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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ED, CPM, LQE 2024-11-29
Aichi Nagoya Institute of Technology Mist chemical vapor deposited gate dielectrics for GaN-based MOS device
Zenji Yatabe, Masaya Fukumitsu, Hiroshi Otake, Takumi Hirakura, Hadirah Radzuan (Kumamoto Univ.), Ryota Ochi (Hokkaido Univ.), Yusui Nakamura (Kumamoto Univ.), Taketomo Sato (Hokkaido Univ.)
LQE, CPM, ED 2020-11-26
Online Online GaN-based MIS-HEMTs with Mist Chemical Vapor Deposited Al2O3
Low Rui Shan, Itsuki Nagase, Ali Baratov, Joel Tacla Asubar, Hirokuni Tokuda (Univ. of Fukui), Masaaki Kuzuhara (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Zenji Yatabe, Kenta Naito, Motoyama Tomohiro, Yusui Nakamura (Kumamoto Univ.) ED2020-13 CPM2020-34 LQE2020-64
We have fabricated AlGaN/GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor high-electron mobility transistors (MIS-HEMTs) using Al2O3 ga... [more] ED2020-13 CPM2020-34 LQE2020-64
ED 2015-08-04
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Electrochemical formation and UV photoresponse properties of GaN porous structures
Hirofumi Kida, Yusuke Kumazaki, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2015-53
Photoresponse and photoabsorption properties of GaN porous structures were investigated by measuring photocurrent and sp... [more] ED2015-53
SDM 2015-06-19
Aichi VBL, Nagoya Univ. [Invited Lecture] Interface states characterization of Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN structures
Zenji Yatabe, Tamotsu Hashizume (Hokkaido Univ.) SDM2015-38
To characterize interface properties of Al2O3-insulated gates on AlGaN/GaN structures with and without (w/o) ICP etching... [more] SDM2015-38
ED, CPM, SDM 2015-05-29
Aichi Venture Business Laboratory, Toyohashi University of Technology Spectro-electrochemical characterization of GaN/electrolyte interface and its application to the nanostructure formation
Yusuke Kumazaki, Akio Watanabe, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2015-28 CPM2015-13 SDM2015-30
 [more] ED2015-28 CPM2015-13 SDM2015-30
CPM, LQE, ED 2013-11-29
Osaka   Photoelectrode properties of GaN porous structures formed by photo-assisted electrochemical process
Yusuke Kumazaki, Akio Watanabe, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2013-88 CPM2013-147 LQE2013-123
Optical properties of GaN porous structures formed by the electrochemical process were investigated. We conducted the ph... [more] ED2013-88 CPM2013-147 LQE2013-123
SDM, ED, CPM 2013-05-17
Shizuoka Shizuoka Univ. (Hamamatsu) Graduate School of Sci. and Technol. Photoabsorption and Photoelectric Conversion Properties of InP Porous Structures Formed by the Electrochemical process
Yusuke Kumazaki, Ryohei Jinbo, Zenji Yatabe, Taketomo Sato (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2013-27 CPM2013-12 SDM2013-34
We investigated the optical absorption properties of InP porous structures formed by the electrochemical process using p... [more] ED2013-27 CPM2013-12 SDM2013-34
ED, LQE, CPM 2012-11-29
Osaka Osaka City University Effects of process conditions on AlGaN/GaN hetero-MOS structures
Yujin Hori, Zenji Yatabe, Wan-Cheng Ma, Tamotsu Hashizume (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2012-74 CPM2012-131 LQE2012-102
We have characterized effects of process conditions on Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN hetero-MOS structures prepared by atomic layer de... [more] ED2012-74 CPM2012-131 LQE2012-102
ED, SDM, CPM 2012-05-18
Aichi VBL, Toyohashi Univ. of Technol. Interface characterization of GaN-based MOS heterostructures employing ICP-etched AlGaN surfaces
Zenji Yatabe, Yujin Hori, Sungsik Kim, Tamotsu Hashizume (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2012-27 CPM2012-11 SDM2012-29
Our aim is to investigate the effects of dry etching of AlGaN surface on interface properties of GaN-based MOS structure... [more] ED2012-27 CPM2012-11 SDM2012-29
ED, SDM 2012-02-08
Hokkaido   Characterization and Analysis of Low-Frequency Noise in SiN Insulator-Gate GaAs Etched Nanowire FETs
Toru Muramatsu, Seiya Kasai, Zenji Yatabe (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2011-157 SDM2011-174
Low-frequency noise in SiN-gate GaAs-based nanowire field-effect transistors (FETs) is characterized and analyzed focusi... [more] ED2011-157 SDM2011-174
LQE, ED, CPM 2011-11-17
Kyoto Katsura Hall,Kyoto Univ. Interface characterization of MOS structures fabricated on dry-etched GaN and AlGaN
Sungsik Kim, Yujin Hori, Zenji Yatabe, Tamotsu Hashizume (Hokkaido Univ.) ED2011-78 CPM2011-127 LQE2011-101
We have investigated impacts of dry etching of GaN and AlGaN surfaces on interface properties of GaN-based MOS structure... [more] ED2011-78 CPM2011-127 LQE2011-101
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
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