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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 148  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HIP, HCS, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2024-05-13
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center Estimation of mental state using pupillary response during eye contact
Ao Gao, Yuhong Lv (Tokyo Tech), Satomi Doi, Aya Isumi (TMDU), Rumi Hisakata, Hirohiko Kaneko (Tokyo Tech) HCS2024-9 HIP2024-9
This study aimed to detect mental states such as stress by measuring pupil diameter while participants viewed facial vid... [more] HCS2024-9 HIP2024-9
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa Okinawa Sangyo Shien Center
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Estimation of Perceived Difficulty when reading VR-based Educational Comics Using Gaze and Facial Movement, Heart Rate, and Electroencephalography
Hiroyuki Ishizuka (NAIST), Kenya Sakamoto, Shizuka Shirai, Jason Orlosky (OU), Yutaro Hirao, Monica Perusquia-Hernandez (NAIST), Naoya Isoyama (OWU), Hideaki Uchiyama, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa (NAIST) IMQ2023-13 IE2023-68 MVE2023-42
This study explores significant biometric features that can be used to estimate subjective difficulty while reading educ... [more] IMQ2023-13 IE2023-68 MVE2023-42
Okinawa OIST
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Optimal POVM with minimal size in two-parameter qubit-state estimation
Jianchao Zhang, Jun Suzuki (UEC)
In the realm of qubit state tomography, the accurate estimation of quantum states parameterized across the complete Bloc... [more]
Hokkaido Kaderu 2・7 (Sapporo) [Poster Presentation] Device-Free Human Tracking Using Sub-Nyquist Sampled CSI
Keisuke Tamai (Kyoto Univ.), Koji Yamamoto (KIT), Noriyasu Kato, Shunji Taki, Takuya Negishi (Allied Telesis)
We propose a device-free human tracking method using low-frequency CSI acquisition, where human tracking is not applicab... [more]
ET 2023-09-08
Osaka Osaka Metropolitan University / Online
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Survey on learning-state-estimation methods using learning trace data
Yoshihiro Hayashi, Kimihiko Miyazaki, Masashi Kudo, Yamana Hayato (Waseda Univ.) ET2023-13
In recent years, the use of online learning platforms and learning applications has increased rapidly due to the spread ... [more] ET2023-13
CPSY, DC, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2023-08-03
Hokkaido Hakodate Arena
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Proposal of Selection Guideline for Geographical SMR Protocols Using Communication Pattern-based Response Time Models
Koya Shiozaki, Junya Nakamura (Toyohashi Tech) CPSY2023-9 DC2023-9
State Machine Replication (SMR) is a replication method that achieves fault tolerance by duplicating a service. Geograph... [more] CPSY2023-9 DC2023-9
Kyoto Katsura Campus, Kyoto University Simultaneous estimation of the positions of two close incoherent optical point sources
Masataka Kimizu, Fuyuhiko Tanaka, Akio Fujiwara (Osaka Univ.)
Recently, the problem of estimating the positions of two optical point sources has been studied with applications to ast... [more]
EMM, IT 2023-05-12
Kyoto Rakuyu Kaikan (Kyoto Univ. Yoshida-South Campus)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
The Gap Persistence Theorem Between Nagaoka-Hayashi Bound and Holevo Bound for Quantum Multiparameter Estimation
Lorcan Conlon (ANU), Jun Suzuki (UEC), Ping Koy Lam, Syed Assad (ANU) IT2023-11 EMM2023-11
In this study we propose the concept of gap persistency between two lower bounds for the mean-square error when estimati... [more] IT2023-11 EMM2023-11
NC, NLP 2023-01-28
Hokkaido Future University Hakodate
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development and evaluation of an accurate state-of-charge estimation method for batteries with hysteresis
Keiichirou Suzuki (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Lei Lin, Masahito Arima (Daiwa Can Company), Masahiro Fukui (Ritsumeikan Univ.) NLP2022-86 NC2022-70
The price rising of rare metals such as nickel and cobalt have caused the demand increase of the lithium ion batteries c... [more] NLP2022-86 NC2022-70
EE 2023-01-19
Fukuoka Kyushu Institute of Technology
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Parameter estimation of component of DC-DC converter with state-space modeling and linear regression
Yano Ikuma, Maruta Hidenori (Nagasaki Univ.) EE2022-38
This study presents a parameter estimation method of DC-DC converter based on its state-space modelling and linear regre... [more] EE2022-38
Tokushima Naruto grand hotel
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Short Paper] Study of WiFi Beamforming Feedback-Based Respiratory and Heart Rates Estimation
Takamochi Kanda, Sota Kondo, Hiroki Shimomura, Takashi Sato, Hiromitsu Awano, Koji Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.) SeMI2022-99
This paper introduces respiration and heart rate estimation based on beamforming feedback (BFF). While BFF has attracted... [more] SeMI2022-99
Tokushima Naruto grand hotel
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Short Paper] Impact of Statistics Interval on Walking Direction Estimation with Low-Frequency CSI Acquisition
Keisuke Tamai, Takamochi Kanda, Koji Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.), Noriyasu Kato, Shunji Taki, Takuya Negishi (Allied Telesis) SeMI2022-102
Among technologies on Channel State Information (CSI) sensing, device-free human body sensing has attracted much attenti... [more] SeMI2022-102
- 2022-12-16
Kagawa Onsite (Sunport Takamatsu) and Online
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Always-on monitoring of employees' mental and physical state in an expressway service area for health and productivity management
Akihiro Sato, Satoki Ogiso, Ryosuke Ichikari, Gaku Kutsuzawa, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi (AIST), Takeshi Shimmura (AIST/Ritsumeikan Univ./GANKO Food Service), Tomomi Nonaka (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Takeshi Kurata (AIST)
Recently, the market scale of health and productivity management support services is expanding, while expectations for t... [more]
Kanagawa Keio Univ.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A new information criterion for quantum state estimation
Hiroshi Yano, Naoki Yamamoto (Keio Univ.)
Recently a number of efficient methods for quantum state estimation have been proposed, demanding methods for accurate s... [more]
NLP 2022-11-25
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Chaotic time series and Ueda's theory of chaos
Takaya Miyano (Ritsumeikan Univ.) NLP2022-72
In terms of Ueda’s theory of chaos, i.e., the concept of randomly transitional oscillations, we discuss the implications... [more] NLP2022-72
Kyoto Kyoto Terrsa (Day 1), and Online (Day 2, 3) [Poster Presentation] Device-Free Walking Direction Estimation Using CSI with Low Acquisition Frequency
Keisuke Tamai, Takamochi Kanda, Koji Yamamoto (Kyoto Univ.), Noriyasu Kato, Shunji Taki, Takuya Negishi (Allied Telesis)
In recent years, research on Channel State Information (CSI) sensing has attracted much attention. In particular, sensin... [more]
SIP 2022-08-26
Okinawa Nobumoto Ohama Memorial Hall (Ishigaki Island)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Mental states estimation using physiological signals
Terumi Umematsu (NEC) SIP2022-69
Accurately estimating stress, mood, and drowsiness in a daily life may enable people to make behavioral changes that cou... [more] SIP2022-69
CS 2022-07-15
Kagoshima Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Village Center
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Application of state-space models to CNN estimation methods for indoor location estimation
Kaishin Hori, Satoru Aikawa, Sinichiro Yamamoto (Univ. of Hyogo) CS2022-36
Currently, GNSS is the most accurate outdoor location estimation technique. On the other hand, the accuracy of GNSS loca... [more] CS2022-36
Online Online Passive verification protocol for thermal graph states
Kazuki Akimoto, Shunji Tsuchiya (Chuo Univ.), Ryosuke Yoshii (Sanyo-Onoda City Univ.), Yuki Takeuchi (NTT)
Graph states are entangled resource states for universal measurement-based quantum computation.
Although matter qubits ... [more]

KBSE 2022-03-10
Online Online (Zoom) A Study of Learner Errors on State Machine Modeling \Based on Eye Information and Editing Logs
Takuma Kimura, Ogata Shinpei (Shinshu Univ.), Makihara Erina (Doshisha Univ.), Okano Kozo (Shinshu Univ.) KBSE2021-55
In state machine diagram education, learners sometimes make errors when solving modeling tasks. Educators should support... [more] KBSE2021-55
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