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Technical Committee on Microwaves (MW) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kensuke Okubo (Okayama Prefectural Univ.)
Vice Chair Atsushi Sanada (Osaka Univ.), Akihito Hirai (Mitsubishi Electric)
Secretary Satoshi Yoshida (Ryukoku Univ.), Shohei Imai (Murata Manufacturing)
Assistant Tomoyuki Furuichi (Tohoku Univ.), Kosuke Katayama (NIT Tokuyama College)

Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Theory (EMT) [schedule] [select]
Chair Hideki Kawaguchi (Muroran Inst. of Tech)
Vice Chair Yukihisa Suzuki (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Secretary Ryousuke Ozaki (Nihon Univ.), Junichiro Sugisaka (Kitami Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant Takashi Nagasaka (Ashikaga Univ.)

Technical Committee on OptoElectronics (OPE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Eiji Magyu (Mitsubishi Electric)
Vice Chair Katsumi Nakatsuhara (Kanagawa Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary Takshi Fujisawa (Hosei Univ.), Hideyuki Nasu (Furukawa Electric)
Assistant Kazuya Ohira (Toshiba), Ken Tanizawa (Tamagawa Univ.)

Technical Committee on Electronics Simulation Technology (EST) [schedule] [select]
Chair Masayuki Kimishima (Advantest)
Vice Chair Takuya Sakamoto (Kyoto Univ.), Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. of Tech.), Yasuo Ohtera (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)
Secretary Keiji Sakaki (Kozo Keikaku Engineering), Sachiko Kodera (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant Tomonori Yanagida (Advantest), Akihisa Tsuchiya (KISTEC)

Technical Committee on Microwave Photonics and Terahertz Photonic-Electronic Technologies (MWPTHz) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kazutoshi Kato (Kyushu University)
Vice Chair Kensuke Ikeda (CRIEPI)
Secretary Yuya Yamaguchi (NICT), Akira Satou (Tohoku Univ.)
Assistant Kyoya Takano (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.), Mizuki Motoyoshi (Shizuoka Inst. of Sci. and Tech.)

Technical Meeting on Electromagnetic Theory (IEE-EMT) [schedule] [select]
Chair Shinichi Furukawa (Nihon Univ.)
Secretary Yoshihiro Naka (Univ. of Miyazaki)

Conference Date Thu, Jul 11, 2024 09:30 - 17:15
Fri, Jul 12, 2024 09:10 - 16:30
Topics Workshop on Optical and Microwave technologies 
Conference Place  
Sponsors This conference is technical co-sponsored by IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter, IEEE MTT-S Kansai Chapter and IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapter.
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on MW, EMT, OPE, MWPTHz, EST.

(1) 09:30-09:35  
Thu, Jul 11 AM 
09:35 - 10:50
09:35-10:00 A Study on Shortening Initial Acquisition Time of Satellite Optical Communication EMT2024-6 MW2024-30 OPE2024-9 EST2024-7 MWPTHz2024-13 Hitomi Ono, Rio Narazaki, Eisuke Haraguchi (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
10:00-10:25 Exploring Telemetry Information Configuration for Millimeter-Wave Fixed Wireless Systems in Network Control EMT2024-7 MW2024-31 OPE2024-10 EST2024-8 MWPTHz2024-14 Atsushi Kanno (NITech), Zu-Kai Weng (NICT), Tetsuya Kawanishi (Waseda Univ.)
10:25-10:50 Demonstration of a subarray CBC with phase-locking between multiple local beams EMT2024-8 MW2024-32 OPE2024-11 EST2024-9 MWPTHz2024-15 Tomohiro Akiyama, Eisuke Haraguchi, Takahiro Suzuki, Narazaki Rio, Hitomi Ono (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
  10:50-11:05 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, Jul 11 PM 
11:05 - 12:20
11:05-11:30 Method for evaluating GHz band mechanical damping EMT2024-9 MW2024-33 OPE2024-12 EST2024-10 MWPTHz2024-16 Yohkoh Shimano, Takahiko Yanagitani (Waseda Univ.)
11:30-11:55 Broadband piezoelectric thin film transformer for terrestrial digital band rectenna applications EMT2024-10 MW2024-34 OPE2024-13 EST2024-11 MWPTHz2024-17 Ekida Kohei, Kinoshita Sarina, Shimano Yohkoh, Yanagitani Takahiko (Waseda Univ.)
11:55-12:20 Electromechanical coupling coefficient evaluation method using RLC electric resonance in the GHz band EMT2024-11 MW2024-35 OPE2024-14 EST2024-12 MWPTHz2024-18 Hiroki Uchida, Kohei Ekida, Yohkoh Shimano, Takahiko Yanagitani (Waseda Univ.)
  12:20-13:40 Break ( 80 min. )
Thu, Jul 11 PM 
13:40 - 15:20
13:40-14:05 Studies on Ultra-High Efficiency Transmission of MIMO Signals by Intermediate Frequency over Fiber EMT2024-12 MW2024-36 OPE2024-15 EST2024-13 MWPTHz2024-19 Junya Nishioka, Sojiro Masada, Takatoshi Akamatsu, Keita Mochizuki (Mitsubishi Electric)
14:05-14:30 Study on optical phased array system with pseudorandom phase modulation for realizing high-power laser system EMT2024-13 MW2024-37 OPE2024-16 EST2024-14 MWPTHz2024-20 Eisuke Haraguchi, Hitomi Ono, Rio Narazaki, Tomohiro Akiyama (MitsubishiElectric Corp.)
14:30-14:55 Study on large-scale array configuration of optical matrix wireless beamformers EMT2024-14 MW2024-38 OPE2024-17 EST2024-15 MWPTHz2024-21 Honoka Ito, Ken Hiraga, Riichi Kudo (NTT)
14:55-15:20 Design and fabrication of quantum well optical modulators with circular patch antennas for radio over fiber systems EMT2024-15 MW2024-39 OPE2024-18 EST2024-16 MWPTHz2024-22 Ryotaro Nakazawa, Gaku Sekiguchi (Yokohama National Univ.), Yui Otagaki, Hiroshi Murata (Mie Univ.), Atsushi Matsumoto (NICT), Taro Arakawa (Yokohama National Univ.)
  15:20-15:35 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, Jul 11 PM 
15:35 - 17:15
15:35-16:00 Measurement results of septum polarizer consisting of circular-to-rectangular converting waveguide EMT2024-16 MW2024-40 OPE2024-19 EST2024-17 MWPTHz2024-23 Hidenori Yukawa, Kodai Miura, Akimichi Hirota, Yoshio Inasawa (Mitsubishi Ele. Corp.)
16:00-16:25 CPW Characterization on Printed Electronics Substrate EMT2024-17 MW2024-41 OPE2024-20 EST2024-18 MWPTHz2024-24 Daisuke Yasunobu, Kenjiro Nishikawa (Kagoshima Univ.), Hiroto Sakaki (Mitsubishi Electric)
16:25-16:50 Two-dimensional implementation of electric circuits with retarded electromagnetic coupling on the printed circuit board EMT2024-18 MW2024-42 OPE2024-21 EST2024-19 MWPTHz2024-25 Ryoichiro Sahara, Takashi Hisakado (Kyoto Univ.)
16:50-17:15 Lead Titanate Epitaxial Thin Film Resonator for GHz-Band RF Filters EMT2024-19 MW2024-43 OPE2024-22 EST2024-20 MWPTHz2024-26 Wataru Shimoyama, Yohkoh Shimano, Takahiko Yanagitani (Waseda Univ.)
Thu, Jul 11 AM 
09:35 - 10:50
09:35-10:00 Transient Analysis of Two-Dimensional Electromagnetic Field by Compressed Sensing and FILT EMT2024-20 MW2024-44 OPE2024-23 EST2024-21 MWPTHz2024-27 Kota Saito, Seiya Kishimoto, Shinichiro Ohnuki (Nihon Univ)
10:00-10:25 Surface impedance analysis of the Drude-Lorentz model using the FILT and Prony's method EMT2024-21 MW2024-45 OPE2024-24 EST2024-22 MWPTHz2024-28 Takuto Makimoto (Hosei Univ.), Jerdvisanop Chakarothai (NICT), Jun Shibayama (Hosei Univ.), Yukihisa Suzuki (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Katsumi Fujii, Norihiko Sekine (NICT)
10:25-10:50 Effects of Fitness Estimation Model Generation Corresponding to Data Drift in Automatic Circuit Design Using Genetic Algorithm EMT2024-22 MW2024-46 OPE2024-25 EST2024-23 MWPTHz2024-29 Yuta Takayama, Takuma Akada, Kazuhiro Fujimori (Okayama Univ.)
  10:50-11:05 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, Jul 11 PM 
11:05 - 12:20
11:05-11:30 Numerical Evaluation of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Due to Variation in Electrode Position EMT2024-23 MW2024-47 OPE2024-26 EST2024-24 MWPTHz2024-30 Taiga Inoue, Sachiko Kodera, Akimasa Hirata (NITech)
11:30-11:55 Optimal Coil Orientation in TMS Targeting the Primary Motor Cortex EMT2024-24 MW2024-48 OPE2024-27 EST2024-25 MWPTHz2024-31 Yosuke Nagata, Sachiko Kodera, Akimasa Hirata (NITech)
11:55-12:20 Development of Human Back Exposure System Using Patch Array Antenna EMT2024-25 MW2024-49 OPE2024-28 EST2024-26 MWPTHz2024-32 Shoma Kato, Sachiko Kodera, Akimasa Hirata (NITech)
  12:20-13:40 Break ( 80 min. )
Thu, Jul 11 PM 
13:40 - 15:20
13:40-14:05 Study of the health condition estimate system using sole information EMT2024-26 MW2024-50 OPE2024-29 EST2024-27 MWPTHz2024-33 Momona Kikuzawa, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ)
14:05-14:30 Design of Mach-Zehnder Type Optical Isolator Using Magnetic Photonic Crystal Fiber EMT2024-27 MW2024-51 OPE2024-30 EST2024-28 MWPTHz2024-34 Li Shengbo, Akito Iguchi, Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. Tech.), Zejun Zhang (Zhejiang Univ.)
14:30-14:55 Design of Optical Waveguide Devices Using Wide Angle Finite Element Beam Propagation Method Based on Transformation Optics EMT2024-28 MW2024-52 OPE2024-31 EST2024-29 MWPTHz2024-35 Chen Haonan, Taiki Matsuzaki, Akito Iguchi, Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. Tech.), Zejun Zhang (Zhejiang Univ.)
14:55-15:20 Theoretical Design of Quasi-Millimeter-Wave Dual-band Bandpass Filter using MPhC Resonators EMT2024-29 MW2024-53 OPE2024-32 EST2024-30 MWPTHz2024-36 Xilin Zhang, Chun-Ping Chen, Takaharu Hiraoka, Tetsuo Anada (Kanagawa Univ.)
  15:20-15:35 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, Jul 11 PM 
15:35 - 17:15
15:35-16:00 Efficient propagation analysis of optical waveguide using partition of unity finite element method with propagation operator EMT2024-30 MW2024-54 OPE2024-33 EST2024-31 MWPTHz2024-37 Taiki Matsuzaki, Akito Iguchi, Yasuhide Tsuji (Muroran Inst. Tech.)
16:00-16:25 Study on Extraction of High Performance Device with Simple Profile in Topology Optimization of Optical Waveguide Devices EMT2024-31 MW2024-55 OPE2024-34 EST2024-32 MWPTHz2024-38 Yoshitaka Uchida, Akito Iguchi, Yasuhide Tsuji (MuroranIT)
16:25-16:50 Research on Understanding the Interior of Structures the 3-D Using Elastic Wave FDTD Method EMT2024-32 MW2024-56 OPE2024-35 EST2024-33 MWPTHz2024-39 Takumu Ogawa, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu University Graduate School)
16:50-17:15 Study of wavelength resolution in sparse estimation of multispectral camera EMT2024-33 MW2024-57 OPE2024-36 EST2024-34 MWPTHz2024-40 Ginji Wakitani, Yasuo Ohtera (Toyama Pref. Univ.)
Fri, Jul 12 AM 
09:10 - 10:25
09:10-09:35 Analysis of the Effect of Snow on EBG Waveguides for Microwave Snow Melting to Prevent Electromagnetic Wave Leakage EMT2024-34 MW2024-58 OPE2024-37 EST2024-35 MWPTHz2024-41 Koyo Hatazawa, Tamami Maruyama, Takahiko Nakamura, Masashi Nakatsugawa (National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College), Tsunayuki Yamamoto (National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College), Manabu Omiya (Hokkaido University)
09:35-10:00 Experimental Evaluation of the Transmission Performance between a Circuit-Shape Slotted Waveguide and a λ/2 dipole antenna EMT2024-35 MW2024-59 OPE2024-38 EST2024-36 MWPTHz2024-42 Masashi Nakatsugawa (National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College), Yuga Sasaki (former National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College), Tamami Maruyama (National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College), Manabu Omiya (Hokkaido Univ.), Yasuhiro Tamayama (Nagaoka Univ. of Technology)
10:00-10:25 40 GHz-band 4-elemnt Vivaldi antenna array with Double-slit for integrated antenna module EMT2024-36 MW2024-60 OPE2024-39 EST2024-37 MWPTHz2024-43 Koki Furuuchi, Junhao Zhang, Tomoyuki Furuichi, Noriharu Suematsu (Tohoku Univ.)
  10:25-10:40 Break ( 15 min. )
Fri, Jul 12 PM 
10:40 - 12:20
10:40-11:05 Two-Power-Level Impedance Match for Asymmetric Outphasing Amplifier EMT2024-37 MW2024-61 OPE2024-40 EST2024-38 MWPTHz2024-44 Takashi Maehata, Shuichi Nishimura, Takashi Sumiyoshi (SEI)
11:05-11:30 Interference Canceler Circuit Configuration for Rx Caused by Tx Power Amplifier using Vector Modulator EMT2024-38 MW2024-62 OPE2024-41 EST2024-39 MWPTHz2024-45 Yuki Takagi, Yoshichika Ohta (SB)
11:30-11:55 A 150 GHz CMOS Compact Vector Sum Phaseshifter EMT2024-39 MW2024-63 OPE2024-42 EST2024-40 MWPTHz2024-46 Shun Beppu, Kyoya Takano (TUS)
11:55-12:20 Design and Prototyping of Microwave Ultrawideband Rectifier with 162.7% Fractional Bandwidth EMT2024-40 MW2024-64 OPE2024-43 EST2024-41 MWPTHz2024-47 Takehiro Yamaki, Kodai Nakao, Satoshi Yoshida (Ryukoku Univ.)
  12:20-13:20 Break ( 60 min. )
Fri, Jul 12 PM 
13:20 - 14:35
13:20-13:45 Wireless Signal Detection Experiment Using Antenna-Coupled Electrode Electro-Optic Phase Modulator and Optical Fiber Dispersion Effect EMT2024-41 MW2024-65 OPE2024-44 EST2024-42 MWPTHz2024-48 Yamato Fujikata, Naoki Ueda, Yui Otagaki, Hiroshi Murata (Mie Univ.)
13:45-14:10 Statistical Analysis of Radar Cross Section of Reference Samples for Security Inspection Radar Systems EMT2024-42 MW2024-66 OPE2024-45 EST2024-43 MWPTHz2024-49 Naruto Yonemoto, Akiko Kohmura, Shunichi Futatsumori, Kazuyuki Morioka, Yoshio Makita (ENRI)
14:10-14:35 Measurement of additional loss due to overhead power transmission lines in the 100 GHz band propagation path
-- Toward utilization of terahertz radio in the area of electric power facilities --
EMT2024-43 MW2024-67 OPE2024-46 EST2024-44 MWPTHz2024-50
Kensuke Ikeda, Michifumi Miyashita, Shun Morimura, Akihiro Tanaka (CRIEPI)
  14:35-14:50 Break ( 15 min. )
Fri, Jul 12 PM 
14:50 - 16:30
14:50-15:15 Ray Tracing for Combined Optical System of Lens and Diffractive Optical Element Using Vector Electromagnetic Scattering Matrix EMT2024-44 MW2024-68 OPE2024-47 EST2024-45 MWPTHz2024-51 Kaisei Takahashi, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Koichi Hirayama, Takashi Yasui (Kitami Inst. Tech.)
15:15-15:40 Optimal Design of Optical Linear Discriminant Filters for Accurate Pattern Classification EMT2024-45 MW2024-69 OPE2024-48 EST2024-46 MWPTHz2024-52 Yukihiro Noto, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Koichi Hirayama, Takashi Yasui (Kitami Inst. Tech.)
15:40-16:05 A Study on Convergence Acceleration in Transient Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis Based on the Fast Inverse Laplace Transform EMT2024-46 MW2024-70 OPE2024-49 EST2024-47 MWPTHz2024-53 Koki Watanabe (Fukuoka Inst. Technol.)
16:05-16:30 FDTD Analysis with dispersive material modeling of millimeter wave propagation in magnetized plasma EMT2024-47 MW2024-71 OPE2024-50 EST2024-48 MWPTHz2024-54 Hideki Kawaguchi (Muroran IT), Chenxu Wang, Hiroaki Nakamura (NIFS)
Fri, Jul 12 AM 
09:40 - 11:20
09:40-10:05 Transient Analyses of Nonuniform Transmission Lines EMT2024-48 MW2024-72 OPE2024-51 EST2024-49 MWPTHz2024-55 Yuki Matsui, Taiki Arakawa, Shinichi Furukawa (Nihon Univ.)
(44) 10:05-10:30  
10:30-10:55 On the Multi-Band Operation of 7.1/8.5/20/30-GHz Spline-Taper Horn Antenna with Coaxial-Groove Walls EMT2024-49 MW2024-73 OPE2024-52 EST2024-50 MWPTHz2024-56 Hideyuki Nanno, Hiroki Nishida, Masataka Ohira, Hiroyuki Deguchi (Doshisha Univ.)
10:55-11:20 Multimode Transmission Equation using Line-Integral Formulation for Taper Waveguide with Straight Axis EMT2024-50 MW2024-74 OPE2024-53 EST2024-51 MWPTHz2024-57 Hiroyuki Deguchi, Masataka Ohira (Doshisha Univ.)
  11:20-12:40 Break ( 80 min. )
Fri, Jul 12 PM 
12:40 - 14:20
12:40-13:05 Analysis of scattering characteristics of a finite-sized electromagnetic scattering sheet using the surface impedance method EMT2024-51 MW2024-75 OPE2024-54 EST2024-52 MWPTHz2024-58 Chakarothai Jerdvisanop (NICT), Jun Shibayama (Hosei Univ.), Yukihisa Suzuki (TMU), Katsumi Fujii (NICT)
13:05-13:30 Spectroscopic Light Sensitivity of Silicon Wire Photodiode with Metallic Diffraction Grating EMT2024-52 MW2024-76 OPE2024-55 EST2024-53 MWPTHz2024-59 Hiroaki Satoh, Tetsuya Kawakami (Shizuoka Univ.)
13:30-13:55 Autofocusing Method for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging for Multiple Target with Respiratory Motion EMT2024-53 MW2024-77 OPE2024-56 EST2024-54 MWPTHz2024-60 Masaya Kato, Kimitaka Sumi, Takuya Sakamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
13:55-14:20 Individual Identification Using Millimeter-Wave Radar Based on Respiratory Features EMT2024-54 MW2024-78 OPE2024-57 EST2024-55 MWPTHz2024-61 Haruto Kobayashi (Kyoto Univ.), Yuji Tanaka (NITech), Takuya Sakamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
  14:20-14:35 Break ( 15 min. )
Fri, Jul 12 PM 
14:35 - 16:15
14:35-15:00 Data Fusion of Multiple Array Radar Systems Located at Arbitrary Locations with Arbitrary Angles Using Physiological Signals EMT2024-55 MW2024-79 OPE2024-58 EST2024-56 MWPTHz2024-62 Yu Oshima, Takuya Sakamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
15:00-15:25 Accurate Radar-Based Detection of Sleep Apnea Using Overlapping Time-Interval Averaging EMT2024-56 MW2024-80 OPE2024-59 EST2024-57 MWPTHz2024-63 Kodai Hasegawa (Kyoto Univ.), Yuji Tanaka (NITech), Shigeaki Okumura, Hirofumi Taki (MaRI), Hironobu Sunadome, Satoshi Hamada, Susumu Sato (Kyoto Univ.), Kazuo Chin (Nihon Univ.), Takuya Sakamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
15:25-15:50 Accurate Measurement of Heartbeat by Selecting Radar Echoes Based on Spectral Features EMT2024-57 MW2024-81 OPE2024-60 EST2024-58 MWPTHz2024-64 Nobukazu Konishi, Itsuki Iwata (Kyoto Univ.), Yuji Tanaka (NITech), Takuya Sakamoto (Kyoto Univ.)
15:50-16:15 A Study on Weighting of Amplitude and Phase of Respiratory Displacement in Body Orientation Estimation with Millimeter Wave Radar EMT2024-58 MW2024-82 OPE2024-61 EST2024-59 MWPTHz2024-65 Yuji Tanaka (NITech), Wenxu Sun, Takuya Sakamoto (Kyoto Univ.), Akimasa Hirata (NITech)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
MW Technical Committee on Microwaves (MW)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Ryo Ishikawa (UEC)
E--mail: ric
Shohei Imai (Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd)
E--mail: siiig 
EMT Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Theory (EMT)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Ryosuke Ozaki(Nihon Univ.), Jun-ichiro Sugizaka(Kitami Institute Univ.)
E--mail: emt-cry 
OPE Technical Committee on OptoElectronics (OPE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Takshi Fujisawa (Hosei Univ.)

Hideyuki Nasu (Furukawa Electric)
EST Technical Committee on Electronics Simulation Technology (EST)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Keiji SAKAKI (Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc.)
MWPTHz Technical Committee on Microwave Photonics and Terahertz Photonic-Electronic Technologies (MWPTHz)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Secretariat of Technical Committee of MWPTHz
Email: mwpthz-nn
Secretary: Yuya Yamaguchi and Issei Watanabe 
IEE-EMT Technical Meeting on Electromagnetic Theory (IEE-EMT)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  

Last modified: 2024-07-24 14:54:03

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