Tue, Mar 22 AM NC1-1-A 10:35 - 12:15 |
(1) NC |
10:35-11:00 |
A study on the application of the selective attention to the auditory information processing system NC2015-69 |
Hiroki Nozaki, Susumu Kuroyanagi (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) |
(2) NC |
11:00-11:25 |
An STDP control circuit and its evaluation using a Cu-MoOx-Al resistance change memory fabricated on a Si MOSFET NC2015-70 |
Kazumasa Tomizaki, Takashi Morie, Hideyuki Ando (Kyushu Inst. Tech.), Atsushi Fukuchi, Masashi Arita, Yasuo Takahashi (Hokkaido Univ.) |
(3) NC |
11:25-11:50 |
Construction of Semantic Network Using Restricted Boltzmann Machine NC2015-71 |
Yuichiro Tsutsui, Masafumi Hagiwara (Keio Univ.) |
(4) NC |
11:50-12:15 |
A Proposal and Validation of the Dynamic Self-Organizing Map NC2015-72 |
Masahiro Hiyama, Yukari Yamauchi (Nihon Univ) |
12:15-13:45 |
Luch Break ( 90 min. ) |
Tue, Mar 22 PM NC1-2-A 13:45 - 15:00 |
(5) NC |
13:45-14:10 |
Quaternion neural networks to estimate and predict polarization states in multipath environment NC2015-73 |
Maoki Hikosaka, Tianben Ding, Akira Hirose (Univ. Tokyo) |
(6) NC |
14:10-14:35 |
Quaternion Neural Networks with An Isotropic Activation Function for Adaptive Land Classification NC2015-74 |
Kazutaka Kinugawa, Naoto Usami (Univ. Tokyo), Fang Shang (UEC), Akira Hirose (Univ. Tokyo) |
(7) NC |
14:35-15:00 |
Singular Unit Restoration by Using Complex-Valued Neural Networks NC2015-75 |
Kazuhide Ichikawa, Akira Hirose (Univ. Tokyo) |
15:00-15:20 |
Break ( 20 min. ) |
Tue, Mar 22 PM NC1-3-A 15:20 - 16:35 |
(8) NC |
15:20-15:45 |
Temporal Information Learning Rule and Automatic Parameters Tuning for the Neural Network NC2015-76 |
Kenta Owaki, Susumu Kuroyanagi (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) |
(9) NC |
15:45-16:10 |
Analysis of Trasnsient Phenomena to Periodic Digital Spike-Trains NC2015-77 |
Tomoki Hamaguchi, Kei Yamaoka, Toshimichi Saito (HU) |
(10) NC |
16:10-16:35 |
Chunking by reservoir computing NC2015-78 |
Toshitake Asabuki, Naoki Hiratani (Todai), Tomoki Fukai (RIKEN) |
Tue, Mar 22 PM 17:00 - 17:50 |
(11) NC |
17:00-17:50 |
[Invited Talk]
From associative memory model to sparse modeling and brain-like artificial intelligence NC2015-79 |
Masato Okada (UTokyo) |
Wed, Mar 23 AM NC2-1-A 10:25 - 11:40 |
(12) NC |
10:25-10:50 |
Modulation transfer function measurement of CT images reconstructed by a hard kernel NC2015-80 |
Jo Mitsuzuka, Kazuhiro Sawa, Yoshinori Takehana, Akihiro Tanaka, Kentaro Kinoshita, Satoru Kishida (Tottori Univ.) |
(13) NC |
10:50-11:15 |
A Study of Sparse Feature Learning in the Learning Process of Deep Convolutional Neural Network NC2015-81 |
Yoshihiro Kusano, Hayaru Shouno (UEC) |
(14) NC |
11:15-11:40 |
Accuracy analysis of adaptive testing with nonnegative matrix factorization NC2015-82 |
Atsunori Kanemura (AIST), Tetsuo Hatanaka, Manabu Shikauchi (Recruit Career) |
11:40-13:10 |
Lunch Break ( 90 min. ) |
Wed, Mar 23 PM NC2-2-A 13:10 - 14:25 |
(15) NC |
13:10-13:35 |
Evaluation Method of Free Energy Calculation by Replica Monte Carlo Method using Nongaussian and Solvable Models NC2015-83 |
Shoji Sugai, Sumio Watanabe (Tokyo Tech) |
(16) NC |
13:35-14:00 |
GPGPU-accelerated simulation of a sensory stimulus and neural activity NC2015-84 |
Kazuhisa Fujita (INCT/ UEC), Yuki Abe, Koya Onodera, Yoshiki Kashimori (UEC) |
(17) NC |
14:00-14:25 |
External Input Response of Neural Network Model with Irregular Spontaneous Activity NC2015-85 |
Yoshihiro Nagano, Ryo Karakida (UTokyo), Norifumi Watanabe (TUT), Atsushi Aoyama (Keio Univ), Masato Okada (UTokyo) |
14:25-14:45 |
Break ( 20 min. ) |
Wed, Mar 23 PM NC2-3-A 14:45 - 16:25 |
(18) NC |
14:45-15:10 |
Verification of color receptive field of mammals and insects with ICA NC2015-86 |
Ryohei Yamada (Tokyo Tech), Yoichi Seki, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Takako Morimoto (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences), Toru Aonishi (Tokyo Tech) |
(19) NC |
15:10-15:35 |
Bayesian estimation inherent in a Mexican-hat type neural network model NC2015-87 |
Ken Takiyama (TUAT) |
(20) NC |
15:35-16:00 |
Applying an electromagnetic theorem to solve the Border-Ownership assignment problem NC2015-88 |
Zaem Arif Zainal, Shunji Satoh (UEC) |
(21) NC |
16:00-16:25 |
Classification of binocular disparities of a three-layered neural network with inputs of hybrid-type disparity detectors NC2015-89 |
Ken Shibata, Hiroki Tanaka (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) |
Tue, Mar 22 AM NC1-1-B 11:00 - 12:15 |
(22) NC |
11:00-11:25 |
Comparison of micro-architecture for orientation and spatial frequency selectivity between macaque V1 and V4 NC2015-90 |
Mahya Amano (Osaka Univ.), Koji Ikezoe (Univ. of Yamanashi), Shinji Nishimoto (NICT), Ichiro Fujita (Osaka Univ.) |
(23) NC |
11:25-11:50 |
Image classification of astrocytes for pre- and post-hypoxia adaptation using deep convolutional neural network NC2015-91 |
Sosuke Tanaka, Masahiro Nitta, Kazuto Masamoto, Yoichi Miyawaki (UEC Tokyo) |
(24) NC |
11:50-12:15 |
Calcium imaging data analysis by multi resolution non-negative matrix factorization NC2015-92 |
Tsubasa Ito (Tokyo Tech), Keisuke Ota (RIKEN/JSPS), Masanori Murayama (RIKEN), Toru Aonishi (Tokyo Tech) |
12:15-13:45 |
Lunch Break ( 90 min. ) |
Tue, Mar 22 PM NC1-2-B 13:45 - 15:00 |
(25) NC |
13:45-14:10 |
Optimal upper-arm reaching trajectory based linear-quadratic regulator NC2015-93 |
Yoshiaki Taniai, Rikuto Murata, Tomohide Naniwa (Fukui Univ.) |
(26) NC |
14:10-14:35 |
Control strategy of hand movement depending on a task redundancy NC2015-94 |
Shunta Togo (ATR/JSPS), Toshinori Yoshioka (ATR), Hiroshi Imamizu (Tokyo Univ./ATR) |
(27) NC |
14:35-15:00 |
Control of whole-body movement allowing the variability of posture NC2015-95 |
Kazuki Kumazawa, Takahiro Kagawa (Nagoya Univ.), Shunta Togo (ATR/JSPS), Yoji Uno (Nagoya Univ.) |
15:00-15:20 |
Break ( 20 min. ) |
Tue, Mar 22 PM NC1-3-B 15:20 - 16:35 |
(28) NC |
15:20-15:45 |
Cerebellar neural network model for resolving tilt-translation ambiguity NC2015-96 |
Yoshiki Iida, Keiichiro Inagaki, Yutaka Hirata (Chubu University) |
(29) NC |
15:45-16:10 |
An experimental study on mechanism of "Ririku" of Japanese martial arts
-- Muscle activity caused by simultaneous attempt to make opposing movements -- NC2015-97 |
Yuichiro Ishikawa, Ryo Kanai, Satoshi Obata, Yutaka Sakaguchi (Univ. of Electro- Comm) |
(30) NC |
16:10-16:35 |
Muscle activity of static posture depends on previous movement leading to the posture NC2015-98 |
Ryo Kanai, Yuichiro Ishikawa, Satoshi Obata, Yutaka Sakaguchi (Univ. of Electro- Comm.) |
Wed, Mar 23 AM NC2-1-B 10:25 - 11:40 |
(31) NC |
10:25-10:50 |
Context-dependent auditory neural responses in the auditory cortex of freely moving mice NC2015-99 |
Tachibana Yuishi, Tateno Takashi, Nishikawa Jun (Hokkaido Univ.) |
(32) NC |
10:50-11:15 |
Development and evaluation of a frequency-selective acoustic sensor for stimulating auditory central nervous systems in experimental rodent models NC2015-100 |
Ryo Iwaki (Hokkaido Univ.), Shuichi Murakami, Kazuo Sato (TRI-Osaka), Takashi Tateno (Hokkaido Univ.) |
(33) NC |
11:15-11:40 |
Measurement of mental Fatigue by using Flicker Values NC2015-101 |
Takumi Fukunaga, Naoki Fujiwara, Ryota Inoue, Akihiro Tanaka, Kentaro Kinoshita, Satoru Kishida (Tottori Univ.) |
11:40-13:10 |
Break ( 90 min. ) |
Wed, Mar 23 PM NC2-2-B 13:10 - 14:25 |
(34) NC |
13:10-13:35 |
A Prediction Method of Epileptic Seizure Using Synchronization Likelihood and Electrocorticography NC2015-102 |
Sho Akizawa, Takatomi Kubo, Kazushi Ikeda (NAIST) |
(35) NC |
13:35-14:00 |
Neural mechanism underlying integration of information in sentence comprehension: An ECoG study NC2015-103 |
Toshiki Iwabuchi (NRCD), Masahiro Hirai, Hidenori Yokota, Takeshi Sakurada, Eiju Watanabe (Jichi Medical Univ.), Toshio Inui (Otemon Gakuin Univ.) |
(36) NC |
14:00-14:25 |
A Study on Relationship between Age and Peak latency of P300 in Difference of Oddball-Task Difficulty NC2015-104 |
Kentaro Takakura, Tomohiro Yoshikawa, Takeshi Furuhashi (Nagoya Univ.) |
14:25-14:45 |
Break ( 20 min. ) |
Wed, Mar 23 PM NC2-3-B 14:45 - 16:25 |
(37) NC |
14:45-15:10 |
Positive potential and negative potential related td decision of movement direction in button-push task NC2015-105 |
Arao Funase (NIT/RIKEN), Shunsuke Takagi, Shunsuke Takahashi, Ichi Takumi (NIT) |
(38) NC |
15:10-15:35 |
EEG measurement during stepping exercise with visual perception tasks NC2015-106 |
Tsukasa Sanuki, Taichi Hayasaka, Takahide Kato (NIT, Toyota College), Takashi Kawagoe (Sumitomo Riko) |
(39) NC |
15:35-16:00 |
Evaluation of wearable EEG system with dry electrodes and estimation of Error-related Negativity NC2015-107 |
Yuichiro Higashi (Univ. of Hyogo/NICT), Yusuke Yokota, Yasushi Naruse (NICT) |
(40) NC |
16:00-16:25 |
Estimation of workload during walking in a naturalistic environment NC2015-108 |
Yusuke Yokota (NICT), Shingo Tanaka, Akihiro Miyamoto (Sawamura Prosthetics and Orthotics Service), Yasushi Naruse (NICT) |
Tue, Mar 22 AM MBE-1-1 Chair: Nobuki KUDO (Hokkaido University) 09:00 - 10:15 |
(1) MBE |
09:00-09:25 |
A Method to Predict New Uses of Existing Drugs Using Machine Learning and to Evaluate Their Reliability MBE2015-102 |
Kohei Adachi, Yutaka Fukuoka (Kogakuin Univ.) |
(2) MBE |
09:25-09:50 |
A study on breath detection algorithm for capacitive in-bed cardiorespiratory monitor MBE2015-103 |
Shinsuke Yamagishi (Kogakuin Univ.), Mayuko Takano, Akinori Ueno (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Yutaka Fukuoka (Kogakuin Univ.) |
(3) MBE |
09:50-10:15 |
Measurements of EEG of outpatients with mental problems using a portable instrument MBE2015-104 |
Toru Fujiwara, Takara Shinno (Shinshinkai) |
10:15-10:30 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Tue, Mar 22 AM MBE-1-2 Chair: Yutaka FUKUOKA (Kogakuin University) 10:30 - 11:45 |
(4) MBE |
10:30-10:55 |
Estimation of axioscapular muscle forces using a musculoskeletal model of the shoulder MBE2015-105 |
Yoshiaki Mitsuma, Toyohiko Hayashi, Shigehito Tanahashi (Niigata Univ.), Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroki Ninomiya, Hiroaki Inui, Masahiko Komai, Katsuya Nobuhara (Nobuhara Hospital) |
(5) MBE |
10:55-11:20 |
Attempt of high frequency blocking in surface electrical stimulation MBE2015-106 |
Atsushi Takahashi, Ryoko Futami (Fukushima Uni.) |
(6) MBE |
11:20-11:45 |
Usefulness Evaluation of Pharmacy Support by the Prescription Data Tool Visualization Tool for a Primary Care Pharmacy MBE2015-107 |
Hirohisa Ohmae, Kohei Ohmae, Mai Sekine, Mizuki Shimojo, Yume Sano, Kazuhiko Hamamoto (Tokai Univ.), Shimosako Shinji (PHARMA MIRAI), Takami Higashi (Cyber Communications), Shigeta Ikuji, Kenji Kato (ACCESS) |
11:45-13:00 |
Lunch Break ( 75 min. ) |
Tue, Mar 22 PM MBE-1-3 Chair: Hideo NAKAMURA (Osaka Electro-Communication University) 13:00 - 14:40 |
(7) MBE |
13:00-13:25 |
Basic Study for Nonstationary Component Detection of Biological Signals by using a Stationary-Nonstationary Separating Filter MBE2015-108 |
Yukari Yukari, Go Okuyama, Masataka Kitama, Hisae O.Shimizu, Masaji Yamashita (HUS) |
(8) MBE |
13:25-13:50 |
Basic studies on effectiveness of sonoporation for antigen transduction to dendritic cells MBE2015-109 |
Ryo Takada (Hokkaido Univ.), Yusuke Oda, Ryo Suzuki (Teikyo Univ.), Nobuki Kudo (Hokkaido Univ.) |
(9) MBE |
13:50-14:15 |
Influence of Knee-Joint Torque on Simulating Falling Accidents during Sit-to-Stand Movements MBE2015-110 |
Toshikazu Matsui, Kunio Dobashi, Nobuaki Nakazawa (Gunma Univ.) |
(10) MBE |
14:15-14:40 |
Effects of sacral surface electrical stimulation on gait MBE2015-111 |
Kosei Mitsuhashi (Showa Univ.), Tomohiro Tsuda, Ryoko Futami (Fukushima Univ.), Kazunori Seki, Yashunobu Handa (Tohoku Univ.) |
14:40-14:55 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Tue, Mar 22 PM MBE-1-4 Chair: Tetsuo KOBAYASHI (Kyoto University) 14:55 - 16:35 |
(11) MBE |
14:55-15:20 |
Possible role of angiogenesis in transient post-ischemic hyperperfusion in rats MBE2015-112 |
Kazuhiro Nakamura, Junko Kawamura, Yasushi Kondoh, Hajime MIyata, Toshibumi Kinoshita (Akita Noken) |
(12) MBE |
15:20-15:45 |
Quantitative analysis on push/stroke operation by a finger to real-world objects MBE2015-113 |
Masayuki Senoo, Megumi Nakao, Tetsuya Matsuda (Kyoto Univ.) |
(13) MBE |
15:45-16:10 |
The Gating Effect to somatosensory stimuli induced by N-back Task MBE2015-114 |
Kisho Fukue, Takamasa Shimada, Liqun Wang (TDU), Tadanori Fukami (YU) |
(14) MBE |
16:10-16:35 |
A Connectivity Analysis in Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. MBE2015-115 |
Yasuto Yoshioka, Hisashi Yoshida, Masaharu Miyauchi, Naoki Nakano, Amami Kato (Kinki Univ.) |
16:35-16:50 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Wed, Mar 23 AM MBE-2-1 Chair: Kazuhiro NAKAMURA (Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita) 09:00 - 10:15 |
(15) MBE |
09:00-09:25 |
Magnetic noise reduction caused by bias field tuning coils for optically pumped atomic magnetometer MBE2015-116 |
Takenori Oida, Yuki Kaga, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Tetsuo Kobayashi (Kyoto Univ.) |
(16) MBE |
09:25-09:50 |
Fundamental study to improve accuracy of 3D reconstruction technique using optical transillumination images of animal body MBE2015-117 |
Fumika Miyajima, Yuji Kato, Koichi Simizu (Hokkaido Univ.) |
(17) MBE |
09:50-10:15 |
Fundamental study for transillumination imaging of biological body using digital phase-conjugate optics MBE2015-118 |
Sogo Toda, Yuji Kato, Koichi Shimizu (Hokkaido Univ.) |
10:15-10:30 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Wed, Mar 23 AM MBE-2-2 Chair: Hisaya TANAKA (Kogakuin University) 10:30 - 12:10 |
(18) MBE |
10:30-10:55 |
MR-based Global Tractography Analyses of White Matter Nerve Bundles toward Identification of Neural Network associated with Schizophrenia MBE2015-119 |
Satoki Yoda, Hodaka Miki, Shiho Okuhata (Kyoto Univ.), Naohiro Okada, Noriaki Yahata, Kiyoto Kasai (Tokyo Univ.), Tetsuo Kobayashi (Kyoto Univ.) |
(19) MBE |
10:55-11:20 |
Cortical neural activities during a Sternberg memory task with kana-character and kana-sound
-- An event-related desynchronization study in signal space -- MBE2015-120 |
Daichi Nishikawa, Shiho Okuhata, Tetsuo Kobayashi (Kyoto Univ.) |
(20) MBE |
11:20-11:45 |
Fundamental study for measurement of scattering coefficient using backscattered light
-- For noninvasive measurement of blood triglyceride level -- MBE2015-121 |
Wang Lei, Kazuya Iinaga, Yuji Kato, Koichi Shimizu (Hokkaido Univ.) |
(21) MBE |
11:45-12:10 |
Experimental study to improve transillumination image by depth estimation using light sources of two wavelengths MBE2015-122 |
Keisuke Okazaki, Yuji Kato, Koichi Shimizu (Hokkaido Univ.) |
12:10-13:20 |
Lunck Break ( 70 min. ) |
Wed, Mar 23 PM MBE-2-3 Chair: Takenori OIDA (Kyoto University) 13:20 - 15:25 |
(22) MBE |
13:20-13:45 |
Tactile display setting the Cartesian coordinate system in the body trunk cross section MBE2015-123 |
Masaki Terada, Masafumi Uchida (UEC) |
(23) MBE |
13:45-14:10 |
A Study for Systematization of Quantitative and Qualitative Factors in Muscular Activity based on Redundant Wavelet Coefficients of Surface EMG MBE2015-124 |
Hidetoshi Nagai (Kyutech) |
(24) MBE |
14:10-14:35 |
An extraction method of fetal electrocardiogram from bioelectrical potentials of maternal abdomen using independent vector analysis |
Hisashi Yoshida, Naoki Akiyama (Kindai Univ.), Katsuhiko Naruse, Toshihiko Sado, Hiroshi Kobayashi (Nara Med. Univ.) |
(25) MBE |
14:35-15:00 |
Effects of Facial Expressions toward relationships between EEGs and Eye Movements MBE2015-125 |
Minoru Nakayama, Masahiro Yasuda (Tokyo Tech.) |
(26) MBE |
15:00-15:25 |
The Evaluation of Mental Workload by Using Handwriting MBE2015-126 |
Ryo Kumagai, Masafumi Uchida (UEC) |
15:25-15:40 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Wed, Mar 23 PM MBE-2-4 Chair: Ryota HORIE (Shibaura Institute of Technology) 15:40 - 17:45 |
(27) MBE |
15:40-16:05 |
Study on mental stress and auditory stimulation cycle at the time of heart sound listening MBE2015-127 |
Masayuki Miwa, Masafumi Uchida (UEC) |
(28) MBE |
16:05-16:30 |
A Theoretical Study on the X-ray CT using Scattered Radiation MBE2015-128 |
Tetsuya Nakagami, Naohiro Toda, Naohiro Toda, Hiroki Yoshioka (Aichi Prefectural Univ.), Shuji Koyama (Nagoya Univ.) |
(29) MBE |
16:30-16:55 |
Adaptive Filtering for Frequency Fluctuating Periodic Interference MBE2015-129 |
Yusuke Matsubara, Naohiro Toda (Aichi Prefectural Univ.) |
(30) MBE |
16:55-17:20 |
The effect of muscarinic and nicotinic receptor activation on LTD MBE2015-130 |
Eriko Sugisaki (Tamagawa Univ.), Yasuhiro Fukushima (Kawasaki Univ. of Medical Welfare), Satoshi Fujii (Yamagata Univ.), Takeshi Aihara (Tamagawa Univ.) |
(31) MBE |
17:20-17:45 |
Study on estimation of the language lateralization based on event-related potentials analysis MBE2015-131 |
Masahiro Miyata, Takeshi Aihara, Hiroshi Sasaki (Tamagawa Univ) |