Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [2024] | [Japanese] / [English]
Object Extraction Training System Using Recipes as Target Process
Daiki Maeda, Kota Kunori, Tomoko Kojiri (Kansai Univ)
pp. 1 - 8
Idea Generation Support System for New Function of Things by Depicting Use Scene
Yuma Komatsu, Tomoko Kojiri (Kansai Univ)
pp. 9 - 16
Support System for Experiencing Feature Discovery Method Based on Ad-Hoc Categories Using MANZAI
Shogo Yano, Atsushi Ashida, Tomoko Kojiri (Kansai Univ.)
pp. 17 - 24
Forming persuasive messages for hostile others based on imagined contact hypothesis
-- Proposal and evaluation of imagined interview script construction method --
Hideyuki Suzuki (Ibaraki Univ.), Hideo Funaoi (Soka Univ.), Yoshihiko Kubota (Tamagawa Univ.), Toshio Mochizuki (Senshu Univ.), Hiroshi Kato (Open Univ. of Jpn)
pp. 25 - 32
Intuitive Action Decision Support System Based on Game-tree Construction in Sports
Yuji Otori, Tomoko Kojiri (Kansai Univ.)
pp. 33 - 40
Knowledge Externalization Support System for Online Bereavement Care
-- Through Analysis of Empathy --
Katsuya Fukuoka (Graduate School of OPU), Yuki Hayashi, Kazuhisa Seta, Yasuo Naito (Graduate School of OMU), Yumiko Matsushita (Konan Women's University)
pp. 41 - 48
Learning Support System to Understand Others Through Reading Dramatic Scripts and Its Initial Evaluation
Hanano Okamoto (Osaka Prefecture Univ.), Yuki Hayashi, Kazuhisa Seta (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)
pp. 49 - 56
Estimation of Learning Methods from Tools for Monitoring Learning Process
Kento Kuwajima, Atsushi Ashida, Tomoko Kojiri (Kansai Univ.)
pp. 57 - 64
Development of Audience Robot for Supporting Presentation Rehearsal
So Kato, Kota Kunori, Tomoko Kojiri (Kansai Univ.)
pp. 65 - 72
HMD-type customer service training support system using eye tracking
Takeru Oue, Yukihiro Matsubara, Kousuke Mouri, Masaru Okamoto (Hiroshima City Univ.)
pp. 73 - 78
Mountaineering Hazard Prediction Training using locally editting videos
Masaya Abe (Nihon Univ), Satoshi Shimad (Nihon Univ.)
pp. 79 - 84
A Survey of Practices on Programming Education for Constructing “The Knowledge Map”
-- Consideration from the Viewpoints of Learning Goals --
Tatsuki Yamamoto (Meikai Univ.), Tadashi Inagaki (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Daisuke Kaneko (Hokusei Gakuen Univ.), Hisayoshi Kunimune (Chiba Institute of Technology), Yasuhiko Tsuji (The Open Univ. of Japan), Masayuki Murakami (Osaka Univ.)
pp. 85 - 92
Development of a Gaming Instructional Material Based on the New Backward Design Method to Improve Exploration Activities in Science
Tomoaki Asano, Toshiki Matsuda (Tokyo Tech)
pp. 93 - 100
The Practice of Information Ethics Education Based on Students' Proactive Thinking
-- Using the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) --
Daisuke Kaneko (Hokusei Gakuen Univ.), Motohiro Hasegawa (Kinjo Gakuin Univ.)
pp. 101 - 108
Prototype of Information Excess/Insufficiency Test in Graphical Proving in Junior High School Mathematics
Megumi Kurayama (NIT, Hakodate College)
pp. 109 - 112
Exploring AI learning Infrastructure at a Healtlcare University
Ryoka Seto, Koji Ono, Misako Kitae, Kazuya Imaizumi (THCU)
pp. 113 - 116
(See Japanese page.)
pp. 117 - 122
Implementation of Kyudo Practice Support System Using Posture Estimation
Yuji Umemoto (KWASSUI Univ./NIAS), Ken-ichi Tanaka (NIAS)
pp. 123 - 127
Objective evaluation of self-study attitudes of high school students using biometric technology
-- Relationship between head sway and learning contents --
Hiroki Horiuchi, Hisaya Tanaka (Kogakuin Univ)
pp. 128 - 135
Leg stretching support system using feedbacks from estimated postures
Takenobu Yamakita, Yukihiro Matsubra, Masaru Okamoto, Kousuke Mouri (Hiroshima City Univ.)
pp. 136 - 141
About the Comparison of Biometric Information during Learning of Visual- and Text-based Programming Language
Katsuyuki Umeawa (Shonan Inst. of Tech.), Makoto Nakazawa (Junior College of Aizu), Shigeichi Hirasawa (Waseda Univ.)
pp. 142 - 147
The implementation of a text analysis function using AI services on the course introduction module.
Toshikazu Iitaka (Kumamoto Gakuen Univ)
pp. 148 - 153
Visualizing logical relationships between lectures slides for prompting understanding of lecture
Gaku Hirose, Akihiro Kashihara (UEC)
pp. 154 - 160
Development of a Teaching Strategy Switchable Viewing Support System with DTW Distance
Ryota Tanaka, Naka Gotoda (Kagawa Univ), Mio Suzuki, Hirotake Kanisawa (SIT), Yuka Takai (OSU), Ryo Kanda, Yusuke Kometani, Rihito Yaegashi, Toshihiro Hayashi (Kagawa Univ)
pp. 161 - 167
Reviewing Reasonable Accommodation for Teachers and Teacher-Training Course Students with Visual Impairments
Satoru Fujitani, Miki Akutsu, Haruka Watanabe, Kyoko Kobayashi, Akane Fujita (Mejiro Univ.)
pp. 168 - 171
A Practical Evaluation of Visualization and Sharing Tools to Promote Structured Reading and Cross-Referencing in a Learning Community
Hideo Funaoi (Soka Univ.), Shoko Matsumine (Koshoku Library of Chikuma City), Yoshihiko Kubota (Tamagawa Univ.), Hideyuki Suzuki (Ibaraki Univ.)
pp. 172 - 177
Methods for Estimating Problematic Parts in Presentations Based on Analysis of Slide Data and Audiences' Unconscious Responses
Ko Saito (Fukushima Univ.), Hiroki Nakayama (Yamagata Univ.), Ryo Onuma (Tsuda Univ.), Hiroaki Kaminaga (Fukushima Univ.), Youzou Miyadera (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), Shoichi Nakamura (Fukushima Univ.)
pp. 178 - 183
Methods for Visualizing Discussions in Comments against Web News Considering Understanding Opinion Trends and Discussion Points
Hiroki Wakabayashi (Fukushima Univ.), Hiroki Nakayama (Yamagata Univ.), Ryo Onuma (Tsuda Univ.), Hiroaki Kaminaga (Fukushima Univ.), Youzou Miyadera (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), Shoichi Nakamura (Fukushima Univ.)
pp. 184 - 188
Visualization of the Contexts in Elaboration of Research Documents for Facilitating the Understanding of Work Circumstances
Sho Onami (Fukushima Univ.), Ryo Onuma (Tsuda Univ.), Hiroki Nakayama (Yamagata Univ.), Hiroaki Kaminaga (Fukushima Univ.), Youzou Miyadera (Tokyo Gakugei Univ.), Shoichi Nakamura (Fukushima Univ.)
pp. 189 - 194
Development of a Programming Exercise system and Practice in Actual Classes
Tetsuo Tanaka, Mari Ueda, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki (KAIT)
pp. 195 - 200
Research on a Support System for Developing Programmatic Thinking Based on Metacognition of Instructional Interaction
Riichiro Ishikawa, Mutsuo Sano, Sho Ooi (OIT)
pp. 201 - 208
Research on development of keyboard application for iOS/iPadOS with Kana-Kanji conversion function for reasonable accommodation
Reika Okuya, Kazuhito Uzima (Hirosima Univ), Kazuaki Yoshihara (Kindai Univ), Kenzi Watanabe (Hirosima Univ)
pp. 209 - 214
Research on the Development of an Interface to Configure Network Teaching Materials through Physical Manipulation
Yudai Nakamura (Hiroshima Univ), Kazuaki Yoshihara (Kindai Univ), Kenzi Watanabe (Hiroshima Univ)
pp. 215 - 221
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.