Chair |
Yusuke Matsunaga (Kyushu Univ.) |
Vice Chair |
Takashi Takenana (NEC) |
Secretary |
Hiroyuki Tomiyama (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Daisuke Fukuda (Fujitsu Labs.) |
Assistant |
Ittetsu Taniguchi (Ritsumeikan Univ.) |
Chair |
Yasuhiko Nakashima (NAIST) |
Vice Chair |
Koji Nakano (Hiroshima Univ.), Hidetsugu Irie (Univ. of Tokyo) |
Secretary |
Takashi Miyoshi (Fujitsu Labs.), Michihiro Koibuchi (NII) |
Assistant |
Shinya Takameda (NAIST), Takeshi Ohkawa (Utsunomiya Univ.) |
Chair |
Minoru Watanabe (Shizuoka Univ.) |
Vice Chair |
Masato Motomura (Hokkaido Univ.), Yuichiro Shibata (Nagasaki Univ.) |
Secretary |
Yutaka Yamada (Toshiba), Yoshiki Yamaguchi (Univ. of Tsukuba) |
Assistant |
Kazuya Tanikagawa (Hiroshima City Univ.), Takefumi Miyoshi (e-trees.Japan) |
Chair |
Masahiro Goshima |
Secretary |
Takatsugu Ono, Tomoaki Tsumura, Shinobu Miwa, Koichiro Yamashita |
Special Interest Group on System and LSI Design Methodology (IPSJ-SLDM) |
[schedule] [select]
Chair |
Masahiro Fukui (Ritsumeikan Univ.) |
Secretary |
Masao Yokoyama (Sharp), Yasuhiro Takashima (Kitakyushu City Univ.), Takeo Nishide (Toshiba) |
Conference Date |
Tue, Jan 19, 2016 10:40 - 18:10
Wed, Jan 20, 2016 09:00 - 17:25
Thu, Jan 21, 2016 09:00 - 16:10 |
Topics |
FPGA Applications, etc |
Conference Place |
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Tue, Jan 19 AM 10:40 - 12:20 |
(1) RECONF |
10:40-11:05 |
Circuit Design of Reconfigurable Logic and Comparison of the Methods VLD2015-77 CPSY2015-109 RECONF2015-59 |
Junki Kato, Shigeyoshi Watanabe, Hiroshi Ninomiya, Manabu Kobayashi, Yasuyuki Miura (SIT) |
(2) RECONF |
11:05-11:30 |
FPGA routing structure based on H-Tree topology VLD2015-78 CPSY2015-110 RECONF2015-60 |
Yuki ishii, Masato Ikebe, Qian Zhao, Motoki Amagasaki, Masahiro Iida, Morihiro Kuga, Toshinori Sueyoshi (Kumamoto Univ.) |
(3) RECONF |
11:30-11:55 |
Pipelining in Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Accelerator CMA VLD2015-79 CPSY2015-111 RECONF2015-61 |
Naoki Ando, Koichiro Masuyama, Yu Fujita, Hideharu Amano (Keio Univ.) |
(4) RECONF |
11:55-12:20 |
A Low-Latency Batch Processing for Stream Data Using FPGA NIC VLD2015-80 CPSY2015-112 RECONF2015-62 |
Kohei Nakamura, Ami Hayashi, Hiroki Matsutani (Keio Univ.) |
12:20-13:30 |
Lunch Break ( 70 min. ) |
Tue, Jan 19 PM 13:30 - 14:45 |
(5) CPSY |
13:30-13:55 |
Performance Evaluations on Reduction and Transformation of Spark Using GPU VLD2015-81 CPSY2015-113 RECONF2015-63 |
Yasuhiro Ohno, Shin Morishima, Hiroki Matsutani (Keio Univ.) |
(6) CPSY |
13:55-14:20 |
GPGPU Parallelization of a cerebral cortex model BESOM VLD2015-82 CPSY2015-114 RECONF2015-64 |
Hidemoto Nakada, Tatsuhiko Inoue, Yuji Ichisugi (AIST) |
(7) CPSY |
14:20-14:45 |
GPGPU Implementation of the MSD Method for Outlier Detection and Its Experimental Evaluation VLD2015-83 CPSY2015-115 RECONF2015-65 |
Shotaro Asano, Masato Inagi, Shinobu Nagayama, Shin'ichi Wakabayashi (Hiroshima City Univ.) |
14:45-15:00 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Tue, Jan 19 PM 15:00 - 16:40 |
(8) |
15:00-15:25 |
(9) |
15:25-15:50 |
(10) |
15:50-16:15 |
(11) |
16:15-16:40 |
16:40-16:55 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Tue, Jan 19 PM 16:55 - 18:10 |
(12) CPSY |
16:55-17:20 |
Cost Estimation Method based on CPU Architecture for Relational Database Query Optimization VLD2015-84 CPSY2015-116 RECONF2015-66 |
Tsuyoshi Tanaka (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ./Hitachi), Hiroshi Ishikawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) |
(13) CPSY |
17:20-17:45 |
Performance Improvement on In-Kernel NOSQL Cache for Range Queries VLD2015-85 CPSY2015-117 RECONF2015-67 |
Korechika Tamura, Hiroki Matsutani (Keio Univ.) |
(14) CPSY |
17:45-18:10 |
FPGA-based Parallel Processing of Sliding-Window Aggregate Queries on Data Streams VLD2015-86 CPSY2015-118 RECONF2015-68 |
Yoshimitsu Ogawa, Yasin Oge, Masato Yoshimi, Celimuge Wu, Tsutomu Yoshinaga (UEC) |
Wed, Jan 20 AM 09:00 - 10:15 |
(15) VLD |
09:00-09:25 |
A Chip Evaluation of the Heat Generation in 3D stacked LSI VLD2015-87 CPSY2015-119 RECONF2015-69 |
Tatsuya Wada, Kimiyosi Usami (Shibaura IT) |
(16) VLD |
09:25-09:50 |
Implementation and evaluation of Dynamic Multi-Vth methodology in Silicon-on-Thin-BOX VLD2015-88 CPSY2015-120 RECONF2015-70 |
Shohei Io, Hanano Suzuki, Shohei Nakamura, Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura IT) |
(17) VLD |
09:50-10:15 |
Control Signal Extraction for Backward Sequential Clock Gating VLD2015-89 CPSY2015-121 RECONF2015-71 |
Tomoya Goto, Masao Yanagisawa, Shinji Kimura (Waseda Univ.) |
10:15-10:30 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Wed, Jan 20 AM 10:30 - 11:45 |
(18) |
10:30-10:55 |
(19) |
10:55-11:20 |
(20) |
11:20-11:45 |
11:45-12:00 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Wed, Jan 20 PM 12:00 - 13:00 |
(21) CPSY |
12:00-13:00 |
[Fellow Memorial Lecture]
Failure May teach Success
-- In Computer Architecture Research based on Real hardware -- VLD2015-90 CPSY2015-122 RECONF2015-72 |
Hideharu Aamano (Keio Univ.) |
13:00-14:15 |
Break ( 75 min. ) |
Wed, Jan 20 PM 14:15 - 15:30 |
(22) RECONF |
14:15-14:40 |
Design of Stencil Computation based on Building-Cube Method on an FPGA Accelerator with High Level Synthesis VLD2015-91 CPSY2015-123 RECONF2015-73 |
Rie Soejima, Koji Okina, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri (Nagasaki Univ.) |
(23) RECONF |
14:40-15:05 |
FPGA-based Tsunami Simulator developed by using stream-computing hardware compiler VLD2015-92 CPSY2015-124 RECONF2015-74 |
Kohei Nagasu, Kentaro Sano (Tohoku Univ.), Fumiya Kono, Naohito Nakasato (The Univ. of Aizu) |
(24) RECONF |
15:05-15:30 |
A Parallel Algorithm for Realizing the MacCormack Scheme in Computational Fluid Dynamics and its FPGA Implementation VLD2015-93 CPSY2015-125 RECONF2015-75 |
Yusuke Haga, Shinobu Nagayama, Shin'ichi Wakabayashi, Masato Inagi (Hiroshima City Univ.) |
15:30-15:45 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Wed, Jan 20 PM 15:45 - 17:25 |
(25) CPSY |
15:45-16:10 |
Topological Analysis of Low-Powered 3D-TESH Network VLD2015-94 CPSY2015-126 RECONF2015-76 |
Faiz Al Faisal (JAIST), Hafizur Rahman (IIUM), Yasushi Inoguchi (JAIST) |
(26) CPSY |
16:10-16:35 |
An Efficient NoC with Decentralized Routers VLD2015-95 CPSY2015-127 RECONF2015-77 |
Ryota Yasudo, Hiroki Matsutani (Keio Univ.), Michihiro Koibuchi (NII), Hideharu Amano, Tadao Nakamura (Keio Univ.) |
(27) CPSY |
16:35-17:00 |
A performance evaluation of PEACH3 VLD2015-96 CPSY2015-128 RECONF2015-78 |
Takahiro Kaneda, Chiharu Tsuruta (Keio Univ), Toshihiro Hanawa (UTokyo), Hideharu Amano (Keio Univ) |
(28) CPSY |
17:00-17:25 |
Latency Reduction on Inter-Component Communication across Racks using FSO VLD2015-97 CPSY2015-129 RECONF2015-79 |
Hiroaki Hara, Tomoya Ozaki (Keio Univ.), Michihiro Koibuchi (NII), Hideharu Amano, Hiroki Matsutani (Keio Univ.) |
- |
Banquet |
Thu, Jan 21 AM 09:00 - 10:15 |
(29) RECONF |
09:00-09:25 |
Performance Improvement on Music Fingerprint Searching from Large-Scale Database by Using Probabilistic Bias VLD2015-98 CPSY2015-130 RECONF2015-80 |
Masahiro Fukuda, Yasushi Inoguchi (JAIST) |
(30) RECONF |
09:25-09:50 |
Discussion on FPGA implementation of real-time human detection using FIND features VLD2015-99 CPSY2015-131 RECONF2015-81 |
Yoshiki Hayashida, Masahito Oishi, Ryo Fujita, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri (Nagasaki Univ.) |
(31) RECONF |
09:50-10:15 |
FPGA Implementation of a Peak Detection System using AMPD Algorithm VLD2015-100 CPSY2015-132 RECONF2015-82 |
Fumihiko Iwasaki, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri (Nagasaki Univ) |
10:15-10:30 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Jan 21 AM 10:30 - 11:45 |
(32) CPSY |
10:30-10:55 |
Power Optimization of a Reconfigurable Accelerator by Middle-grained Body Bias Control VLD2015-101 CPSY2015-133 RECONF2015-83 |
Yusuke Matsushita, Hayate Okuhara, Koichiro Masuyama, Yu Fujita, Hideharu Amano (Keio Univ.) |
(33) CPSY |
10:55-11:20 |
Power Reduction of TLB using Body Bias Control on SOTB VLD2015-102 CPSY2015-134 RECONF2015-84 |
Daiki Kawase, Hayate Okuhara, Hideharu Amano (Keio Univ.) |
(34) CPSY |
11:20-11:45 |
An Architectural Optimization for Software Defined SSD using Full System Simulator VLD2015-103 CPSY2015-135 RECONF2015-85 |
Shun Gokita, Satoshi Kazama, Seiki Shibata, Shinya Kuwamura, Eiji Yoshida, Junji Ogawa (FLL) |
11:45-13:00 |
Lunch Break ( 75 min. ) |
Thu, Jan 21 PM 13:00 - 14:40 |
(35) VLD |
13:00-13:25 |
Mainframe Assembly to C translation in Legacy Migration VLD2015-104 CPSY2015-136 RECONF2015-86 |
Daisuke Fujiwara, Nagisa Ishiura, Ryo Sakai (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Ryo Aoki, Takashi Ogawara (SYSTEM'S) |
(36) VLD |
13:25-13:50 |
A floorplan-driven high-level synthesis algorithm resilient to dynamic delay variations VLD2015-105 CPSY2015-137 RECONF2015-87 |
Koki Igawa, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa (Waseda Univ.) |
(37) VLD |
13:50-14:15 |
Binary Synthesis Implementing External Interrupt Handler as Independent Module VLD2015-106 CPSY2015-138 RECONF2015-88 |
Naoya Ito, Nagisa Ishiura (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Hiroyuki Tomiyama (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Hiroyuki Kanbara (ASTEM) |
(38) VLD |
14:15-14:40 |
Write-Reduction using Encoding data on MLC for Non-Volatile Memories VLD2015-107 CPSY2015-139 RECONF2015-89 |
Masashi Tawada, Shinji Kimura, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa (Waseda Univ.) |
14:40-14:55 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Jan 21 PM 14:55 - 16:10 |
(39) RECONF |
14:55-15:20 |
A Realization of Deep Convolutional Neural Network using the Nested RNS on an FPGA including the Constant Division VLD2015-108 CPSY2015-140 RECONF2015-90 |
Hiroki Nakahara (Ehime Univ.), Tsutomu Sasao (Meiji Univ.), Hisashi Iwamoto (REVSONIC Corp.) |
(40) RECONF |
15:20-15:45 |
Implementation of TRAX Solver with Mate Structure VLD2015-109 CPSY2015-141 RECONF2015-91 |
Yasuhiro Takashima, Takaaki Yahata, Saki Yamaguchi, Komei Nomura (Univ. of Kitakyushu) |
(41) RECONF |
15:45-16:10 |
Search of Evaluation Function with Genetic Algorithm and UML Model-based Development for TRAX Player VLD2015-110 CPSY2015-142 RECONF2015-92 |
Ryo Tamaki, Naohiko Shimizu (Tokai Univ.) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
Technical Committee on VLSI Design Technologies (VLD) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Hiroyuki Tomiyama (Ritsumeikan University)
E- : ht fc   i
Phone: 077-561-4928 |
Announcement |
See also VLD's homepage:
http://www.ieice.org/~vld/ |
Technical Committee on Computer Systems (CPSY) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Michihiro Koibuchi (NII)
TEL 03-4212-2575, FAX 03-4212-2120
E- : ibu  i
http://www.ieice.or.jp/iss/cpsy/jpn/ |
Technical Committee on Reconfigurable Systems (RECONF) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Yutaka Yamada (Toshiba)
e- :  6      ba |
Special Interest Group on System Architecture (IPSJ-ARC) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Koichiro Yamashita (Fujitsu Laboratories)
TEL 044-754-2783, FAX 044-754-2844
E- :      -05      |
Special Interest Group on System and LSI Design Methodology (IPSJ-SLDM) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Yasuhiro Takashima (University of Kitakyushu)
Email sldm2015 is env  k -u |
Announcement |
Please see the IPSJ-SLDM page below:
http://www.sig-sldm.org/ |
Last modified: 2016-01-07 08:42:24