Pianist using Feature Extraction with LSTM and Score Analysis EA2023-76 SIP2023-123 SP2023-58 Li Senhao, Matsuno Yutaka (Nihon Univ.)
Thu, Feb 29 PM 
16:20 - 17:40
16:20-16:40 EA2023-77 SIP2023-124 SP2023-59
16:40-17:00 EA2023-78 SIP2023-125 SP2023-60
17:00-17:20 Kernel-Induced Sampling Theorem for A Class of Mapping-Prescribed Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces EA2023-79 SIP2023-126 SP2023-61 Akira Tanaka (Hokkaido Univ.)
17:20-17:40 An Enhanced Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Federated Learning of Vision Transformer without Model Performance Degradation EA2023-80 SIP2023-127 SP2023-62 Rei Aso, Sayaka Shiota, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Thu, Feb 29 PM 
15:10 - 17:20
15:10-16:10 Privacy preserving deep unrolling ISTA method for sparse representation EA2023-81 SIP2023-128 SP2023-63 Nichika Yuge, Takayuki Nakachi (Univ. of the Ryukyus.)
15:10-16:10 Lightweight and Interpretable Deep Learning Model for EEG-Based Sleep Stage Classification EA2023-82 SIP2023-129 SP2023-64 Aozora Ito, Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT)
15:10-16:10 Element Selection Based on Classifiability Using Nonconvex Sparse Optimization EA2023-83 SIP2023-130 SP2023-65 Taiga Kawamura, Natsuki Ueno, Nobutaka Ono (TMU)
15:10-16:10 Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Parameter Estimation from Observation with Irreversible Saturation Effects EA2023-84 SIP2023-131 SP2023-66 Natsuki Ueno, Hirokazu Kameoka (NTT)
15:10-16:10 Adaptive subspace clustering for matrix completion EA2023-85 SIP2023-132 SP2023-67 Takuto Wada (Hosei Univ.), Ryohei Sasaki (TUT), Katsumi Konishi (Hosei Univ.)
15:10-16:10 Byzantine attack detection via similarity of local updates in federated learning EA2023-86 SIP2023-133 SP2023-68 Kenta Ohno, Masao Yamagishi (Hosei Univ.)
  16:10-16:20 Break ( 10 min. )
16:20-17:20 Multiple sound source localization system in a rectangular area based on a distributed microphone array network EA2023-87 SIP2023-134 SP2023-69 Toru Takahashi, Kotaro Fukuda, Taiki Kanbayashi, Hitoshi Ogaki (OSU), Ryo Higashigawa (coroutine), Masato Nakayama (OSU)
16:20-17:20 Comparison of DNN architectures for determined BSS by proximal average of IVA and DNN EA2023-88 SIP2023-135 SP2023-70 Kazuki Matsumoto (Waseda Univ.), Koki Yamada, Kohei Yatabe (TUAT)
16:20-17:20 Role Selection of Microphone Pairs for Omnidirectional Sound Source Tracking EA2023-89 SIP2023-136 SP2023-71 Haruto Sasaki, Kenji Suyama (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
16:20-17:20 Residual Noise Reduction Based on Sound Source Signal Independence EA2023-90 SIP2023-137 SP2023-72 Kai Furusawa, Kenji Suyama (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
16:20-17:20 Effectiveness of Specified Error for Suppression Section in Directivity Design EA2023-91 SIP2023-138 SP2023-73 Tsukasa Hidaka, Kenji Suyama (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
16:20-17:20 Multiple Sound Source Localization using High Spatial Resolution Microphone Pairs EA2023-92 SIP2023-139 SP2023-74 Tomoya Hori, Kenji Suyama (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Fri, Mar 1 AM 
09:30 - 11:40
09:30-10:30 An experimental survey on speaker embedding spaces for controlling speaker identity in speech synthesis system EA2023-93 SIP2023-140 SP2023-75 Wakuto Morita, Daisuke Saito, Nobuaki Minematsu (Univ. of Tokyo)
09:30-10:30 SELECTING N-LOWEST SCORES FOR TRAINING MOS PREDICTION MODELS EA2023-94 SIP2023-141 SP2023-76 Yuto Kondo, Hirokazu Kameoka, Kou Tanaka, Takuhiro Kaneko (NTT)
09:30-10:30 Improving training recipe of Remixed2Remixed for speech enhancement EA2023-95 SIP2023-142 SP2023-77 Li Li, Shogo Seki (CyberAgent)
09:30-10:30 A Study on Environmental Sound Synthesis in the Case of Pausing in Virtual Walking Applications EA2023-96 SIP2023-143 SP2023-78 Hiroshi Nishijima, Wakuto Morita, Daisuke Saito, Nobuaki Minematsu (UTokyo)
09:30-10:30 Analysis of speech synthesis of text-free audio using a self-supervised learning model
-- focusing on multilingual applications --
EA2023-97 SIP2023-144 SP2023-79
Joonyong Park, Daisuke Saito, Nobuaki Minematsu (The Univ. of Tokyo)
09:30-10:30 Multi-Dialect Speech Synthesis with Interpretable Accent latent Variable based on VQ-VAE EA2023-98 SIP2023-145 SP2023-80 Kazuki Yamauchi, Yuki Saito, Hiroshi Saruwatari (UTokyo)
09:30-10:30 Constructing and Evaluating a Batch Voice Input System for Electronic Medical Records Using Large Language Models EA2023-99 SIP2023-146 SP2023-81 Ryo Maejima, Norihide Kitaoka (TUT)
09:30-10:30 Domain adaptation of speech recognition model based on multilingual SSL model with only nonparallel corpus. EA2023-100 SIP2023-147 SP2023-82 Takahiro Kinouchi (TUT), Atsunori Ogawa (NTT), Yukoh Wakabayashi (TUT), Kengo Ohta (NITA), Norihide Kitaoka (TUT)
09:30-10:30 Improving speech recognition system consisting of multiple speech recognition models EA2023-101 SIP2023-148 SP2023-83 Keigo Hojo, Yukoh Wakabayashi (TUT), Kengo Ohta (NITAC), Atsunori Ogawa (NTT), Norihide Kitaoka (TUT)
09:30-10:30 Evaluation of Automatic Speech Recognition for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People by Speaker Adaptation. EA2023-102 SIP2023-149 SP2023-84 Kaito Takahashi, Takahiro Kinouchi, Yukoh Wakabayashi (TUT), Kengo Ohta (NITAC), Akio Kobayashi (Yamato Univ.), Norihide Kitaoka (TUT)
  10:30-10:40 Break ( 10 min. )
10:40-11:40 Intermediate speaker speech synthesis between two speakers using x-vector speaker space EA2023-103 SIP2023-150 SP2023-85 Sota Hosoi, Takahiro Kinouchi, Yukoh Wakabayashi, Norihide Kitaoka (TUT)
10:40-11:40 Speech representation based on VAE assuming gamma distribution for latent variables and observation EA2023-104 SIP2023-151 SP2023-86 Nanako Imaichi, Toru Nakashika (UEC)
10:40-11:40 An Investigation into Weighting Strategies for Model Averaging in Continual Learning for Automatic Speech Recognition EA2023-105 SIP2023-152 SP2023-87 Kentaro Shinayama, Hiroshi Sato, Tomoharu Iwata, Takeshi Mori, Taichi Asami (NTT)
10:40-11:40 Substitution of Implicit Linguistic Information in Beam Search Decoding Using CTC-based Speech Recognition Models EA2023-106 SIP2023-153 SP2023-88 Tatsunari Takagi, Yukoh Wakabayashi (TUT), Atsunori Ogawa (NTT), Norihide Kitaoka (TUT)
10:40-11:40 A study on loom operation analysis using acoustic signals for abnormality detection EA2023-107 SIP2023-154 SP2023-89 Shinji Sako (NITech)
10:40-11:40 An Investigation on the Speech Recovery from EEG Signals Using Transformer EA2023-108 SIP2023-155 SP2023-90 Tomoaki Mizuno (The Univ. of Electro-Communications), Takuya Kishida (Aichi Shukutoku Univ.), Natsue Yoshimura (Tokyo Tech), Toru Nakashika (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)
10:40-11:40 modal-to-falsetto singing voice conversion focused on the shape of glottal sound wave and parameter control of the glottal wave EA2023-109 SIP2023-156 SP2023-91 Shota Okada, Yu Kitamura, Daisuke Saito, Nobuaki Minematsu (Tokyo Univ.)
(65) 10:40-11:40 SLP
  11:40-13:30 Break ( 110 min. )
Fri, Mar 1 AM 
09:30 - 10:50
09:30-09:50 Black-Box Adversarial Attack for Math Formula Recognition Model EA2023-110 SIP2023-157 SP2023-92 Haruto Namura, Masatomo Yoshida (Doshisha Univ.), Nicola Adami (UNIBS), Masahiro Okuda (Doshisha Univ.)
09:50-10:10 Variable step size of shared error NLMS algorithm for acoustic echo and noise canceller EA2023-111 SIP2023-158 SP2023-93 Kenta Iwai, Takanobu Nishiura (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
10:10-10:30 EEG during music recall: Time-frequency analysis, event-related potential, and directed connectivity EA2023-112 SIP2023-159 SP2023-94 Mayu Goto, Ingon Chanpornpakdi, Kazuki Matsunaga, Shuma Ito, Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT)
10:30-10:50 Decorrelation-based blind speech separation EA2023-113 SIP2023-160 SP2023-95 Shinya Saito, Kunio Oishi (Tokyo University of Tech.)
  10:50-11:00 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, Mar 1 AM 
11:00 - 12:20
11:00-11:20 Cello-like Sound Synthesis from Viola Recordings Using Pitch Shifting and Harmonic Generation EA2023-114 SIP2023-161 SP2023-96 Natsuki Yoshino, Akira Tanaka (Hokudai)
11:20-11:40 Multiple Pitch Estimation Based on Finite-Order Harmonic Constraint Differential Equation EA2023-115 SIP2023-162 SP2023-97 Kenta Yamada, Yoshiki Masuyama, Kouei Yamaoka, Natsuki Ueno, Nobutaka Ono (Metropolitan Univ.)
11:40-12:00 Inverse filter design of Shoulder-mounted Wearable Speaker using H-infinity control theory
-- Extension and evaluation to MIMO systems --
EA2023-116 SIP2023-163 SP2023-98
Kenji Kita (Daido Univ.)
12:00-12:20 Mixing Method of Remote Choral Sound Source by Component Selection Using Sparse Representation EA2023-117 SIP2023-164 SP2023-99 Haruki Ota, Kota Takahashi (UEC)
  12:20-13:30 Break ( 70 min. )
Fri, Mar 1 PM 
13:30 - 14:15
(74) 13:30-14:15 SLP
  14:15-14:25 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, Mar 1 PM 
14:25 - 15:10
(75) 14:25-15:10 [Invited Talk]
Getting Started With Environmental Sound Analysis and Synthesis EA2023-118 SIP2023-165 SP2023-100
Keisuke Imoto (Doshisha Univ.)
  15:10-15:25 Break ( 15 min. )
Fri, Mar 1 PM 
15:25 - 17:35
15:25-16:25 Investigation of objective intelligibility metrics based on speech foundation models for Clarity Prediction Challenge 2 EA2023-119 SIP2023-166 SP2023-101 Katsuhiko Yamamoto (CyberAgent)
15:25-16:25 Spatial auditory masking of audio signals with different elevations on the median plane and a sagittal plane EA2023-120 SIP2023-167 SP2023-102 Hiroto Fujishiro, Masayuki Nishiguchi, Kanji Watanabe, Koji Abe (Akita Prefectural Univ.)
15:25-16:25 Acoustic morphing based on autoencoder for piano scale and reverberation EA2023-121 SIP2023-168 SP2023-103 Yuma Hakoda, Takao Tsuchiya (Doshisha Univ.)
15:25-16:25 Investigation on factors of beamforming with reduced the number of microphones on sound space synthesis EA2023-122 SIP2023-169 SP2023-104 Ryosuke Oyashiki, Kanji Watanabe, Masayuki Nishiguchi, Koji Abe (Akita Prefectural Univ.)
15:25-16:25 Perceptible delay of moving sound source signals with different azimuth and bandwidth EA2023-123 SIP2023-170 SP2023-105 Yuuki Saito, Masayuki Nishiguchi, Kanji Watanabe, Koji Abe (Akita Prefectural Univ.)
15:25-16:25 Creation of representative head-related impulse responses for binaural rendering of audio signals by waveform based acoustic panning EA2023-124 SIP2023-171 SP2023-106 Kazuki Houshito, Masayuki Nishiguchi, Kanji Watanabe, Koji Abe (Akita Prefectural Univ.)
  16:25-16:35 Break ( 10 min. )
16:35-17:35 Discrimination of rotation direction of virtual sound source in binaural synthesis using sound source radiation characteristics EA2023-125 SIP2023-172 SP2023-107 Orie Nishiyama (Chiba Institute of Technology), Toshiharu Horiuchi, Shota Okubo (KDDI Research, Inc.), Yoshifumi Chisaki (Chiba Institute of Technology)
16:35-17:35 Simulation Evaluation of Speech Detection Based on Distributed Sound-to-Light Conversion Device Blinkies EA2023-126 SIP2023-173 SP2023-108 Satoshi Motoyama, Natsuki Ueno, Masahiro Yasuda (TMU), Yuma Kinoshita (Tokai Univ.), Nobutaka Ono (TMU)
16:35-17:35 Evaluations of Multi-channel Blind Source Separation for Speech Recognition in Car Environments EA2023-127 SIP2023-174 SP2023-109 Yutsuki Takeuchi, Natsuki Ueno, Nobutaka Ono (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Takashi Takazawa, Shuhei Shimanoe, Tomoki Tanemura (MIRISE Technologies)
16:35-17:35 Large Scale Pre-training and Dynamic Convolution for Image Restoration Under Bad Weather Conditions EA2023-128 SIP2023-175 SP2023-110 Shugo Yamashita, Masaaki Ikehara (Keio Univ.)
16:35-17:35 Synthesizing perceived melody from stereo electroencephalogram EA2023-129 SIP2023-176 SP2023-111 Yuta Inaba, Yuiko Kumagai, Naoki Yoshimura, Shuji Komeiji (Tokyo Univ. Agri.&Tech.), Takumi Mitsuhashi, Yasushi Iimura, Hiroharu Suzuki, Hidenori Sugano (Juntendo Univ.), Toshihisa Tanaka (Tokyo Univ. Agri.&Tech.)
16:35-17:35 A Design of Denser-Graph-Frequency Graph Fourier Frames for Undirected Graph Signal Analysis EA2023-130 SIP2023-177 SP2023-112 Kaito Nitani, Seisuke Kyochi (Kogakuin Univ.)
Fri, Mar 1 PM 
15:25 - 16:25
15:25-15:45 Generating Japanese-accented English voices of 3 types according to the listening proficiency of Japanese ESL learners EA2023-131 SIP2023-178 SP2023-113 Kiyotada Mori, Yasuo Miyoshi, Ryo Okamoto (Kochi Univ.)
15:45-16:05 Prediction of Voice Processing Intensity Matching the Impression of a Voice Agent EA2023-132 SIP2023-179 SP2023-114 Ren Miyamoto, Wakuto Morita, Daisuke Saito, Nobuaki Minematsu (Tokyo Univ.)
16:05-16:25 Evaluating speech generation based on objective measures for text generation EA2023-133 SIP2023-180 SP2023-115 Takaaki Saeki (UTokyo), Soumi Maiti (CMU), Shinnosuke Takamichi (UTokyo), Shinji Watanabe (CMU), Hiroshi Saruwatari (UTokyo)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 40 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
EA Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics (EA)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Nobutaka Ito (Univ. of Tokyo)
E--mail: niku- 
SIP Technical Committee on Signal Processing (SIP)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address IEICE Technical Group on Signal Processing
Email: sip-n 
SP Technical Committee on Speech (SP)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Kei Hashimoto (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
E--mail: i 
IPSJ-SLP Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Processing (IPSJ-SLP)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Kei Hashimoto (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
E--mail: i 

Last modified: 2024-05-20 08:46:55

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