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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
OME 2023-11-01
Hyogo JIBASAN Bidg. (Himeji) Self-arrangement of Higher-order Liquid Crystals Induced by Periodic Structures
Kazuma Nakajima, Masanori Ozaki (Osaka Univ.) OME2023-45
Pattern alignment, which spatially changes liquid crystal (LC) orientation, provides desired optical properties to LC-ba... [more] OME2023-45
ITE-IDY, IEIJ-SSL, EID, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2023-01-26
Online Online (Zoom) Characterization of photo-polymerized polymer-dispersed liquid crystals doped with Sudan black
Tatsuro Kiya, Rumiko Yamaguti (Akita University) EID2022-4
Polymer-dispersed liquid crystal devices (PDLCs) are capable of electrical switching between light-scattering and transp... [more] EID2022-4
OME 2019-02-27
Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Koganei Campus) Growth condition of organic micro-crystals by reprecipitation method and evaluation of their optical characteristics
Wataru Sato, Okihiro Sugihara, Yutaka Kodama (Utsunomiya Univ.), Bin Cai (Univ. of Shanghai for Science and Technology) OME2018-58
In this paper, micro-crystals (about 4~6μm) growth of DAST (4-N,N-dimethylamino-4'-N'-methyl-stilbazolium tosylate) by r... [more] OME2018-58
ED, THz 2018-12-17
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ. High-power Terahertz Wave Generation Using Organic Nonlinear Crystal and Its Polarization Control
Isao Yoshimine, Masatsugu Yamashita, Hiromichi Hoshina, Mikiko Saito, Hiroaki Minamide, Chiko Otani (RIKEN) ED2018-61
High-power terahertz pulses can be generated via second-order nonlinear optical effect (optical rectification) using org... [more] ED2018-61
LQE, OPE, SIPH 2018-12-06
Tokyo Keio University Fabrication of Er0.29Yb0.29Y1.42SiO5 waveguide amplifier Radical Assisted Sputtering
Ayuko Minowa, Hideo Isshiki, Fumiya Kondow, Kodai Miyagi, Ghent Nakamura, Tomoki Kasumi (UEC) OPE2018-115 LQE2018-125 SIPH2018-31
At present, in the field of information and communication technologies, silicon photo attracts attention. Since light at... [more] OPE2018-115 LQE2018-125 SIPH2018-31
LQE, OPE, SIPH 2018-12-06
Tokyo Keio University Evaluation of (Er,Y)2Zr2O7 crystal prepared by Radical Assisted Sputtering -- Toward Optical Amplifiers for MiDex --
Kodai Miyagi, Yasuhito Tanaka, Ghent Nakamura, Ayuko Minowa, Hideo Isshiki (UEC) OPE2018-116 LQE2018-126 SIPH2018-32
Research on MiDex Si Photonics for DWDM communication is in progress. For large scale integration, fabrication of a MiDe... [more] OPE2018-116 LQE2018-126 SIPH2018-32
ED, THz 2017-12-19
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ Terahertz generation via nonlinear optical crystals using Cherenkov phase matching
Kei Takeya (Nagoya Univ.), Hirohisa Uchida (Arkray), Kengo Oota, Koutarou Okimura, Kodo Kawase (Nagoya Univ.) ED2017-84
We demonstrated a generation of THz wave with broadband beyond 6 THz and high dynamic range over 70 dB, using prism coup... [more] ED2017-84
Kochi Kochi University of Technology Eikokuji campus [Poster Presentation] Efficient Coupling System between Optical Nanofiber and Diamond Nanowire
Yuya Yonezu (Waseda Univ.), Kentaro Wakui, Kouichi Semba (NICT), Takao Aoki (Waseda Univ.)
NV (Nitrogen-Vacancy) centers in diamond are promising candidates for various quantum technologies, such as quantum info... [more]
LQE, LSJ 2016-05-20
Fukui   [Invited Talk] The development of the intense THz electromagnetic wave emitter based on the ultrashort optical pulse and dielectric nonlinear crystals toward a new application
Masaya Nagai (Osaka Univ.), Eiichi Matsubara (Osaka Dental Univ.), Masaaki Ashida (Osaka Univ.), Jun Takayanagi, Hideyuki Ohtake (Aisin) LQE2016-13
Compact THz sources are required for a novel applications of the intense THz electromagnetic wave. We experimentally dem... [more] LQE2016-13
ED 2015-12-21
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ Liquid phase growth of impurity-doped GaSe crystals for the high efficiency THz wave generation by high resistivity
Kouhei Suzuki, Yohei Sato, Kensaku Maeda, Yutaka Oyama (Tohoku Univ.) ED2015-98
We grow layered semiconductor GaSe crystals by liquid phase epitaxy TDM-CVP for the difference frequency generation of T... [more] ED2015-98
OPE 2015-12-11
Ishikawa Shiinoki Cultural Complex Fabrication and evaluation of ErxYbyY2-x-ySiO5 crystal for the development of waveguides optical amplifier
Fumiya Kondo, Hideo Isshiki (UEC) OPE2015-145
Since absorption cross-section of Yb3+ is about one order larger than that of Er3+ at 980nm excitation band, increase of... [more] OPE2015-145
OPE, LQE, OCS 2015-10-30
Oita Beppu International Convention Center The design method of reflection-suppressed all-optical diode based on asymmetric nonlinear L-shaped photonic crystal nanocavity
Takanori Sato, Shuntaro Makino, Takeshi Fujisawa, Kunimasa Saitoh (Hokkaido Univ.) OCS2015-58 OPE2015-108 LQE2015-77
The design method of reflection-suppressed all-optical diode based on asymmetric nonlinear L-shaped photonic crystal nan... [more] OCS2015-58 OPE2015-108 LQE2015-77
LQE, OPE 2015-06-19
Tokyo   THz radiation from GaP crystal pumped by chirp-controlled femtosecond pulses
Junichi Hamazaki, Norihiko Sekine, Akifumi Kasamatsu, Iwao Hosako (NICT) OPE2015-14 LQE2015-24
To generate terahertz pulses via optical rectification effect, dechirped pulses are generally used as pump pulses. Howev... [more] OPE2015-14 LQE2015-24
CPM 2014-10-08
Tokyo   Fabrication of cerium substituted yttrium iron garnets on dielectric mirrors using vacuum anneal
Takuya Yoshimoto, Taichi Goto, Naoki Kanazawa, Ryosuke Isogai, Hiroyuki Takagi, Yuichi Nakamura (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Caroline A. Ross (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.), Mitsuteru Inoue (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.) CPM2014-94
Polycrystalline cerium-substituted yttrium iron garnet (Ce:YIG) was grown on dielectric mirror substrates by rf sputteri... [more] CPM2014-94
OPE, OME 2013-11-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Construction of nanophotonic devices to achieve emission control of single organic molecules
Takahiro Kaji, Toshiki Yamada, Rieko Ueda, Shin-ichiro Inoue, Akira Otomo (NICT) OME2013-69 OPE2013-130
Control of spontaneous emission of organic materials by using a photonic band gap in a visible light region is important... [more] OME2013-69 OPE2013-130
OME 2013-10-11
Osaka Osaka Univ. Nakanoshima Center Application of nonuniformity in optical texture of nematic and chiral nematic liquid crystals for security
Keizo Nakayama (Kinki Univ.), Junji Ohtsubo (Shizuoka Univ.) OME2013-65
Various optical textures that reflect the nonuniformity of the molecular orientation can be observed using a polarizing ... [more] OME2013-65
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2013-03-08
Aichi Nagoya Univ. Formation of Multiferroic Photonic Crystals with TGG and PZT film
Ryosuke Isogai (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Alexander M. Grishin, Sergiy I. Khartsev (Royal Institute of Tech.), Taichi Goto, Hiroyuki Takagi, Mitsuteru Inoue (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.) MR2012-49
We recently proposed optical microcavities comprising magneto-optical (MO) and electro-optical (EO) films which can modu... [more] MR2012-49
OME 2013-03-08
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. B1-2 Nonlinear Photonic Crystals and Silicon-Organic Hybrid Electro-Optic (EO) Modulators
Shin-ichiro Inoue, Akira Otomo (NICT) OME2012-106
We report the fabrication and device applications of the nonlinear photonic crystals (PhCs) which combines PhC functions... [more] OME2012-106
PN, EMT, LQE, OPE, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2013-01-25
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Suita) Nonlinear photonic crystals and silicon-organic hybrid electro-optic (EO) modulators
Shin-ichiro Inoue, Akira Otomo (NICT) PN2012-64 OPE2012-173 LQE2012-165 EST2012-100 MWP2012-82
We report the fabrication and device applications of the nonlinear photonic crystals (PhCs) which combines PhC functions... [more] PN2012-64 OPE2012-173 LQE2012-165 EST2012-100 MWP2012-82
OFT 2012-05-24
Gifu Hida, Earth Wisdom Center Evaluation of the O-band transmission system by using quantum dot laser and holey fiber
Yasuaki Kurata, Yu Omigawa, Takuya Irago, Hideyuki Sotobayashi (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), Naokatsu Yamamoto, Kouichi Akahane, Tetsuya Kawanishi (NICT), Yuki Yoshioka, Hiroshi Takai (TDU) OFT2012-6
To expand the usable wavelength bandwidth for optical communications, we have focused on a use of a 1.3-μm wavelength ba... [more] OFT2012-6
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