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Technical Committee on Reliable Communication and Control (RCC) [schedule] [select]
Chair Shinsuke Hara (Osaka City Univ.)
Vice Chair Kazunori Hayashi (Osaka City Univ.), Ryu Miura (NICT)
Secretary Koji Ishii (Kagawa Univ.), Koichi Kobayashi (Hokkaido Univ.)
Assistant Toshinori Kagawa (NICT), Kentaro Kobayashi (Nagoya Univ.)

Technical Committee on Network Systems (NS) [schedule] [select]
Chair Hideki Tode (Osaka Pref. Univ.)
Vice Chair Yoshikatsu Okazaki (NTT)
Secretary Kazuya Tsukamoto (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.), Kenichi Matsui (NTT)
Assistant Kenichi Kashibuchi (NTT)

Technical Committee on Radio Communication Systems (RCS) [schedule] [select]
Chair Hidekazu Murata (Kyoto Univ.)
Vice Chair Yukitoshi Sanada (Keio Univ.), Eisuke Fukuda (Fujitsu Labs.), Satoshi Suyama (NTT DoCoMo)
Secretary Tomoya Tandai (Toshiba), Toshihiko Nishimura (Hokkaido Univ.)
Assistant Tetsuya Yamamoto (Panasonic), Koichi Ishihara (NTT), Kazushi Muraoka (NEC), Shinsuke Ibi (Osaka Univ.), Hiroshi Nishimoto (Mitsubishi Electric)

Technical Committee on Smart Radio (SR) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kenta Umebayashi (Tokyo Univ. of Agric. and Tech.)
Vice Chair Masayuki Ariyoshi (NEC), Suguru Kameda (Tohoku Univ.)
Secretary Kentaro Ishidu (NICT), Kazuto Yano (ATR)
Assistant Mamiko Inamori (Tokai Univ.), Hiroyuki Shiba (NTT), Gia Khanh Tran (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Syusuke Narieda (NIT, Akashi College)

Technical Committee on Ambient intelligence and Sensor Networks (ASN) [schedule] [select]
Chair Hiraku Okada (Nagoya Univ.)
Vice Chair Shigeki Shiokawa (KAIT), Jin Nakazawa (Keio Univ.), Satoru Yamano (NEC)
Secretary Yasunori Owada (NICT), Masaki Bandai (Sophia Univ.)
Assistant Hiroto Aida (Doshisha Univ.), Tomoyuki Ota (Hiroshima City Univ.), Tatsuya Kikuzuki (Fujitu Lab.), Ryo Nakano (HITACHI), Yoshifumi Hotta (Mitsubishi Electric)

Conference Date Wed, Jul 19, 2017 08:50 - 16:50
Thu, Jul 20, 2017 08:50 - 18:00
Fri, Jul 21, 2017 08:50 - 16:50
Topics Wireless Distributed Network, M2M (Machine-to-Machine), D2D (Device-to-Device),etc. 
Conference Place Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Building, Hokkaido University (Hall A: 2F Lecture Hall, Hall B: 2F Seminar Room 2, Hall C: 1F Seminar Room 1, Hall D: 2F Foyer) 
Transportation Guide
Assoc. Prof. Katsuyoshi Iida
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on NS, ASN, RCS, SR.

Wed, Jul 19 AM  ASN1 (Hall A)
Chair: MATSUI Susumu (Osaka Institute of Technology)
08:50 - 10:05
08:50-09:15 Characterization of Contention Window for Success Prioritized CSMA/CA ASN2017-12 Takuma Yamamoto, Daisuke Umehara, Koichiro Wakasugi (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)
09:15-09:40 A Mathematical Model of Access Control to Allocate Downlink Bandwidth in High-Density Wireless LAN ASN2017-13 Yuto Katayama, Daisuke Umehara, Koichiro Wakasugi (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)
09:40-10:05 Development of Wireless Network for Infrastructure monitoring
-- Synchronous Sleep Control for Wireless Sensor Networks --
Akiyoshi Yagi (Mitsubishi Electric)
Wed, Jul 19 AM  NS1 (Hall B)
Chair: Yosuke Tanigawa (Osaka Pref. Univ.)
08:50 - 10:05
08:50-09:15 A Quality Selection Based on QoE Characteristics for HTTP Adaptive Streaming NS2017-28 Yu Mizoguchi, Takumi Kurosaka, Masaki Bandai (Sophia Univ.)
09:15-09:40 A Congestion Control method for NDN Using Explicit Rate Notification and Hop-by-hop Window Control Considering Multiple Flows NS2017-29 Takahiko Kato, Masaki Bandai (Sophia Univ.)
09:40-10:05 Peer-to-Peer Bidirectional Streaming Using Mobile Edge Computing NS2017-30 Taichiro Nakayama, Asaka Takuya (TMU)
Wed, Jul 19 AM  SR1 (Hall C)
Chair: Mai Ohta (Fukuoka Univ.)
08:50 - 10:05
08:50-09:15 Channel and CFO Estimation Scheme for TV White-space Wide Area Mobile Communication Systems based on IEEE 802.22 SR2017-24 Takeshi Matsumura, Hiroki Ueno, Ruiting Ouyang, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (Kyoto Univ.)
09:15-09:40 Network sharing and spectrum sharing scenarios for future 5G networks SR2017-25 Stanislav Filin, Homare Murakami, Kentaro Ishizu, Fumihide Kojima (NICT)
09:40-10:05 Distortion Compensation Method with Asymmetric Waveform Consideration in Concurrent Dual-band 1-bit Bandpass Delta-Sigma Modulator SR2017-26 Takashi Maehata (SEI), Suguru Kameda, Noriharu Suematsu (Tohoku Uni.)
  10:05-10:15 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Jul 19 AM  WDN1 (Hall A)
10:15 - 12:20
(10) 10:15-10:40 Verification of the adaptive communication procedures against the microwave oven RCC2017-10 NS2017-31 RCS2017-93 SR2017-27 ASN2017-15 Haruno Motoike, Masahiro Watanabe (Tokyo University of Technology)
(11) 10:40-11:05 Verification of the adaptive communication procedures against the interference signal RCC2017-11 NS2017-32 RCS2017-94 SR2017-28 ASN2017-16 Haruki Kurisaki, Masahiro Watanabe (Tokyo University of Technology)
(12) 11:05-11:30 Verification of the Adaptive Back-off Control Procedures for the Communication Completed Time in the N terminals RCC2017-12 NS2017-33 RCS2017-95 SR2017-29 ASN2017-17 Mohamad Hanif, Masahiro Watanabe (Tokyo Univwersity of Technology)
(13) 11:30-11:55 Verification of the breathing velocity characteristics by the 24GHz doppler radar RCC2017-13 NS2017-34 RCS2017-96 SR2017-30 ASN2017-18 Kohta Shugaya, Masahiro Watanabe (Tokyo University of Technology)
(14) 11:55-12:20 A Pool Control Method for Adaptive Group Testing with Boolean Compressed Sensing RCC2017-14 NS2017-35 RCS2017-97 SR2017-31 ASN2017-19 Yujia Lu (Kyoto Univ.), Kazunori Hayashi (Osaka City Univ.)
  12:20-13:20 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
Wed, Jul 19 PM  RCS1 (Hall A)
Chair: Homare Murakami (NICT)
13:20 - 15:00
13:20-13:45 A Study on OFDM Transmission using Multi Antenna Transmission based on Vector Decomposition of Complex Modulation Signal and Spatial Vector Composition Reception RCS2017-98 Tatsunari Takeoka, Hideichi Sasaoka, Hisato Iwai (Doshisha Univ.)
13:45-14:10 An Optimization of Adaptive Bit-loading Algorithm for LDPC-coded BICM-OFDM systems RCS2017-99 Yuki Matsumoto, Yuta Hori, Hideki Ochiai (Yokohama National Univ)
14:10-14:35 A UTW-DFTs-OFDM without Symbol Overlapping for Short Delay Multi-path Environment RCS2017-100 Naoki Izumi, Yosuke Kodama, Hiroto Kuriki, Keiichi Mizutani, Takeshi Matsumura, Hiroshi Harada (Kyoto Univ.)
14:35-15:00 A Study on Sampling Method of Independent Time Series and Evaluation of Secret Key Capacity in Secret key Agreement Based on Fading Variation RCS2017-101 Keita Kuroyanagi, Hideiti Sasaoka, Hisato Iwai (Doshisha Univ.)
Wed, Jul 19 PM  RCC1 (Hall B)
13:20 - 15:00
13:20-13:45 Development and Field Experiments of Autonomous D2D Networks for Information Sharing Service RCC2017-15 Lin Shan, Huan-Bang Li, Ryu Miura, Fumihide Kojima (NICT)
13:45-14:10 Implementation and Evaluation of Power-Saving Cooperative Communication Scheme for Smartphones RCC2017-16 Katsuhiro Temma (NICT), Kiyohiko Hattori (NICT/SIT), Lin Shan, Ou Zhao (NICT)
14:10-14:35 A Study of SCMA Codebooks for Uplink Multiple Access RCC2017-17 Masayuki Oodo, Kenichi Takizawa, Masafumi Moriyama, Hayato Tezuka, Chang-woo Pyo, Kentaro Ishizu, Homare Murakami, Fumihide Kojima (NICT)
14:35-15:00 Efficient Radio Access for Massive Machine-Type Communication RCC2017-18 Hayato Tezuka, Masafumi Moriyama, Kenichi Takizawa, Masayuki Oodo, Changwoo Pyo, Homare Murakami, Kentaro Ishizu, Fumihide Kojima (NICT)
Wed, Jul 19 PM  NS2 (Hall C)
Chair: Masato Uchida (Waseda Univ.)
13:20 - 15:00
13:20-13:45 Optimal Placement of Multiple Cache Schemes for Information Centric Networking NS2017-36 Shuto Yoshihara, Mayuzumi Takurou, Takao Kondo, Kunitake Kaneko, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.)
13:45-14:10 Data Collection Method using Data Collection with DTN in Participatory Sensing and Data Interpolation NS2017-37 Hiro Onishi, Takuya Asaka (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
14:10-14:35 Analytical performance evaluation of mobile access network based on virtualization technology NS2017-38 Rina Yamasaki, Go Hasegawa, Masayuki Murata (Osaka Univ.)
14:35-15:00 A Proposal of Simultaneous Transmission of Multiple Frames to Enhance Total Throughput in Dense Wireless LAN Environments NS2017-39 Yosuke Tanigawa, Kazuki Ueda, Kohei Omori, Hideki Tode (Osaka Prefecture Univ.)
  15:00-15:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Jul 19 PM  SR2 (Hall A)
Chair: Kazuto Yano (ATR)
15:10 - 16:50
15:10-16:00 [Invited Talk]
A Study on Fast Throughput Prediction Using Probability Distribution for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN SR2017-32
Chisa Takano (Hiroshima City Univ.), Ryo Hamamoto (NEC), Hiroyasu Obata, Kenji Ishida (Hiroshima City Univ.)
16:00-16:50 [Invited Talk]
Communication Behavior
-- Analysis of behavior generating communication traffic --
Sumaru Niida, Shuuichi Nawata, Masaki Suzuki, Hideyuki Koto (KDDI Research)
Wed, Jul 19 PM  ASN2 (Hall B)
Chair: BANDAI Masaki (Sophia University)
15:10 - 16:50
15:10-15:35 A Study on Effective Caching Scheme for Information Centric Network-based Wireless Sensor Network ASN2017-20 Shintaro Mori (Fukuoka Univ.)
15:35-16:00 An Encoding Method for Screen-Camera Communication Considering Communication Distance ASN2017-21 Junya Yamamoto, Masaki Bandai (Sophia Univ.)
16:00-16:25 All-to-all Broadcast on Coded Slotted ALOHA Considering Node Density ASN2017-22 Toshihide Inake, Masaki Bandai (Sophia Univ.)
16:25-16:50 A Study on the Construction Method of the Virtual Cell for the Information Diffusion by Device-to-Device Communication ASN2017-23 Tohn Furutani, Yuichi Kawamoto, HIroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato (Tohoku Univ.)
Wed, Jul 19 PM  RCS2 (Hall C)
Chair: Satoshi Suyama (NTT docomo)
15:10 - 16:50
15:10-15:35 Channel Capacity in Doubly-Selective Fading Environments [III]
-- For Application to Adaptive Baseband Radio --
Yoshio Karasawa
15:35-16:00 Considerations on a Channel Prediction Scheme Using Multipath Separation in the Delay and Angle Domains RCS2017-103 Kanako Okumura, Yasutaka Ogawa, Toshihiko Nishimura, Takeo Ohgane (Hokkaido Univ.)
16:00-16:25 Performance Evaluation of Collaborative Interference Canceller with Quantization Error and Spatial Correlation RCS2017-104 Rieko Saiki, Daisuke Umehara (Kyoto Inst of Tech.), Hidekazu Murata (Kyoto Univ.), Satoshi Denno (Okayama Univ.)
16:25-16:50 Development of Mobile Terminal Dual Band Antenna for Collaborative Interference Canceller RCS2017-105 Hideya Kitayama, Daisuke Umehara (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Hidekazu Murata (Kyoto Univ.), Satoshi Denno (Okayama Univ.)
Thu, Jul 20 AM  ASN3 (Hall A)
Chair: UMEHARA Daisuke (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
09:15 - 10:55
09:15-09:40 A Method for Traffic Reduction of Video Data using Edge Computing ASN2017-24 Shioda Jun, Yoshida Masahiro, Nakada Ryota, Mori Koya, Takahashi Noriyuki, Tanaka Hiroyuki (NTT)
09:40-10:05 An Implementation of NerveNet Embedded for IoT ASN2017-25 Yasunori Owada, Masugi Inoue, Katsuhiro Temma, Goshi Sato (NICT)
10:05-10:30 Three-dimensional Position Estimation Using Ellipse Approximation of the Magnetic Coupled Receiver ASN2017-26 Takeru Miwa, Yuichi Miyaji, Hideyuki Uehara (Toyohashi Univ. of tech)
10:30-10:55 Trial Manufacture and Evaluation of Sensor Box for Fishery ICT ASN2017-27 Kiyohiko Hattori, Katsuhiro Temma (NICT)
Thu, Jul 20 AM  RCS3 (Hall B)
Chair: Hiraku Okada (Nagoya Univ.)
08:50 - 10:55
08:50-09:15 Radio and Fiber relay system using Spatial Modulation for MIMO Transmission RCS2017-106 Ikuya Kitamura, Yuuki Mizusawa, Hong Zhou, Kazuo Kumamoto (Osaka Inst. of Tech.), Fengping Yan (BTU)
09:15-09:40 Improved Channel Hopping Algorithm-for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks RCS2017-107 Aohan Li, Tomoaki Ohtsuki (Keio Univ.)
09:40-10:05 An IoT Monitoring Prototype System for Smart Farm Using Zigbee and Raspberry Pi Module RCS2017-108 Hong Quy Vo, Tri Dinh Nguyen (HUSC), Thi Hong Tran (NAIST), Xuan Vinh Dang (HUSC), Yasuhiko Nakashima (NAIST)
10:05-10:30 Implementation and Experimental Evaluations of Receiver-Initiated MAC Protocol to Realize Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks RCS2017-109 Tatsuhiro Kawaguchi, Ryo Tanabe, Koji Ishibashi (The Univ. of Electro-Communications)
10:30-10:55 Investigating the LoRa Receiver Performance under Mutual Interference RCS2017-110 Guibing Zhu, Chun-Hao Liao, Makoto Suzuki, Yoshiaki Narusue, Hiroyuki Morikawa (Univ. of Tokyo)
  10:55-11:05 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Jul 20 AM  WDN2 (Poster Session; Hall D)
11:05 - 12:35
(46) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
A Method of Mobile Core Network Overhead Reduction for Information Dissemination Using Autonomous Clustering Based Two-Layered Wireless Networks and Its Experimental Evaluation RCC2017-19 NS2017-40 RCS2017-111 SR2017-34 ASN2017-28
Toshikazu Terami, Tomoyuki Ohta, Yoshiaki Kakuda (Hiroshima City Univ.)
(47) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Wake-up control adapting to destination's active/sleep state for on-demand wireless sensor networks RCC2017-20 NS2017-41 RCS2017-112 SR2017-35 ASN2017-29
Naoki Tamura, Hiroyuki Yomo (Kansai Univ.)
(48) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Performance evaluation of vital data monitoring from a large number of exercisers with mobility and radio link modeling RCC2017-21 NS2017-42 RCS2017-113 SR2017-36 ASN2017-30
Shintaro Yamaguchi, Atsushi Niino (Kansai Univ.), Hirofumi Ogura (Osaka City Univ.), Hiroyuki Yomo (Kansai Univ.), Ryusuke Miyamoto (Meiji Univ.), Shinsuke Hara (Osaka City Univ.), Takashi Kawabata (Kansai Univ.)
(49) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Experimental Investigation of Performance and Frame Transmission Procedure on Chanel Bonding of 802.11ac Device RCC2017-22 NS2017-43 RCS2017-114 SR2017-37 ASN2017-31
Kazuki Fujii, Hitomi Tamura (FIT), Daiki Nobayashi, Kazuya Tsukamoto (Kyutech)
(50) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Efficient Radio Access for Massive Machine-Type communication
-- Inter-User Interference Cancellation using Multiuser Detection --
RCC2017-23 NS2017-44 RCS2017-115 SR2017-38 ASN2017-32
Kenichi Takizawa, Masafumi Moriyama, Masayuki Oodo, Changwoo Pyo, Hayato Teduka, Homare Murakami, Kentaro Ishidu, Fumihide Kojima (NICT)
(51) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Secure Information Sharing with MIMO Pre-coder through Untrusted Relay RCC2017-24 NS2017-45 RCS2017-116 SR2017-39 ASN2017-33
Tetsuya Noguchi, Osamu Takyu (Shinshu Univ.), Takeo Hujii (UEC), Tomoaki Ootsuki (Keio Univ.), Humihito Sasamori, Shiro Handa (Shinshu Univ.)
(52) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Graph coloring-based pilot reuse with AOA and distance in D2D underlay Massive MIMO RCC2017-25 NS2017-46 RCS2017-117 SR2017-40 ASN2017-34
Haruhi Echigo, Tomoaki Ohtsuki (Keio univ)
(53) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
MAC Level Throughput Performance on Wired and Wireless Network Cooperation Recovery System RCC2017-26 NS2017-47 RCS2017-118 SR2017-41 ASN2017-35
Kazuki Maruta (Chiba Univ.), Yu Nakayama (The Univ. of Tokyo), Takuya Tsutsumi (Kyoto Univ.)
(54) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Time Series Measurement of IEEE 802.11ad Signal Power Involving Human Blockage with HMM-based State Estimation RCC2017-27 NS2017-48 RCS2017-119 SR2017-42 ASN2017-36
Koda Yusuke, Koji Yamamoto, Nishio Takayuki, Masahiro Morikura (Kyoto Univ.)
(55) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Cooperative Wavelet based Compressive Wideband Spectrum Sensing over Frequency-selective Channels RCC2017-28 NS2017-49 RCS2017-120 SR2017-43 ASN2017-37
Osama Elnahas (Kyushu Univ.), Maha Elsabrouty (E-JUST), Osamu Muta, Hiroshi Furukawa (Kyushu Univ.)
(56) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Efficient time domain deterministic-stochastic model of spectrum usage RCC2017-29 NS2017-50 RCS2017-121 SR2017-44 ASN2017-38
Kenta Umebayashi, Masanao Kobayashi (TUAT), Miguel Lopez Bentez (UOL)
(57) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
A Study of Monitoring System for Radio Leak with Massive Radio Sensors RCC2017-30 NS2017-51 RCS2017-122 SR2017-45 ASN2017-39
Shunsuke Imai, Osamu Takyu (Shinshu Univ.)
(58) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Network Selection Scheme Using Positioning Information for Heterogeneous Wireless System
-- Generation Method of Map Information Using Spatial Interpolation --
RCC2017-31 NS2017-52 RCS2017-123 SR2017-46 ASN2017-40
Suguru Kameda, Hideki Fukudome, Noriharu Suematsu (Tohoku Univ.)
(59) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Transmission Efficiency Improvement by Non-Liner Distortion Noise Power Control in Multi-Band Systems RCC2017-32 NS2017-53 RCS2017-124 SR2017-47 ASN2017-41
Jumpei Onji, Shigeru Tomisato, Kazuhiro Uehara (Okayama Univ.)
(60) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Transmit control for highly accurate data decomposition in physical wireless parameter conversion sensor network RCC2017-33 NS2017-54 RCS2017-125 SR2017-48 ASN2017-42
Kyosuke Fukuda, Osamu Takyu, Keiichiro Shirai (Shinshu Univ.), Mai Ohta (Fukuoka Univ.), Takeo Fujii (UEC), Fumihito Sasamori, Shiro handa (Shinshu Univ.)
(61) 11:05-12:35 [Poster Presentation]
Prototype of MAD-SS receiver using SDR RCC2017-34 NS2017-55 RCS2017-126 SR2017-49 ASN2017-43
Norihisa Segawa (KSU), Masato Yazawa (MAD)
  12:35-13:35 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
Thu, Jul 20 PM  WDN3 (Hall A)
Chair: YAMAMOTO Koji (Kyoto University)
13:35 - 15:15
(62) 13:35-14:00 OFDM Visible Light Communication using off-the-shelf video camera RCC2017-35 NS2017-56 RCS2017-127 SR2017-50 ASN2017-44 Shota Shimada (Hokkaido Univ.), Takayuki Akiyama (SOKENDAI), Hiromichi Hashizume (NII), Masanori Sugimoto (Hokkaido Univ.)
(63) 14:00-14:25 High-Speed Visible Light Communication using Off -the-shelf Video Camera by Space Division Multiplexing RCC2017-36 NS2017-57 RCS2017-128 SR2017-51 ASN2017-45 Shogo Amaya, Shota Shimada (Hokkaido Univ), Takayuki Akiyama (The Graduate Univ for Advanced Studies), Hiromichi Hashizume (NII), Masanori Sugimoto (Hokkaido Univ)
(64) 14:25-14:50 A Study on M2M Devices Accommodation Algorithm for M2M Wireless Access Network with User Terminals for Reducing Number of Access Points RCC2017-37 NS2017-58 RCS2017-129 SR2017-52 ASN2017-46 Maiko Naya, Hideya So, Takafumi Fujita, Takashi Shimizu (NTT)
(65) 14:50-15:15 Routing Redundancy Reducing Method for U-Bus Air using Cloud Cooperation RCC2017-38 NS2017-59 RCS2017-130 SR2017-53 ASN2017-47 Hiroshi Sanada (UEC), Reina Aizawa, Takuya Kawata (Tokyo Gas), Takeo Fujii (UEC)
  15:15-15:25 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Jul 20 PM  Invited Talk 1 (Hall A)
Chair: Hideki Tode (Osaka Pref. Univ.)
15:25 - 16:10
(66) 15:25-16:10 [Invited Talk]
Outlook of the fifth Generation Mobile Communication System and Mobile Core Network Operations RCC2017-39 NS2017-60 RCS2017-131 SR2017-54 ASN2017-48
Ryota Mizutani, Takeshi Usui, Yoshinori Kitatsuji (KDDI Research)
  16:10-16:20 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Jul 20 PM  Invited Talk 2 (Hall A)
16:20 - 17:05
(67) 16:20-17:05 [Invited Talk]
Systems and Control Theory for IoT/M2M RCC2017-40 NS2017-61 RCS2017-132 SR2017-55 ASN2017-49
Koichi Kobayashi (Hokkaido Univ.)
  17:05-17:15 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, Jul 20 PM  Invited Talk 3 (Hall A)
Chair: Kenta Umebayashi
17:15 - 18:00
(68) 17:15-18:00 [Invited Talk]
Wireless Networking towards Super Smart Society
-- Fundamental Technologies in IoT Era --
RCC2017-41 NS2017-62 RCS2017-133 SR2017-56 ASN2017-50
Takashi Watanabe (Osaka Univ.)
Fri, Jul 21 AM  ASN4 (Hall A)
Chair: FUJIWARA Takahiro (National Institute of Technology)
08:50 - 10:30
08:50-09:15 Presence Determination Method Using a Wi-Fi Router's Power Value Kazuya Echigo, Tin Petrovic, Hiroyuki Morikawa (UTokyo)
09:15-09:40 Analysis of Classification Accuracy and Distinguishability for Subsampling in Active Sensing ASN2017-51 Tin Petrovic, Hiroyuki Morikawa (Univ. of Tokyo)
09:40-10:05 Experimental Study on Crowd Sensing for Recognizing Human Mobility Using Bluetooth ASN2017-52 Tomoya Kitazato, Masaki Ito, Kaoru Sezaki (Univ. of Tokyo)
10:05-10:30 Effect of Flooding Control Based on Checking Energy Left in Own Node
-- Performance Comparison of Half Duplex and Full Duplex --
Jin Uchiyama, Satoshi Yamazaki (NCT), Shunsuke Saruwatari (Osaka Univ.), Hideki Mizuno (Tokai Univ.)
Fri, Jul 21 AM  SR3 (Hall B)
Chair: Suguru Kameda (Tohoku Univ.)
08:50 - 10:30
08:50-09:15 Design and performance of a novel overlap FFT filter-bank using smoothing technique SR2017-57 Motohiro Tanabe, Masahiro Umehira, Shigeki Takeda (Ibaraki Univ.)
09:15-09:40 Multi-Antenna Successive Interference Cancellation to improve reliability of V2V Communications SR2017-58 Tatsuya Ute, Yuta Watanabe, Koya Sato, Takeo Fujii (UEC), Takayuki Shimizu, Onur Altintas (Toyota InfoTechnology Center)
09:40-10:05 Computational Complexity Reduction for Multiple Antenna Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio SR2017-59 Shusuke Narieda (NIT, Akashi College)
10:05-10:30 Modification of Rendezvous Channel with Learning Assist by Estimating Access Channel from Measuring Channel Occupied Ratio SR2017-60 Hayato Soya, Osamu Takyu, Keiichiro Shirai (Shinshu Univ.), Mai Ohta (Fukuoka Univ.), Takeo Fujii (UEC)
  10:30-10:40 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, Jul 21 AM  RCS4 (Hall A)
Chair: Kazuto Yano (ATR)
10:40 - 12:20
10:40-11:05 Performance Evaluation of Blind MIMO System Using Independent Component Analysis and Its Application to Secret Information Transmission RCS2017-134 Satoshi Kirino, Hideichi Sasaoka, Hisato Iwai (Doshisha Univ.)
11:05-11:30 A Study on PAPR Reduction for MU-MIMO using Blind Selected Mapping RCS2017-135 Amnart Boonkajay, Fumiyuki Adachi (Tohoku Univ.)
11:30-11:55 Antenna Design for Low Correlation Directional Beam-forming on Wireless Entrance Systems with High Frequency Band RCS2017-136 Atsushi Ohta, Ken Tanaka, Yushi Shirato, Mizuki Suga, Kazuto Goto, Masataka Iizuka (NTT)
11:55-12:20 Propagation Experiment in LOS environment at 28GHz band for High SHF Wide-band Massive MIMO in 5G RCS2017-137 Kenji Nakagawa, Shigeru Uchida, Kazuaki Ishioka, Kiyoshige Nakamura, Akihiro Okazaki (Mitsubishi Electric), Kei Satoh, Satoshi Suyama, Jun Mashino, Yukihiko Okumura (NTT docomo), Atsushi Okamura (Mitsubishi Electric)
Fri, Jul 21 AM  RCC2 (Hall B)
10:40 - 12:20
10:40-11:05 Delay Performance Evaluation under Interference from Other System of Highly Reliable and Low Latency Radio Access Scheme by Utilizing Duplicated Transmissions RCC2017-42 Hideya So, Maiko Naya, Takafumi Fujita, Kento Yoshizawa, Takashi Shimizu (NTT)
11:05-11:30 Selection of Multiple Access Schemes Based on Control Quality for IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon-enabled Mode in Wireless Control of Multiple Plants RCC2017-43 Yushi Uematsu, Kentaro Kobayashi, Hiraku Okada, Masaaki Katayama (Nagoya Univ.)
11:30-11:55 Adaptive channel coding scheme based on error covariance of state observer for wireless feedback control systems RCC2017-44 Yosuke Miwa, Kentaro Kobayashi, Hiraku Okada, Masaaki Katayama (Nagoya Univ.)
11:55-12:20 An MU-MIMO Extension of Uplink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access based on Coded OFDM with Low Latency and High Reliability RCC2017-45 Yuta Hori, Hideki Ochiai (Yokohama National Univ.)
  12:20-13:20 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
Fri, Jul 21 PM  WDN4 (Hall A)
Chair: Kazuki Maruta (Chiba Univ.)
13:20 - 15:25
(85) 13:20-13:45 Demodulation Method of LPWA (Chirp Spread Spectrum)Signals and Multi-hop Transmisson Method
-- Proposal of a Packet Collision Avoidance of CSS Signals and CSS-Packet Forwarding Method --
RCC2017-46 NS2017-63 RCS2017-138 SR2017-61 ASN2017-54
Yoshihiko Takeuchi (JRC), Chun-Hao Liao, Makoto Suzuki, Hiroyuki Morikawa (The Univ. of Tokyo)
(86) 13:45-14:10 Elements of Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Cellular Networks RCC2017-47 NS2017-64 RCS2017-139 SR2017-62 ASN2017-55 Koji Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
(87) 14:10-14:35 Mixture of Half-duplex and Full-duplex Wireless Network Considering Hidden Terminal Problem RCC2017-48 NS2017-65 RCS2017-140 SR2017-63 ASN2017-56 Minh Dat Nguyen, Yuto Lim, Yasuo Tan (JAIST)
(88) 14:35-15:00 Throughput Analysis for String-Topology Full-Duplex Multi-hop Network RCC2017-49 NS2017-66 RCS2017-141 SR2017-64 ASN2017-57 Chikara Fujimura, Kosuke Sanada, Kazuo Mori (mie Univ)
(89) 15:00-15:25 Throughput Analysis of CSMA/CA-based MAC with Binary Backoff in Full Duplex WLAN RCC2017-50 NS2017-67 RCS2017-142 SR2017-65 ASN2017-58 Kosuke Sanada, Kazuo Mori (Mie Univ.)
  15:25-15:35 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, Jul 21 PM  NS3 (Hall A)
Chair: Goro Kunito (NTT docomo)
15:35 - 16:50
15:35-16:00 A Study of Task Scheduling for Mobile Edge Computing NS2017-68 Daisuke Sugahara (Kansai Univ.), Tomohiko Yagyu (NEC), Miki Yamamoto (Kansai Univ.)
16:00-16:25 Processing Load Balancing Method for Home Gateway Internet of Things Platform NS2017-69 Yosuke Iwasaki, Jun Matsumoto, Satoru Okamoto, Naoaki Yamanaka (Keio Univ.)
16:25-16:50 Evaluation on application of virtualization technology to SIP server NS2017-70 Shun Kawaguchi, Keisuke Kurokawa, Minoru Sakuma, Kazuhiro Kikuma (NTT)
Fri, Jul 21 PM  ASN5 (Hall B)
Chair: OHTSUKI Tomoaki (Keio University)
15:35 - 16:50
15:35-16:00 A Study on Blink Duration Estimation Using Doppler Sensor ASN2017-59 Kohei Yamamoto, Kentaroh Toyoda, Tomoaki Ohtsuki (Keio Univ.)
16:00-16:25 Author Profiling
-- Gender and Age Detection from Short Texts --
Bouazizi Mondher, Beylerian Anthony, Watanabe Hajime, Ohtsuki Tomoaki (Keio Univ.)
16:25-16:50 A study on energy-saving indoor lighting control scheme utilizing outside light in sensor networks ASN2017-61 Kengo Sasaki, Eiji Okamoto (NITech)

Announcement for Speakers
General Talk (RCC, SR)Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
General Talk (NS, ASN, RCS)Each speech will have 18 minutes for presentation and 7 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 40 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
RCC Technical Committee on Reliable Communication and Control (RCC)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address rcc-c 
NS Technical Committee on Network Systems (NS)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address E--mail:ns-cat
Kenichi Kashibuchi (NTT)
TEL 0422-59-6458
Kenichi Matsui (NTT)
TEL 0422-59-3018 
RCS Technical Committee on Radio Communication Systems (RCS)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Tomoya Tandai (Toshiba)
SR Technical Committee on Smart Radio (SR)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Dr. Shiba, E--mail: ba 
Announcement Latest information will be presented on the WEB site.
ASN Technical Committee on Ambient intelligence and Sensor Networks (ASN)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  

Last modified: 2017-07-18 13:20:27

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