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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SDM, ICD, ITE-IST [detail] 2018-08-07
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ., Graduate School of IST M Bldg., M151 Wide-band CMOS terahertz imaging pixel
Yuri Kanazawa, Shota HIramatsu, Eiichi Sano, Sayuri Yokoyama, Masayuki Ikebe (Hokkaido Univ)
SDM, ICD, ITE-IST [detail] 2017-08-01
Hokkaido Hokkaido-Univ. Multimedia Education Bldg. Miniaturization of on-chip antenna for CMOS terahertz imaging
Shota Hiramatsu, Kosuke Wakita, Seokjin Na, Sayuri Yokoyama, Masayuki Ikebe, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.)
ED 2016-12-19
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ Design and fabrication of terahertz detectors based on 180 nm CMOS process technology
Kosuke Wakita, Masayuki Ikebe (Hokkaido Univ.), Stevanus Arnold, Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.), Yuma Takida, Hiroaki Minamide (RIKEN), Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2016-83
Use of terahertz waves for imaging is gaining increased interest. A CMOS cascode amplifier biased near the threshold vol... [more] ED2016-83
ED 2016-12-20
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ Terahertz response of nanocarbon materials
Takuya Miyajima (Hokkaido Univ.), Hisashi Sugime (Waseda Univ.), Kenta Sugawara, Takayuki Watanabe, Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.), Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2016-89
Research on new materials and structures is important to devise novel terahertz (THz) semiconductor devices. We focus on... [more] ED2016-89
ED 2015-12-22
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ Terahertz response of carbon nanotube forest under optical illumination
Takuya Miyajima, Taro Itatsu (Hokkaido Univ.), Hisashi Sugime (Cambridge Univ.), Stevanus Arnold, Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.), Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2015-104
 [more] ED2015-104
ED 2014-12-23
Miyagi   Enhanced terahertz emission from monolayer graphene with metal mesh structure
Taro Itatsu, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.), Yuhei Yabe, Victor Ryhzii, Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.) ED2014-114
In order to utilizing terahertz (THz) region, the development of compact THz oscillators is essential. We aimed at the d... [more] ED2014-114
ED, SDM 2014-02-27
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Centennial Hall Fabrication and Characteristics of carbon nanotube TFT
Tomo Tanaka, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2013-133 SDM2013-148
Single-walled carbon nanotube (CNT) network thin-film transistors (TFTs) are attractive owing to their simple, low-cost ... [more] ED2013-133 SDM2013-148
EST, MWP, OPE, MW, EMT, IEE-EMT [detail] 2013-07-18
Hokkaido Wakkanai Synthesis Cultural Center [Special Invited Talk] Simulation Technologies for Realizing Terahertz Electron Devices
Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.) MW2013-59 OPE2013-28 EST2013-23 MWP2013-18
Graphene, a two-dimensional honeycomb structure of carbon atoms, has attracted a lot of attention due to its unique natu... [more] MW2013-59 OPE2013-28 EST2013-23 MWP2013-18
SDM, ED 2013-02-28
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Electrical Properties of Carbon Fibers Embedded with CNTs
Takehito Watanuki, Tomo Tanaka, Eiichi Sano, Bunshi Fugetsu (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2012-143 SDM2012-172
We measured the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity and low-frequency noise characteristics for PAN-based ... [more] ED2012-143 SDM2012-172
ED, SDM 2012-02-07
Hokkaido   Gain enhancement in graphene terahertz amplifier with resonant structure
Yuya Takatsuka, Kazuhiro Takahagi, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.), Victor Ryzhii (Univ. of Aizu), Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.) ED2011-148 SDM2011-165
THz devices have been developed over the last decade to utilise THz waves for non-destructive sensing and high-speed wir... [more] ED2011-148 SDM2011-165
ED, SDM 2012-02-08
Hokkaido   The Luttinger-liquid behavior in single-walled carbon nanotube networks
Tomo Tanaka, Ken-ichiro Mori, Eiichi Sano, Bunshi Fugetsu, Hongwen Yu (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2011-155 SDM2011-172
Changes in the carrier transport properties of individually dispersed single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) random networ... [more] ED2011-155 SDM2011-172
ED 2010-12-16
Miyagi Tohoku University (Research Institute of Electrical Communication) THz Amplifiers with Gain Medium and Field-enhancement Effect
Yuya Takatsuka, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.), Victor Ryzhii (Univ. of Aizu), Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.) ED2010-162
THz devices have been developed over the last decade to utilise THz waves for non-destructive sensing and high-speed wir... [more] ED2010-162
ICD, ITE-IST 2010-07-23
Osaka Josho Gakuen Osaka Center Interleaved ramp wave generator for single slope ADC
Yukinobu Makihara, Shin Muon, Masayuki Ikebe, Junichi Motohisa, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.)
ED, SDM 2010-02-23
Okinawa Okinawaken-Seinen-Kaikan Electrical Property of CNT/cellulose Composite Paper
Tomo Tanaka, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.), Kousuke Akiyama, Masanori Imai (Tokushu Paper) ED2009-210 SDM2009-207
We fabricated multi-walled carbon nanotube/cellulose composite papers and measured their temperature dependences of elec... [more] ED2009-210 SDM2009-207
ED 2009-11-30
Osaka Osaka Science & Technology Center Monte Carlo Analysis of Optical Pulse Response of Plasmon-Resonant Terahertz Emitter
Kentaro Kubota, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ), Yahya Moubarak Meziani, Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ) ED2009-167
Terahertz(THz) radiation with feature of radio and optical waves has much interest due to its applications such as medic... [more] ED2009-167
ICD, ITE-IST 2009-10-02
Tokyo CIC Tokyo (Tamachi) Meta-Stable Characteristic of Single-Slope ADC with Time to Digital Convertor for CMOS-imager Sensor
Shin Muon, Masayuki Ikebe, Junichi Motohisa, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.) ICD2009-47
We have proposed the method of re-measuring quantizing error of Single-Slope ADC for CMOS imager with TDC (Time-to-Digit... [more] ICD2009-47
SDM, ED 2009-06-24
Overseas Haeundae Grand Hotel, Busan, Korea [Invited Talk] Theoretical study on graphene field-effect transistors
Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ./JST), Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ../JST) ED2009-62 SDM2009-57
Graphene is one of the most attractive materials for“beyond CMOS” electronics. We investigate graphene-layer composition... [more] ED2009-62 SDM2009-57
SDM, ED 2009-02-26
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. [Invited Talk] Epitaxial Graphene Grown on Si Substrate and Its Applications to Electron Devices
Taiichi Otsuji, Tetsuya Suemitsu, Hyon-Choru Kang, Hiromi Karasawa, Yuu Miyamoto, Hiroyuki Handa, Maki Suemitsu (Tohoku Univ.), Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.), Maxim Ryzhii, Victor Ryzhii (Univ. of Aizu) ED2008-224 SDM2008-216
This paper reviews recent advances in graphene material epitaxially grown on Si substrate and its applications to electr... [more] ED2008-224 SDM2008-216
ICD, ITE-IST 2008-10-24
Hokkaido Hokkaido University All digital PLL with independent loop characteristic by using fine clock-period comparator
Yukinobu Makihara, Masayuki Ikebe, Junichi Motohisa, Eiichi Sano (Hokkaido Univ.) ICD2008-87
We proposed new architecture of phase-locked loop (PLL) by using clock-period comparison. For a digitally controlled PLL... [more] ICD2008-87
ED 2007-11-27
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. Research Institute of Electrical Communication [Invited Talk] Millimeter-Wave HEMT MMICs Integrated with Metamaterials
Eiichi Sano, Koji Inafune (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2007-191
Millimeter-wave communication systems will be introduced to consumer market in the near future. Development of millimete... [more] ED2007-191
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