IEICE Technical Report

Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685      Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 112, Number 389

Nonlinear Problems

Workshop Date : 2013-01-24 - 2013-01-25 / Issue Date : 2013-01-17


[TOP] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [2013] | [2014] | [2015] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

Multilayer Perceptron Search Making Good Use of Singular Regions
Seiya Satoh, Ryohei Nakano (Chubu Univ.)
pp. 1 - 6

Multilayer Perceptron Model Selection Using Sampling Utilizing Singularity Stairs Following
Takayuki Ohwaki, Ryohei Nakano (Chubu Univ.)
pp. 7 - 12

Analysis of Medical Treatment Data using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Hideki Asoh, Masanori Shiro, Toshihiro Kamishima, Shotaro Akaho (AIST), Takahide Kohro (Univ. of Tokyo Hospital)
pp. 13 - 17

Control of the falling cat motion by using path-integral reinforcement learning
Daichi Nakano, Shin-ichi Maeda, Shin Ishii (Kyoto Univ)
pp. 19 - 24

Significance of non-stationary of dynamics for learning cooperative behavior
Akihiro Tawa, Shin-ichi Maeda, Shin Ishii (Kyoto Univ.)
pp. 25 - 30

depth estimation from microscopic images using Bayesian inference
Yasuhiro Imoto, Shin-ichi Maeda, Shin Ishii (Kyoto Univ.)
pp. 31 - 36

Tensor Decomposition using Self-Organizing Map and Missing Data Estimation
Koji Hashimoto, Toru Iwasaki, Tetsuo Furukawa (Kyutech)
pp. 37 - 42

Study of qusai-Newton training algorithm on parallel distributed environment
Makoto Saiki, Yoshihiko Sakashita, Hiroshi Ninomiya (Shonan Inst. of Tech.)
pp. 43 - 48

Text Classification Using Context-Tree Weighting Algorithm for Semi-Supervised Leaning
Tomohiro Obata, Manabu Kobayashi, Yoshihiko Sakashita (Shonan Inst. of Tech.)
pp. 49 - 53

Probabilistic flows of inhabitants in urban areas and self-organization in housing markets of a city designated by ordinance
Takao Hishikawa, Jun-ichi Inoue (Hokkaido Univ.)
pp. 55 - 60

A probabilistic model of television commercial markets
Hiroyuki Kyan, Jun-ichi Inoue (Hokkaido Univ.)
pp. 61 - 66

Characterizing financial crisis by means of the Three states random field Ising model
Mitsuaki Murota, Jun-ichi Inoue (Hokkaido Univ.)
pp. 67 - 72

Calculating finite-time Lyapunov exponents in time delayed dynamical systems
Kazutaka Kanno, Atsushi Uchida (Saitama Univ.)
pp. 73 - 78

Asynchronous Cellular Automata Based Hair Cell Models and their Fundamental Characteristics
Hironori Ishimoto, Hiroyuki Torikai (Osaka Univ)
pp. 79 - 84

[Invited Talk] Life as a Dynamical System -- Nonlinear Dynamics of Cultured Neural Networks --
Kazutoshi Gohara (Hokkaido Univ)
pp. 85 - 86

Insensitive Particle Swarm Optimizers and Application to Exploring Periodic Points
Kazuki Maruyama, Toshimichi Saito (Hosei Univ.)
pp. 87 - 91

Hardware Implementation of the Inhibitory Connected Pulse Coupled Neural Network using FPGA
Masahiro Yoshihara, Soichiro Ikuno, Hiroaki Kurokawa (Tokyo Univ of Tech)
pp. 93 - 98

Rotation Angle Measurement System by Using Two Resonators and One Oscillator Including Printed Spiral Inductors.
Takahiro Kuroko, Yuji Tanada, Masayuki Yamauchi (HIT)
pp. 99 - 104

Design of a threshold-coupled CMOS chaos circuit using voltage/current waveform sampling
Seiji Uenohara, Daisuke Atuti, Kenji Matsuzaka, Takashi Morie (Kyutech), Kazuyuki Aihara (Univ. of Tokyo)
pp. 105 - 110

Bifurcation of Simple Spiking Neuron Model with Filters
Shota Kirikawa, Toshimichi Saito (Hosei Univ.)
pp. 111 - 114

Waveform of MMOs under weak perturbation
Kaoru Itoh, Naohiko Inaba (Meiji Univ.), Kuniyasu Shimizu, Yuto Saito (Chiba Inst. Tech.), Tetsuro Endo (Meiji Univ.)
pp. 115 - 118

Application of differential evolution to the maximum power point search
Masaya Muraoka, Naoto Ando, Toshimichi Saito (Hosei Univ.)
pp. 119 - 124

Chaotic oscillations induced by stochastic resonance in augmented Lorenz systems
Takaya Miyano, Kenichiro Cho (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
pp. 125 - 130

Array Enhanced Chaotic Resonance among Forced Chua's Oscillators
Kazuyoshi Ishimura, Tetsuya Asai, Masato Motomura (Hokkaido Univ.)
pp. 131 - 136

A CMOS pulse-coupled phase oscillator circuit for spike-based nonlinear computation
Takashi Tohara, Kenji Matsuzaka, Hiromi Nishi, Takashi Morie (Kyutech)
pp. 137 - 142

Estimation of network structures from marked point process using spike time metric
Kaori Kuroda, Kantaro Fujiwara, Tohru Ikeguchi (Saitama Univ.)
pp. 143 - 148

Effects of dynamical sending probability on the information diffusion
Akiyoshi Tanaka (Saitama Univ.), Yutaka Shimada (JST), Kantaro Fujiwara, Tohru Ikeguchi (Saitama Univ.)
pp. 149 - 154

Can the finite system size become good approximation of the infinite system size in the chaos dynamics ?
Daisuke Katsuragi (Kyoto Pharm. Univ.)
pp. 155 - 158

Analysis of the Electronic Medical Record Life Log of Medical Welfare Big Data
Koichi Tanoue, Muneo Kushima, Kenji Araki, Muneou Suzuki, Tomoyoshi Yamazaki (Univ.of Miyazaki), Noboru Sonehara (NII)
pp. 159 - 164

Learning of Dynamics Binary Neural Networks: Storing a Desired Periodic Orbit and its Stability
Ryota Kouzuki, Toshimichi Saito (Hosei Univ.)
pp. 165 - 168

Basic Feature Quantity for the analysis of digital dynamical systems that exhibit various digital spike-trains.
Narutoshi Horimoto, Toshimichi Saito (Hosei Univ.)
pp. 169 - 173

Analysis of Spike-trains from Non-autonomous Chaotic Spiking Oscillators
Kazuki Yotsuji, Toshimichi Saito (Hosei Univ.)
pp. 175 - 179

Development of a Spiking Neural Network System Consisting of a Dedicated Analog LSI Chip Controlled by an FPGA
Michitaka Maeda, Frank Maldonado H., Takayuki Matsuo, Hideki Tanaka, Haichao Liang, Kenji Matsuzaka, Takashi Morie (Kyutech), Kazuyuki Aihara (Univ. of Tokyo)
pp. 181 - 186

An approach to the haplotype inference using moment generating function
Shizuka Ono, Masato Inoue (Waseda Univ.)
pp. 187 - 191

[Invited Talk] Real-time Omnidirectional Plenoptic Vision
Alexandre Schmid (EPFL)
pp. 193 - 198

Interaction of spatial and non-spatial information on the dendrite in the hippocampal granule cells
Hirofumi Hayakawa, Tadanobu Kamijo, Toshikazu Samura, Takeshi Aihara (Tamagawa Univ.)
pp. 199 - 204

Regulations of dendritic membrane potential dynamics by excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs on hippocampal CA1 area -- Optical measurement using voltage-sensitive dye --
Masashi Kondo, Takeshi Aihara (Tamagawa Univ.)
pp. 205 - 209

A theoretical study of a recurrent neural network in fly visual system III -- A case of a realistic model --
Yoshinori Suzuki (Tokyo Tech), Takako Morimoto, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa (Tokyo Univ. Phar. and Life Sci.), Toru Aonishi (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 211 - 216

Experimental verification of amplitude death induced by a partial time-varying delay connection
Yoshiki Sugitani, Keiji Konishi, Naoyuki Hara (Osaka Pref. Univ.)
pp. 217 - 221

Bifurcation Phenomena of the Class-EM Amplifier with One Input Signal
Ryuta Nakamura (Oita Univ.), Xiuqin Wei (Fukuoka Univ.), Takuji Kousaka (Oita Univ.), Hiroo Sekiya (Chiba Univ.)
pp. 223 - 226

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan