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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ICD, SDM, ITE-IST [detail] 2020-08-07
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Understanding the Origin of Low-frequency Noise in Cryo-CMOS Toward Long-coherence-time Si Spin Qubit
Hiroshi Oka, Takashi Matsukawa, Kimihiko Kato, Shota Iizuka, Wataru Mizubayashi, Kazuhiko Endo, Tetsuji Yasuda, Takahiro Mori (AIST) SDM2020-6 ICD2020-6
Si quantum computer has attracted a significant attention due to its potential for large-scale integration using semicon... [more] SDM2020-6 ICD2020-6
SDM, ICD, ITE-IST [detail] 2018-08-07
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ., Graduate School of IST M Bldg., M151 (Hokkaido) [Invited Talk] Fabrication and Characterization of SOI-CMOS Using Minimal-Fab and Mega-Fab Hybrid Process
Yongxun Liu, Hiroyuki Tanaka (AIST), Kazuhiro Koga, Kazushige Sato (MINIMAL), Sommawan Khumpuang, Masayoshi Nagao, Takashi Matsukawa, Shiro Hara (AIST) SDM2018-30 ICD2018-17
In this work, gate-last and gate-first SOI-CMOS integrated circuits have been successfully fabricated on the minimal waf... [more] SDM2018-30 ICD2018-17
SDM, ICD, ITE-IST [detail] 2017-07-31
Hokkaido Hokkaido-Univ. Multimedia Education Bldg. (Hokkaido) TCAD Simulation of C-TFET Circuit with Drain Offset Structure
Hidehiro Asai, Takahiro Mori, Junich Hattori, Koichi Fukuda, Kazuhiko Endo, Takashi Matsukawa (AIST) SDM2017-35 ICD2017-23
We have performed TCAD simulation for a ring oscillator composed of complementary Tunnel Field Effect Transistors (C-TFE... [more] SDM2017-35 ICD2017-23
(Joint) [detail]
Osaka Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Ibaraki Campus (Osaka) Fully Integrated, 100-mV Minimum Input Voltage Converter with Gate-Boosted Charge Pump for Energy Harvesting
Hiroshi Fuketa, Shin-ichi O'uchi, Takashi Matsukawa (AIST) CPM2016-87 ICD2016-48 IE2016-82
A fully integrated step-up DC-DC converter for energy harvesting applications is presented. A minimum startup voltage of... [more] CPM2016-87 ICD2016-48 IE2016-82
ICD, SDM, ITE-IST [detail] 2016-08-03
Osaka Central Electric Club (Osaka) [Invited Talk] SRAM PUF using Polycrystalline Silicon Channel FinFET and Its Evaluation
Shin-ichi O'uchi, Yungxun Liu, Yohei Hori, Toshifumi Irisawa, Hiroshi Fuketa, Yukinori Morita, Shinji Migita, Takahiro Mori, Tadashi Nakagawa, Junichi Tsukada, Hanpei Koike, Meishoku Masahara, Takashi Matsukawa (AIST) SDM2016-60 ICD2016-28
 [more] SDM2016-60 ICD2016-28
SDM 2016-01-28
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Understanding of BTI for Tunnel FETs
Wataru Mizubayashi, Takahiro Mori, Koichi Fukuda, Yuki Ishikawa, Yukinori Morita, Shinji Migita, Hiroyuki Ota, Yongxun Liu, Shinichi O'uchi, Junichi Tsukada, Hiromi Yamauchi, Takashi Matsukawa, Meishoku Masahara, Kazuhiko Endo (AIST) SDM2015-122
(To be available after the conference date) [more] SDM2015-122
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